Chapter 3

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After a long birth, Jesse had finally stopped screaming. The doctor had left and Olivia is getting supplies for the children's rooms and for Jesse. Lukas is holding a small bundle of joy and so is Jesse. Lukas sits next to Jesse and smiles. "Wow... I can't believe we had twins. One boy and one girl, Jesse!" Jesse holds her son while Lukas holds the daughter. "They are perfect..." Jesse kisses her sons head then looks at Lukas, "what should we call them?" She smiles slightly. "I wanna name one after an old friend of mine; Ellegaard. She was one of my favorite aunts until she had to move kingdoms to marry some guy whose name started with an M or something." Lukas looks down at Jesse who is kinda weak. "Hmm... Ellegaard. Elle... Elliot." Jesse looks at her son, "Little Elliot." She beams. They both look at the girl, "I wanna name her after an old friend. Magnus..." Jesse bites her lip, "How about Maggie?" Lukas smiles. Jesse nods and smiles widely. "...Maggie and Elliot... the two perfect little angels..." She says weakly. After a minute, Jesse starts to shut her eyes from exhaustion. Lukas holds both Maggie and Elliot before leaning over and kissing her head, "Sleep well, my little star." He says then he goes to the room that was designed for one kid. He puts Elliot in the cradle, and looks down at Maggie. Maggie sleeps peacefully in her fathers arms then Olivia walks in, "Lukas?" She looks at him. "Huh?" Lukas turns his head, "Yes Olivia?" Lukas smiles. "Your parents are home. "Thanks for telling me, Olivia... And thanks for getting that doctor." He smiles and Olivia nods. "No problem. Now, you go talk to your parents. I'll watch over the babies." She smiles and grabs Maggie. "Maggie and Elliot." He says before walking out the door. Olivia smiles, "Those are nice names..." She whispers.

As Lukas goes to talk to his parents, Jesse lays asleep in her bed. She is crying in her sleep and muttering something as well, though it is hard to hear her, even when it is quiet.

"Hello?" Jesse looks around and there is nothing but endless blackness.
"Jesse!" A familiar voices, says; her husbands voice.
"Lukas!" Jesse turns her head to see her husband. She runs over and tries to hug him.
"How could you, Jesse." Lukas says while holding the twins.
"How could I? How could I do what?" Jesse asks. Lukas stares at her with cold dead eye.
"How could you get us killed. I thought you loved us." Jesse reaches out to Lukas and the twins and as soon as she does, they turn into black smoke.

Jesse cries in her sleep and hugs a pillow while Lukas goes over to his parents. "Mom! Dad!" He says before hugging his parents. Sean and Solar look down at him. "Um... Hi Lukas. Why are you up so early?" Solar asks. "Its a long story." Lukas rubs his neck. Before he can explain what happened, Sean says, "We really need to talk to you. The other kingdoms are warning us because there is a mag—" Sean gets cut off by Lukas, "Dad, Mom. Jesse gave birth."

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