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T H I R D P E R S O N ' S P O V

STEPPING INTO THE PARTY, KAREEM EXAMINED THE scene from where he was. Denasia's apartment was full of people, bottles in their hands. Music blasted loud from the speakers with people swaying and dancing in any empty spot they could find. He saw a few cigarettes being lit in the corner and couples making out on the couch, some more intense than others. A couple of people cheered and clapped as he made his way in, due to the fact that his popularity had made him very much welcome at parties. 

Feeling a hand on his back, he turned and saw Denasia, her brown eyes boring into his. The pink top she was wearing was tight and low, exposing her chest which matched her skirt which was just as tight, showing off her long legs which appeared even longer with her heels on. She smirked as she noticed where Kareem's eyes were looking, already knowing how easy it would be to trap him. She wrapped her arm around his huge bicep and pulled him into the kitchen, where bottles lined the countertop.

"Glad you could make it Kareem. Congrats on the win," she said, her tone seductive. Kareem felt himself taking a step back away from her as his insides screamed at him.

"Thanks," he muttered.

Chloe! For God's sake have you forgotten about her?

"Want one?" Denasia asked him, handing him a red paper cup, the scent from it strong, causing his nose to wrinkle. It was the same drinks that caused him to hit the one he loved, the same drinks he was sure his father drank. He had been attempting to stay sober which had although lasted 1 day so far, been his goal.

"C'mon, one sip doesn't hurt now does it," she insisted, pushing the cup into his hands and lifting his hand till it came to his mouth. He felt himself immediately cringe at the bitter taste but Denasia gestured for him to continue. So he took one after the other until he felt lightheaded and stumbled.

Just as he tried to regain balance, Denasia's lips crashed onto his, leaning his body back onto the counter as she slipped her tongue in his mouth. His brain yelled at him as he followed but was quickly silenced since Kareem could no longer think straight. Finally, Denasia takes a step back, smirking as she says what's next.

"Let's take this to my room shall we?"

Drunk Kareem smirked, grabbing her by the waist and following her lead.


C H L O E ' S P O V

He hears your cries. He sees your broken heart. The words taunted Chloe's mind as more and more tears had fallen down her cheeks as she remembered the previous night. She had skipped going to class today and instead, found herself crying in her room before she had stepped out into the cold air. All she could do was replay last night over and over in her head. The attempt of suicide, the man who had come and gone, the tears. She felt her head being lifted and as she took a look, she felt a new spring of tears fall as she saw the huge wooden cross outside the church she had used to go to, illuminated by the moonlight. She took a few steps toward it and used her hand to feel the wooden cross.

"Can you hear me?" she whispered, in between sobs, "Do you really hear me? Why, why did you just watch me when I was being hit? Why did you just watch me when I was crying, my body bruised and beaten? Why did you allow him to hurt me?"

Her words grew louder as she spoke, anger rising in her. "Where was the ever-loving God when I needed him? Where was the loving father who took away all our burdens? Why?"

Tears of anger and fury slid down her cheeks as she turned to look at the church billboard, the verse of the week illuminated by the mini lights.

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

He sees your broken heart. He sees it, Chloe.

After a few more moments of standing, she turned around and shoved her hands in her hoodie's pocket, too tired to even think.


K A R E E M ' S P O V

Kareem's eyelids fluttered open as he yawned and stretched before realizing that this wasn't his bed. Or his room. Or even his house. Jolting up immediately he finds himself without clothes and slowly turns to look at the topless girl who had latched onto him. Denasia.

"What the hell?" he shouted, immediately waking up Denasia. "Why the- Did you drug me?"

His head began to hurt as possible scenarios of how he got into this situation buzzed around in his mind.

"You wanted this Kareem," Denasia replied softly, almost looking hurt at his yelling.

"No," he muttered, cursing under his breath. "No, I didn't want this! You know I don't even like you like this."

She scooted closer to him causing him to head out of the bed, cringing at the sight of tossed lingerie on the floor. Grabbing his pants, he shoved them onto his legs as Denasia walked up to him, planting kisses on his back.

"The f- get off me!" Kareem protested, shoving her onto the bed causing her to let out a gasp.

"How-why?" she sputtered, anger in her once gentle eyes. "Don't shove me!"

"Or else what?" Kareem growled.

"Or I'll tell that little girlfriend of yours what happened last night and the rest of your teammates as well," she threatened.

God, how was I so stupid?

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes I would," Denasia replied, raising an eyebrow at him before pulling

his body onto the bed. "You forget Kareem. I practically own this school. I know everything about you and your precious little self. And I wouldn't hesitate in revealing all your secrets one by one to the rest of this school."

Kareem's fists clenched which Denasia quickly unraveled before placing a kiss on his cheek, causing him to immediately flinch away from her touch.

"You wouldn't want that to happen now, would you?"

"No," he replied, clenching his teeth together.

"Good," she smirked, before grabbing his wrist and pulling him back onto the bed, and placing her lips on his again. Kareem almost felt like vomiting on her and punching her, the only image in his mind was the broken face Chloe would give if she saw him right now.

Proving to show that you're just like your father, the voice inside his mind hissed, causing him to curl his fists. You can't hide the fact, Kareem. It's true. 

Ngl this was an intense chapter to write..

Thoughts? Comments?

Vote and tell a friend of this story ppl and I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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