Chapter 33

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"I-I'm so sorry..." Jesse sniffs and looks up and Sean and Solar.
Sean coughs and looks at Solar. Solar looks at Jesse, "You have nothing to be sorry for!" She exclaims.
Jesse coughs and wipes her wet cheeks, but more tears roll down her face, making them wet again, "This is all my fault...!" Jesse covers her face and whimpers.
"Jessica, this was not your fault. None of this was your fault! You were trying to save us." Solar says in a calming voice.
"..." Jesse sniffs and leans against a wall, "I failed at p-protecting us..." Jesse whispers.

Lukas leans against the opposite side of the same wall Jesse is leaning on. He lets out a sigh, "Jesse, you didn't fail at protecting us. You still are... Even when he was about to hurt me and the kids, you protected us. You didn't care what would happen to you! I could see it in your eyes." When Jesse says nothing, Lukas stands up and heads to the cell door before putting his hands on the bars. Elliot and Maggie look at him, "Dammit... Jesse, I know you think you failed protecting us. But you still are, you just don't know it because you are hurting. Everything is such a mess. Herobrine hurting us, changing our lives completely... You seeing your twin brother for the first time in over twenty years!" Jesse lets out a troubled sigh and Lukas rests his head on a cold metal bar, "I love you..." He says softly. Jesse closes her eyes, "I love you too..." After a minute, Herobrine walks in before opening Jesse's cell and letting a woman in. Jesse backs away from the door and looks at the woman. The woman looks at Jesse as the cell closes and says, "Jesse...? Is it really you?" Jesse crosses her arms after hearing the woman's voice. "I didn't expect to see you here, Luna." Luna looks at Jesse before putting her right hand on her daughters face, "You've changed... You're taller, prettier... still sassy." Luna says and Jesse takes a step back. "I grew up. I dunno if can tell but... Its been almost six years since we last met." Jesse glares at her mother and crosses her arms. "Six years...? That can't be right! It couldn't have been six years." Luna looks into her daughter eyes and Jesse looks away. "Yes, Luna. Six years. You wanna know what happened in those six years? I almost died, got brought back to life, got married, had kids, almost tore my family apart and got captured! And now? I'm stuck here with you." Jesse says, with a hate filled tone. "What do you mean you almost died?" Luna questions. "I almost died because of you!" Jesse snaps and Luna backs up a little. Jesse looks at Luna before letting out an annoyed sigh, "Just... Leave me alone..." Jesse slowly turns and starts to walk to a corner of her cell when Luna touches Jesse's shoulder.

A) "I said leave me alone!"
B) Push Luna away
C) "...What do you want."

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