Chapter 28

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Jesse looks around for her family before hearing laughing coming from another room. 'At least they are enjoying themselves.' She thinks and walks to a door she slowly opens the door and sees Solar taking care of sean while Lukas is watching the kids run around the room. She smiles a little and leans against the door frame. "Tag, you're it!" Maggie giggles before running. "Hey! No fair!" Elliot turns around and starts to chase his sister then he sees Jesse, "Mommy!" He smiles and runs over before hugging his mothers legs. Maggie looks at Jesse and smiles, "Mom!" She runs over and hugs Jesse's legs as well. Jesse laughs and looks at her kids, "Hi you two." She kneels down and hugs her children then they pull away. Lukas looks at Jesse and walks over to her, "Hey love. How did you sleep?" He asks and grabs her hand, "Well... about as well that can be expected, y'know. Considering..." Jesse looks at her husband and notices he is wearing a dark purple and white shirt with freshly washed, baby blue jeans. "I woke up early and washed some of your clothes. I put it with out stuff." He says before kissing Jesse on the lips. Jesse kisses back and Elliot looks at them, "Eww!" He covers his eyes and Maggie looks at her parents, "Awww!" Jesse and Lukas pull away and look at their kids before laughing. Solar stands up, "Lukas, I need you to watch your father. I need to talk to Jesse." She says and Lukas nods, "Okay mom. Maggie? Elliot? Stay in here, please." He says before walking to his dad and helping him up.

Jesse and Solar walk over to their things and Jesse sits down. "Jesse, I wanted to talk to you because... well... I need to ask, why do you think Herobrine is targeting you, in particular?" Jesse looks down where her mother-in-law says that. Jesse then looks up at her and says, "I wish I knew. I really do." Jesse sits down and picks up the outfit Lukas had washed up and folded; a pair of overalls, a red and white shirt, socks, undergarments and a pair of brown shoes. Jesse looks at the outfit before standing up and taking off her shirt. Solar turns around and sighs, "I just want our family to be safe." "Me too... and I intend on keeping this family safe. Even if I have to put my own life on the line." Jesse puts on the blue overalls. "You're a brave girl Jessica. I'm gonna get back to Sean, Lukas and the kids." Solar says before walking out.

As Jesse puts a golden clip into her hair, she notices Lukas' bag is open. She walks over to his bag and sees a bunch of clothes and some food but thats about it she picks up a water bottle from his bag before seeing a photo fall to the ground. She slowly crouched down and bends over, allowing her hair to fall over her shoulder and she picks up the paper. When she looks at her, she could only say or thing one thing and that was, "What the hell?" She stares at the photo and analyzes it. Its a picture of a brunette boy, a blonde girl with blue eyes and Lukas smiling and looking at the camera. Jesse stands up before walking out to everyone else. Lukas looks at Jesse and smalls before walking over to her. He plants a kiss on her forehead.
"Hi love." He smiles.
"..." Jesse bites her lip a little.
"What?" Lukas looks at her.
"We need to talk." Jesse looks up at her husband.
"About?" He looks at her.
"..." Jesse holds up the photo and Lukas' face goes pale.
"..." Lukas looks at Jesse then Solar walks over but as soon as she sees the picture, she backs up.
"Care to explain the photo?" Jesse asks and Lukas slowly takes the photo from his wife.
"...Lets just say, you weren't the only one to keep secrets, Jesse." Lukas sighs.

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