Chapter 27

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Jesse rubs her arms as the cold air blows against her skin. She could feel goose bumps on her arms as her and her family were getting closer to her old home. Lukas grabs onto Jesse's hand and looks at her, "Are you okay?" He asks as he squeezes her hand. "..." Jesse slowly nods. "You don't have to be. I know how hard it is for you to come back here." Jesse looks down as her husband says that. Lukas softly kisses his wife's temple and she looks up at him, "...I love you." She says with a small smile on her face. That smile slowly fades away, though, as they get closer to the night kingdom. Lukas squeezes Jesse's hand and Jesse lets out a sigh. She looks at Sean and Solar. They are holding the kids, who are out cold.

When the all enter the night kingdom, Jesse stopped moving. Lukas, Sean and Solar look back and her and Jesse starts to breathe really hard. Lukas looks at his parents, "Mom? Dad? You guys go on ahead. We'll meet you inside, okay?" Solar looks at Sean who is getting weaker by the minute then she looks at Lukas and nods, "If you guys get a look around, could you see if you can find medicine?" Lukas nods then watches his parents stumble into the castle with the kids. He turns around and looks at Jesse who has tears in her eyes. He hugs her tightly, "Hey... It's okay. You're safe Jesse." "...I'm really scared Lukas... not for myself but for our family. If I lose you guys... I won't be able to go on." Lukas grabs Jesse's face and looks at her. "Jessica Rose Carter. You are not going to lose us. I promise." Jesse nods before slowly walking inside. Lukas watches her before sighing and slowly following behind her. As Jesse walks inside, she slowly starts to get old memories. Tears roll down her cheeks as she walks up a set of stairs.

"Tag! You it daddy!" Little Jesse says as she runs down the flight of stairs, away from her parents. Jesse turns her head and looks toward the direction the younger her ran. She see's Lukas and he smiles and waves. Jesse bites her lip before walking further up the stairs. She stops when she reaches the top step. "There once was a little princess who had a happy family. They did everything together and they loved playing games."  Jesse's father, Derek, had said to his wife and daughter. Jesse looks over and sees Jesse and her mom snuggled up and listening to Derek. "Mommy! Mommy! I learned magic!" Little Jesse yells as she runs to her moms room. "...Mommy...?" Little Jesse slowly opens her moms door and lets out a horrified scream. Jesse looks at her moms old bedroom door and she sees that it is open. She takes a deep breathe before walking over to the room. As Jesse walks in, a cold breeze blows against her skin, causing her to shiver. The whole room was dead quiet and there wasn't much in the room besides a bed and a photo album. Jesse sighs and sits on the bed. She opens the photo album and looks through it. Every photo was gone... Almost every photo. Jesse slowly pulls the picture out and sees a picture of her entire family; before her father died. She sighs and stuffs the photo into her pocket before throwing the book to the ground. Her face is soaked from her tears and her heart is aching from all the pain she feels. Lukas leans against the door frame and looks at Jesse, "Jesse c'mere." He says. Jesse looks at him before nodding slowly. She slowly stands up and walks over to her husband. Lukas wipes her tears before grabbing her waist and pulling her close. Her presses his lips against hers. Jesse freezes up then she slowly closes her eyes and puts her hands in his hair. They kiss for a few moments before pulling away for air, "I love you, Jesse." Lukas pants and he smiles and Jesse responds, "I love you too, Lukas..."

After getting some supplies they found, both Lukas and Jesse head back to their family, they see that everyone is out cold. Jesse smiles a little before grabbing the blanket over her shoulder and covering her kids. Maggie and Elliot both smile in their sleep as they cuddle together. Jesse lays down stares at the ceiling. Lukas puts a bottle of pills they found, near Sean and Solar then he lays next to Jesse.
"Watcha thinking?"
"I don't wanna end up like Luna..." Jesse lays on her side and she stares into Lukas' blue eyes.
"Jesse, you won't."
"..." Jesse looks away and sighs then Lukas grabs her face.
"Jesse?" He says.
"Yes?" She looks at him.
"You are the love of my life and I will always support you, okay?" He smiles a little.
"I know, Lukas." Jesse pecks her husbands lips.
"Good." He says before kissing her head. He yawns a little, "Goodnight, my love." He says before closing his eyes.
"Goodnight, Lukas" She cuddles him before falling asleep.

"Oh Jesse... you poor naive little girl. You will soon see that I have the upper hand. And I will win. I always do, I promise. You can give up now or let your family suffer. Its your choice. Just remember, if anyone dies, its on you." A deep voice says and Jesse stirs in her sleep. "N-No! You're lying! It would be your fault! Not mine!" Jesse yells into the darkness around her. A pair of white eyes stare into Jesse's soul then Jesse feels something grab her throat. "Good Luck, Jesse."

Jesse instantly sits up and coughs. The sun is shining on her and the surrounding area. Jesse puts her hands on her throat and pants softly. "That... felt way to real." She says then she stands up and realizes that Lukas and everyone else is gone. 

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