Chapter 26

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As Sean, Solar, Maggie and Elliot go to the horse stables, Lukas grabs Jesse and makes her look at him, "Are you really ready to go back there? To the night kingdom, I mean?"
"Lukas, we don't have a choice." Jesse looks at her husband.
"I know we don't but I have to know. Are you really ready?"
Lukas hugs Jesse tightly as she says, "...No..."
"How um... How did you know his name?" Lukas asks as he holds Jesse's hand and walks down to their family.
"My grandma... She told me, before she died... That a man came looking for my family and needed directions and he told her his name. She heard we were dead and put two and two together and... yeah." Jesse says before looking at the horses in the stables. She notices her night terror is missing but she just dismisses it. "No horses. They make to much noise." Lukas and Jesse picks up their children before looking at Sean and Solar. Solar nods and her husband leans on her then they all start walking toward the night kingdom.

Lukas and Jesse stop when they hear Herobrine's voice. Everyone hides, almost everyone. Lukas and Maggie are behind one tree while Sean and Solar are hiding behind another. Out of options, Jesse dives behind a building and holds her son. She could hear the voices getting closer. After a second, the voice is right next to her and she can feel her heart racing in her chest. She puts a hand over her sons mouth so he doesn't say a word.
"Herobrine, sir?" Erik runs up to Herobrine who is just inches away from Jesse but, because of the dark, he can not see her.
"What." Herobrine growls.
"I know you want to imprison everyone else and some people managed to escape the kingdom. A group of girls named Shira, Clementine, Jadie, Petra, Maya and Olivia. There was also three boys; Axel, Aiden and Gil..." Erik sighs, remembering he
used to be best friends with some of them, "But what are you gonna do once we catch Jesse and her family?"
"...We imprison them, just like everyone else, but if you'd like. You can have Jesse for yourself, since you've been so good and obeying me." Herobrine smirks.
"Thank you sir." Erik smiles then his smile turns evil, "We captured a fair amount of people already. I'll make contact so that our friend makes sure we have some cells open." Erik turns around before running off and turning into black smoke.

Herobrine stands right next to Jesse and Elliot. Jesse could feel the heat actually radiating off the tall mans body. Jesse tries to move but she was to afraid that she would end up hurting someone. That fear slowly went away, however, when Herobrine just walked away. It seems that he had not seen her or felt her presence, and IF he had, he had decided it was not the right time to attack. Jesse slides down the building and holds her son. He could hear her heart racing. "Mommy..?" Lukas and the others run over and Jesse lets out a shaky sigh before looking at them. "L...Lets go." She slowly stands. "Jesse, are you alright?" Sean asks. Jesse nods and Sean sighs, "You don't have to be..." He says with a weak voice. "Lets just say... I know their friend... I might anyways." They all look at each other before heading toward the night kingdom, carefully and sneakily.

"Mama!" Elliot reaches out to his mother's face with his tiny hands while she walks into the castle library. Lukas was busy teaching Maggie to walk and Jesse wanted to just spend time with her son. "Would you like me to read to you?" Jesse smiles before sitting her son down on a dark oak table. Elliot looks at her and tilts his head. "How about we read your favorite book; The kingdom and the knight." Elliot sucks on his thumb. Ever since Maggie and Elliot were born, they have basically loved this book. Maggie loved the adventure while Elliot had just loved the story. Jesse picks up her son before sitting on the ground. She puts her son on her lap and opens the book. "Chapter 1, There once was a knight who was very afraid of the outside world. He had always wanted to just live in peace and harmony. The tiniest of things had scared him; sometimes even his own shadow scared him. One day, the knight was in his room, looking out his window and looking at the castle he had to guard. He turns his head and looks at his armor. He was not ready to conquer and fight the evil. The knight looks out his window before spotting the princess. She was looking at the sky from her bedroom. The knight lets out a sigh as she went back to her room. As he began to stand, a bl—" Jesse gets cut off by Elliot when he grabs her hand. She had been dragging her finger along the page so he could 'read' as well. Elliot giggles and looks at the words, "a bwue biwd went to his finn-ger and wet out a swoft tweet!" Elliot giggles and Jesse holds her son, "Good job!" She giggles before kissing his cheek. She was proud of him, because he should not be old enough to read yet, given he is barely nine months old, and somehow he managed to do it. He smiles brightly. "I love you, Elliot." Elliot smiles more, "I wub you mama."

Jesse looks at her son as he sleeps in her arms then she looks into the distance. She could see the night kingdom more clearly now. "...Lets do this..." She mutters.

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