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K A R E E M ' S P O V

"MAN, I'M BEAT," I COMPLAIN TO MICHEAL, WIPING the sweat off my brow with a towel. After a 3-hour practice in preparation for the game tomorrow, the only thing on my mind was to go to bed.

"You know," Micheal says, chugging down his water before continuing, "Talita is starting a bible study. It's every Saturday evening at her place."

I let out a groan at his words. There were more important things on my mind like Chloe and Dad that I didn't feel the need to read the Bible. "Micheal, I just ain't cool with that sort of religion. Besides, I'm busy on Saturday."

"Let me guess, you plan to spend Saturday playing on 2K22?" Micheal adds sarcastically causing me to roll my eyes at his words.

"Pastor Dan's making me do some coaching for these kids at the rec center. It was either that or the food drive."

"You, a coach?" Micheal asks, a small smile creeping up on his face. "That's not a bad idea. What time do you think it'll end?"

"Man I dunno. I gotta ask him," I reply, stuffing my clothes into my gym bag before slinging it onto my shoulders. Once he's ready, the both of us head out of the locker room.

"Well, I'm proud of you for actually doing something with your life."

I once again roll my eyes at him before moving on to the question that had been on my mind for a while. "So do you know what's up with Chloe?"

Micheal gives me a confused look. "Talita did say they fought the other day. Why, what happened with you two?"

I let out a long breath of air as we begin our way around campus, the cold wind biting our skin. "She's been distant I guess... like I dunno she just doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

Don't forget the fact that you use her as a punching bag when you drunk.

Micheal pauses before speaking up again. "You should try talking to Pastor Daniel. Trust me he's a big help when it comes to these sorts of problems. He helped with me and Talita."

I snort. "You and Talita are the definition of a couple. What happened with you guys?"

"I guess we were too afraid we would fall into the temptation to do certain things if we grew closer. But Pastor gave us verses and then prayed for us so now, we've become the people we are today."

I only shrug at his testimony.

"Hey, it wouldn't hurt. Besides, he's a really good guy when it comes to these things," Micheal presses.

"Maybe," I mutter. We continue talking and walking until I reach my dorm building and head inside, waving at a few people I know as I enter the elevator. My phone buzzes in my pocket once I step out and I begin to feel my blood run cold as I read the message.

Unknown Number

Hey Kareem. It's me, your father.

sent 5:46


Swish. The sound of the ball making it into the hoop as I grab the rebound and dribble it before running towards the hoop to dunk it in. My mind was far off from the game though, thoughts buzzing in my head.

How did he even get my number in the first place? Why does he even have a phone? What if this was just a prank?

I continue with this pattern until my muscles are sore and my throat cries for water. Heading toward the bleachers, I grab my water bottle and gulp down the cool refreshing drink before noticing in the corner of my eye another person on the other side of the court. Judging by his height, he looked no older than 10, most likely 11. His game was horrible though as he struggled in getting the ball into the hoop. Sighing, I place my water onto the bleachers and run up toward the kid, tapping him on the shoulder.

His eyes widen at the sight of me. "Whoah- you're tall."

I chuckle at his amused yet shocked face and gesture toward the ball. "Listen kid if you're gonna play the game, play it right. Keep your legs apart, shoulder length to make sure you're in a comfortable stance."

Following my directions, he turns to look up at me, expecting me to continue.

"Okay now you need to use your shooting hand which I'm assuming is your right hand for you," he nods, "Use your fingertips to hold onto the ball and align your elbows. Now try shooting."

He nods, the ball starting to fly in the air, circling the hoop, before making it in.

"Damn," the kid mutters before turning to me with a smile. "Thanks."

I shrug, a smile on my face before I headed back to the bleachers, taking another sip of my drink as I watch the kid make shots over and over, the smile on his face growing bigger and bigger. My smile grew bigger as I watched him, something beginning to stir in my chest. Joy.

When was the last time your own Dad even taught you how to play ball? Oh wait, he never was around, was he?

The thought instantly kills my mood and once again, I'm brought back into the reality of my Dad, who seemed to ruin everything in my life.


T H I R D P E R S O N ' S P O V

A train passed by in the distance as Chloe looked down at the water below her. All it took was a jump, just one jump and all her problems would be over. No longer would she have to hear the horrible thoughts that constantly hissed in her mind. No longer would she have to worry about Kareem and whether or not he would beat her. No longer would she have to feel pain. She would just be free. Free from all the things in life that restricted her. Free from everything and everyone she knew. All she would have to do was jump. The wind blew harshly as she stepped onto the railing of the bridge and continued, shaking her body as fear ran up in her. She felt all emotions mixing up in her as she desperately looked for something to hold onto. Just as she thought she was about to fall, a hand instantly grabbed her by the sides, pulling her back onto the sidewalk.

Shaking as she struggled to stand before falling onto the sidewalk, she looked up at the person who had saved her, a tall middle-aged man with blonde hair and green eyes staring back at her. He had a few wrinkles around his eyes which were hardly visible in the night sky.

"Are you okay?" the man asked, giving Chloe his hand for her to take which

she warily did, her hand trembling as her hand enveloped his.

"I-I'm fine," she lied, the words coming out of her mouth easily.

The man though didn't seem to believe it as his green eyes, mixed with worry and hints of anger looked into her own. "I'm not trying to intrude or pry but really? Are you okay?"

Are you okay? Are you okay? Those three words swarmed around Chloe's mind as she felt a salty tear fall out of her eye. It was those three words that everyone seemed to ask her these days, her response always a lie. But now as she was looking into the green eyes, she felt tears drop down her cheeks. Because the truth was she was far from okay. She was tired of life, tired of everything it had thrown at her. She felt her body tremble more as the man wrapped her into a fatherly hug, muttering comforting words and rubbing her back.

After a few minutes, the man looked down at the crying girl, whose face was stained with tears and snot, her eyes bloodshot and small scars decorating her neck. "He loves you, Chloe. He loves you so much. Don't think he doesn't hear your cries or see your broken heart."

Chloe took a step back from the man, fear crawling up her skin as the man shocked her. "How-you-what?"

The man only nodded in affirmation before turning around and jogging around the corner. Chloe, who was confused and afraid, followed the fast man, only to realize he wasn't there anymore. The street was empty, the lights flickering as Chloe stood bewildered.

He's gone. 

That was an intense chapter...

Thoughts, comments, or questions?

Vote and comment people and I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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