Chapter 31

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After a while of walking, Elliot looks up at his mother and so does Maggie. They look at her and observe her. Her hair had gone back to normal and she looks tired and pale. "Mommy, we are tired..." Maggie yawns and Jesse sighs. "I know, sweetie... Herobrine, how much longer?" Jesse asks. Her voice is weary and weak. "A few hours. Why?" Herobrine looks at the group and growls. "We are all exhausted and hungry. And one of us is sick... Can't we take a small break?" Jesse looks into his pure white eyes. Herobrine puts Lukas on the ground before walking over and slapping Jesse across the face. He had slapped her so hard that she had fallen over. Jesse shuts her eyes as she hits the floor. She could feel her cheek stinging. "Hey! Leave mommy alone!" Elliot says before getting in front of his mother. "Move out of they way kid." Herobrine growls. Jesse opens her eyes and looks at Elliot. Her left cheek is completely red. "Elliot, do what he says.." Elliot looks at his mom then nods. He moves and Herobrine crouches down. "Ask me for a break again and I'll do worse. Now get up and get moving." Herobrine growls. Jesse slowly gets up and everyone starts walking again.

Lukas slowly opens his eyes. He felt his hands bound together and her also felt a pair of strong arms carrying him. "Ow..." Lukas coughs and Herobrine instantly drops him. Lukas lets out a groan of pain and everyone says nothing. Jesse runs over to her husband and kneels down. He looks at her. "Are you okay..?" Jesse whispers and Lukas nods, "Where are we...?" Lukas asks. "On our way to some place... I think a prison or something." Jesse helps Lukas up the best she can. "Did he do anything to you or the family?" Lukas asks. Jesse bites her lip as Lukas looks at the red mark on her pale face. "..." He lifts up his hands and touches the red mark then turns his head and glares at Herobrine. Maggie lets out a yawn before falling over from tiredness. "Get up and move it." Herobrine looks at the little girl. "..." Maggie rubs her eyes and yawns.

"I said move it you little brat!" Herobrine grabs onto Maggies arm and starts to pull on it.
"Hey! Don't touch my child!" Lukas snaps before grabbing his daughter with his bound up hands.
"Who said you give ME orders, blondie." Herobrine turns and stares into Lukas' soul.
"...Herobrine, don't you dare touch my children again." Jesse growls and she steps in front of Lukas, Elliot and Maggie.
"Or what?" Herobrine gets really close to Jesse.
"Don't. Touch. My. Family." Herobrine looks at Jesse will spite and he obviously has thoughts of malice.
"Fine." Herobrine smirks before punching Jesse right in her solar plexus. Jesse gasps and falls to her knees and coughs, hard. She gasps for air as she coughs.
"Hey!" Lukas growls and tries to run to his wife's side.
"Everyone. In. Now!" Herobrine growls and everyone gets inside.

Jesse coughs before slowly looking up. Everyone stands in front of Jesse as she rubs her stomach. She slowly rises up from her knees and looks at everyone. A man in a cloak walks over to the group, and stands next to Herobrine. He takes off his hood and starts making commands but when no one listens, he yells. "Will you all just stand single file and listen to me?!" A deep voice says. Everyone gets into a single file line except for Jesse. A tall man with slightly curly brown hair, pale skin and green eyes walks over to the black haired woman. She looks at him and sees a scar over his left eye. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Jesse tilts her head and looks at the man then she backs up. "Oh my god..." She covers her mouth and the man looks at her. "Jesse, do you know this man?" Lukas asks. Jesse looks at her husband. "Know him? Of course I know him! He's my twin brother!" Jesse says before freezing up and covering her mouth again. She had never told anyone she had a twin. Everyone looks at Jesse, shocked. Jesse takes a deep breathe, "Everyone, this is my twin brother... Jay."

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