Chapter 32

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Jesse walks over to a slightly open door and listens in to whats happening. She can hear her mother sobbing, and her father is talking to a man.
"Herobrine, please! This is our only son. We will do anything, but please don't take him away." Derek tears up.
"Would you rather I took your daughter and raised her as my own?" Herobrine asks while holding a sleeping toddler.
"No! I won't let you take Jesse!" Luna sobs and Derek hugs her.
"Then I will be taking Jay and raise him as my own. If you try to get him back, I will find you and kill you all." Herobrine growls.

After a moment, Herobrine turns to leave and Jesse opens the door. She walks in, wearing her starry patterned pajamas, and she rubs her eyes. "Mommy..?" Jesse yawns and Luna runs over and hugs her daughter close. Derek looks over at Herobrine then at Luna and Jesse. "I'm never letting anyone hurt you, sweetheart..." Luna kisses her daughters head then she picks up the small toddler. Jesse holds onto her mother before looking at the cloaked man, whom she does not know. The man turns and looks at her with his pure white eyes. He smirks before teleporting away, with Jesse's twin brother. "Mommy?" Jesse looks at Luna as she gets carried back to her room. Derek sighs and goes back to his and Luna's room so they can talk.

Jesse lays in her bed and Luna wipes her tears. "I love you Jesse..." She says before looking at her small daughter. Jesse looks at her mother, "Sing?" Jesse smiles, widely. "Of course." Luna smiles before going to a window and opening it, letting the moonlight shine down on Jesse. She sits on the toddlers bed and hums then she softly sings a short lullaby, "I see the moon, the moon sees me, shining through the leaves of the old oak tree. Oh, let the light that shines on me shine on the one I love." Luna puts a hand on her daughters small hand, "Over the mountain, over the sea, back where my heart is longing to be. Oh, let the light that shines on me shine on the one I love. I hear the lark, the lark hears me, singing from the leaves of the old oak tree. Oh, let the lark that sings to me sing to the one I love. Over the mountains, over the sea, back where my heart is longing to be. Oh, let the lark that sings to me sing to the one I love." Jesse yawns and looks at her mother. Luna smiles, "Goodnight, my love." She kisses Jesse's forehead and walks out. After a few minutes, Jesse can hear sobbing in her parents room. Jesse lays on her side and tries to hum to tune of the song to herself.

Jesse and her family stand still, as Herobrine and Jay find their cells. Jesse looks over at Lukas and sees that he is staring at her. She quickly looks down, "Jesse, why didn't you tell me you had a brother... a twin?" He asks with a calm voice. It was obvious he was not mad. "I... I tried to but then we broke into the fight and I figured you would be... be really mad at me..." Jesse feels tears roll down her cheeks as she says this. Lukas grabs Jesse's bound hands and holds them in his bound hands. "Jesse, I would not be mad. I would have been happy that we had more people in our family. I might have been surprised bit I wouldn't be mad. Why didn't you tell me?" Jesse takes a deep breathe. "I was afraid you'd stop trusting me..." Jesse looks down at her feet. "Jesse?" Lukas looks at his wife. Jesse slowly looks up at Lukas, "He was taken away from me, Luna and daddy a few weeks before... it happened and I never thought I would see him again... I thought he was missing, or didn't want to remember me or he was... dead..." Jesse sniffs and Lukas hugs his crying wife. "Shhh... I'm here..." He whispers. "I love you..." Jesse whispers into his chest. "I love you too, Jesse... more than you will ever know..."

A few minutes go by and Jay comes back, "I have your cells. Now you guys better listen to me or you will regret it. Jay then looks at his sister then looks away. "Mr. and Mrs. Carter," Jay looks over at Solar and Sean, "You will be in this cell." He says before turning and opening up and cell door. Solar and Sean both close their eyes then they go to their cell. Jay looks at the blonde, "Mr. carter, you and your kids will be in this cell." Lukas looks at Jesse as Jay opens a cell door. Jesse looks at her husband and nods. Lukas sighs then him and the kids walk over to the cell. Jay closes and locks the cell door then he goes to his twin sister. "Ms. Anderson, you will b—" He starts to say but Jesse interrupts him, "Mrs. carter." "What?" Jay looks at Jesse, "My name is Jesse Carter; I am married to Lukas Carter that those kids are also my kids." Jesse looks into Jay's eyes. He rolls his eyes, "Whatever." He grabs her arm before leading her into the cell that is right next to Lukas' cell. He grabs his knife and cuts the rope that is tired around her wrists. "Look, I don't know how you know me. I doubt we are even related but you will respect and listen to me." Jay glares at Jesse. Jesse looks away, "Whatever." She says in the same, annoyed tone Jay had earlier, when he said the same thing. Jay turns and slams the cell door shut.

After Jay leaves, everything grows quiet and Jesse leans against the stone wall. "What the hell are we gonna do..." Jesse mutters to herself. She knew there was nothing that could be done, not right now at least. Jesse groans then kicks the cell door out of anger. The echo of her kicking the metal cell door goes on for a minute, breaking the silence then the echo stops. Jesse shuts her eyes before falling to her knees. "..." She lets her hair fall into her face then Jesse starts to cry. She had fought the urge since they left the night kingdom, but she just couldn't hold it in anymore. Jesse lets her hair block her face, then she covers her face, making her sobbing muffled.

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