Chapter 34

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Jesse stiffens up as Luna touches her shoulder, then she sighs and mutters "...What do you want." Everyone could tell she was trying to ask nicely but her voice gave off a hate filled expression. Luna sighs, "I want to know everything Jesse. I want to know about my daughter, her life! How she ended up... here." Luna tries to touch her daughters face and Jesse looks away, "How can you say that after all those years of torture that you put me through?!" She yells and Luna backs up. Jesse could feel the tears welling up in her eyes and she heads back to the corner. Luna gets out a shaky sigh, "Jesse..." Lunas covers her face before closing her eyes and thinking, "..." She opens her eyes and starts playing with a necklace she is wearing; The necklace is a blood red ruby with a golden chain. She holds the necklace and thinks carefully about what she will say next, "...I know I have no excuse for the way I treated you." Luna lets out a sadden sigh and tightens her grip around the ruby. "There's just... There's nothing more I can say, other than I'm sorry, for everything... I'm so sorry..!" Luna starts to tear up and soon her face becomes wet with tears. She covers her face while holding onto the ruby. Jesse looks down at the dirty cobblestone floor as she hears Luna's muffled sobs. She wanted to hug Luna but... she couldn't. Not after everything that had happened. Not after what Luna did to her. Jesse rests her head against the stone brick wall and shuts her eyes, leaving Luna to cry in silence. Luna cried for a good ten minutes then... everything went completely silent.

Hours go by, and sun is slowly rising, letting the bright light shine down onto the black haired woman. Solar lowers her hand once the sun reaches the horizon andJesse sits on the cobblestone floor, longing to be in her husbands arms... longing to be with her children and her family. Even though their cells are so close, they feel so far from each other. Jesse braids a single section on her hair and sadly sighs, "Lukas..?" She whispers, hoping to not wake up her kids or anyone else. "Yeah..?" Lukas whispers back. "I love you..." Jesse shuts her eyes and sighs. Lukas leans his head back, "I love me too..." He chuckles, softly. "Oh ha ha.." Jesse rolls her eyes. "I love you too, sweetheart.." Jesse puts her hand on her stomach and groans. "What is it..?" Lukas asks and Jesse sighs, "I'm starving..." She slowly stands up and holds her stomach as it growls. "I'm hungry too.." Lukas gets up and goes to the bars then he looks back at his kids. They are sleeping peacefully and cuddling with one another. Jesse goes to the bars then Lukas and Jesse both reach one hand out and grab each others hand. "What are we gonna do, Jesse..?" Lukas shuts his eyes and rests his head on the bars. "I dunno..." Jesse lets out a shaky sigh and closes her eyes. Her mind begins to race as everything goes quiet.

"Herobrine, sir?" Jay walks up to Herobrine and he plays with his ruby necklace before letting rest on his chest. Herobrine looks at an old map on the table and looks at all the locations before standing up straight.
"Yes my boy?" Herobrine turns away from the map he was looking at and looks at Jay with a smile on his face.
"Is it true?" Jay asks.
"Is what true?" Herobrine raises an eyebrow and stares at Jay.
"Is that woman in there really my sister? My twin?"
"Yes, she is."
"...Why didn't I know about her?" Jay asks and Herobrine buts his hands on the young mans shoulders.
"Jay, your parents... They wanted to keep her." He says. Jay looks down, obviously hurt.
"So... They didn't wanna keep me?" Jay sniffs.
"I'm sorry." Herobrine turns around and smirks evilly to himself.
"Do you mind if I go out today?" Jay sniffs then he wipes his nose with his hand.
"Go out where?" Herobrine asks.
"To search for my father. He couldn't have been far from where you found Jesse and her family." Jay looks at Herobrine.
"Go ahead, but please be back within the week." He says, annoyed. "We don't want a repeat of last time."
"Yes sir!" Jay says before grabbing his sword and running out.

Herobrine looks at the map as Jay leaves then he slams his fist on the map. He growls and looks at the map, where the night kingdom is located, "The time is nearing. I will get their powers eventually, then I shall rule everything once more." He says before grabbing a quill and ink. He circles three locations; The nature kingdom, an old mans cottage and the forbidden forest. "Nothing will stop me now." Herobrine laughs, evilly. His laughter gets louder then it gets quiet and Herobrine folds up the map and puts it in his back pocket.

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