Chapter 4

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Five short years pass by. The time had been great while it lasted and the young couple had loved watching their children grow, learn magic and much more. One morning, Lukas slowly sneaks back into bed with Jesse. He had just risen the sun. He closes his eyes and rests his head between Jesse's shoulder and head. Jesse gets out a soft breathe as he holds onto her and the sun shines through their window and down on them. Lukas smiles slightly and after a while he just couldn't go back to sleep. He slowly sits up and looks at Jesse. He smiles and moves some black hair out of her face then he kisses her temple. "I love you..." He whispers. He turns and starts to go to the dresser but Jesse grabs his arm, "nooo..." She yawns and he looks down at her. "Go back to sleep." Lukas smiles and Jesse frowns, "Come back... You were so warm..." The blonde looks down at her before laughing and getting back in bed with her. He lays on his back and Jesse gets on top of him. Lukas looks up at her and his face starts turning red, "What are you doing?" He asks and Jesse runs her hand along his chest and stomach. "So strong." Jesse giggles and Lukas starts turning pure red. "J-Jesse. Is there something your not telling me? Do you want another baby or something?" He asks and Jesse laughs, "I just want you warm!" She snuggles against him and Lukas squints his eyes at her, "...tease..." He whispers.

After a minute, Jesse lays on her back and her head is resting on Lukas' chest, "Hey, Lukas?" She looks up at him, "yeah?" "Would you want a third kid?" She looks up at him. Lukas goes to say something but before he can, the door opens and they both look at it. They see a purple tiny magic unicorn and a yellow magic dragon walk in and run around. Jesse giggles, "The kids are definitely getting better at there magic." She sits up. Lukas watches the magical figures before saying, "Yeah but do they have to do it so early in the morning?" The little magic figures disappear. They both look at each other before laying back down on their bed. Two tiny figures walk in. A little boy and a little girl. The little boy has on a gray shirt and it has enderman eyes, short blue shorts and no shoes. His black hair is a curly mess and his blonde hair is curled right in front of his eyes making hard to see. The little girl is in a short, dark blue overall dress with a black undershirt, red ribbons in her hair and no shoes. Her hair is all frizzy but also tied into pigtails. Her bings are all messy but the black streak in her hair is all twirly. They both look at each other before Maggie grins.

Maggie smiles at her parents for a minute before giggling and running over to their bed and climbing on top of it. "Mommy! Daddy!" She squealed before jumping on the bed, inviting her brother to join in on the fun with a wave of her hand. Elliot gives his sister a blank stare before looking down at his feet. Elliot was never hyper compared to Maggie. He was either always in his room, playing with toys, or curled up with his parents as they read him stories, which he loves. Maggie, however, was a very rambunctious and energetic child. She is always the first one up in the morning and read to start the day, and most of the time, it irritates Lukas. "Now kids. Your mother and I were talki—" The blonde gets interrupted when Maggie jumps down and lands right on his chest, knocking the air out of him. "OOF!" Lukas coughs and gasps for air as his daughter basically crushes his ribcage. "Oh Maggie! D-Don't fall o-on your f-father!!!" Jesse was trying not to laugh, and eventually her fave turns red from holding it in. She looks at Lukas and he is giving her a death glare as he tries to breathe and that glare only made Jesse wanna laugh more. Maggie gets off of her father but her knees dig into into his crotch. "ACK!" Lukas sits straight up and covers his crotch, protecting it. Right then, Jesse lost it. She starts bursting into laughter and her laughing gets so bad that she couldn't breathe. Everyone looks at Jesse. Maggie and Elliot look confused while Lukas is giving her a death glare. After a minute, Jesse breathes then picks up Maggie, "You two. Go get ready for breakfast with your grandparents." She giggles. When they run out, Jesse turns and looks at Lukas, "You okay?" She gasps and Lukas smirks, "You are gonna pay." He grabs her and pins her on the bed. Jesse starts to turn red as he locks lips with her. After a second, she kisses back then he pulls away. "Was that my punishment?" She asks and he smirks, "Nope~" He puts his hands on her side and under her shirt. "L-Lukas?~" She looks into his blue eyes then he starts tickling her. "AH!! NO!" Jesse start laughing super hard as Lukas punishes her by tickling her.

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