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K A R E E M ' S P O V

THE DARK NIGHT SKY WAS ILLUMINATED BY THE streetlights as I shoved my hands into my hoodie's front pockets and continued forward. Where I was going was a mystery to me. Looking up from the sidewalk, I squint my eyes as I recognize the familiar figure in front of me. It was Chloe. Even with her hood up, I was still able to recognize her.

"Chloe! Chloe!" I shouted, picking up my pace. She still ignored me and instead kept on walking forward. "CHLOE!"

For a moment my eyes blurred but before I could fully see again, I saw her, laying in a pool of blood on a crosswalk. Running toward her, I see the color out of her face drained as she looks up at me with lifeless eyes.

"It's all," she croaks, her eyes boring into mine, "your fault."

The last I see is an ambulance taking her away before I'm transported into a dark room, and voices scream at me, blaming me for her death. The faces were not visible but they, whoever they were, made sure their voices were loud and clear.

"You caused her to die. You cause it all. You heard her. It's all your fault," the voices hissed, stretching out the words.

"Stop! I said stop," I cried out, covering my ears. Their noise is still audible though and I find myself crying. Using one hand to wipe away the tears, I realize I was crying tears of blood.

Jolting up in bed, I pant heavily before realizing that whatever had happened was all just a nightmare. Chloe wasn't dead and I wasn't in some creepy room. I turn to my roomate who was fast asleep, books piled on top of him, before scrambling to grab my phone which was on the nightstand.


"Of course, it just had to be today," I muttered, remembering the promise I'd made to Pastor Daniel about the basketball team. I had promised to be there at 8:30. Trudging out of my bed, still shaken a little by the dream, I start getting ready, showering, and throwing on clothes before grabbing water and heading out. My mind though is far off, Chloe's face and words imprinted in my mind even as I drive toward the rec center, chugging water with one hand.

It's all your fault. All your fault. Chloe doesn't deserve someone like you.

"Shut up," I hiss back, squeezing my hand tightly to the driving wheel.

It's true. You know it is.

Pulling into the parking lot, I head out into the sun which was already blinding me and everyone else who was awake. Stepping out of my car, I enter into the brown brick building, already exhausted and dehydrated.

"Good morning. How can we help you today sir?" the lady at the front desk asks me as soon as I enter, tucking behind a strand of her brown hair. The heat had caused my shirt to stick to my skin and the building wasn't providing much comfort.

"I'm Kareem. Pastor Dan- I mean Pastor Daniel sent me here."

"Oh, so you're the new coach for these kids. You know I'm so glad you came. I know a lot of people don't care about these kids and it's amazing that we finally got a coach. Y'know-"

She continues to drone on before a familiar voice speaks up, saving me from her telling me the story about her cat. "Laila, please. The kid needs to come outside already. The cat story can wait."

"All right. But hey it's hotter than the desert outside so make sure you have some water," she warns.

With no response, I follow Pastor Daniel outside, through several doors before we reach the courts where a small group of kids was running around with the ball, trying to shoot it in. Among them was the same kid from the other day.

"A'ight I need y'all to come over here and- Trayvon drop that ball," Pastor Daniel says with a warning tone, and the skinny tall guy who was playing dropped it. They all gather around, some of them widely staring at me. "This is your new coach, Coach Kareem. Kareem, this is all the boys."

"You're tall," one of them states.

I chuckle and Pastor Daniel joins in. "Kareem, this is Trayvon, Jason, Brandon, Jordan, and Micheal." He points at each boy with every name, their response an awkward wave which I return. "Lukas, and Chris."

"Okay," I said, kissing my teeth before looking at each and everyone one of them, a hopeful look in their eyes, all of them pumped and ready to play. "Let's play ball."


C H L O E ' S P O V

The feeling of being stared at was one the worst feelings ever, especially when their stares are full of pity, some mocking. This was exactly how I was feeling for almost all day, every single pair of eyes on campus looking at me. It caused the pit in my stomach to grow, and my anxiety to reach an all-time high by the time it was lunch. Entering Moxie's, I glare at those who stare at me, order my meal and leave the line embarrassed and afraid. What was with everyone today?

"Chloe, there you are. I've been looking for you all over today," Will, who walks toward my table exhausted comes to me, his eyebrows furrowed. "Can we talk outside, in private?"

"Why, what happened?"

"In private, please. This is something really important," he insists, causing me to grow more anxious at his tone. Will was always carefree and calm and this was a first for me to be seeing him like this. Reluctantly, I follow him outside, leaving my food on the table. Once he's sure we're alone, he speaks up as I zip up my jacket.

"Chloe, did you hear about Kareem yesterday?" Will asks. Kareem. His name swirls around my brain, my mind buzzing with thoughts about what he did. He sighs at my facial expression, guilt overtaking his face which causes my brows to furrow. "Kareem had sex with Denasia."

Kareem had sex with Denasia. Kareem had sex with Denasia.

And suddenly that's all it took for the world to become black around me.


"Chloe, Chloe please wake up," a voice says, shaking my shoulders as I open my eyelids slowly, only to be met with Talita, her brown eyes filled with worry. "Oh thank you, Jesus."

"Where am I?" I croak, becoming more aware of my surroundings and inhaling the smell of the room which smelled of spicy cologne. Will, who stood with a bottle of water right behind Talita, joined with Micheal.

"Will's room. He called us using your phone when you fainted," Micheal replied, taking the bottle from Will's hands and opening it before handing it to me. I gratefully take it from him, allowing the water to quench my thirst.

Kareem had sex with Denasia.

I told you. You aren't as pretty as her. You're ugly. That's why he beats you. That's why he's sleeping with her. You think you're all that don't you?

"Chloe? Hey, you okay? You seem disturbed," Talita asks, waving her hand in my face before I come back. "Is it about-"

"Did you know about this," I ask Micheal, feeling tears pooling in the corners of my eyes.

"I knew he was going to her party. I didn't know until much later when I heard people talking about it. But who knows? Maybe it's just a ru-"

So he did go to her party. I told you he would.

"Do you-," my voice croaks before a tear slides down my cheek, anger rising up in me. "Do you know where he is?"

"Chloe, I really don't advise you-" Will speaks up.

I interrupt, holding up my right hand. "Will, I need to see him right now. Micheal, do you know where he is."

"He did tell me he was volunteering to coach at the rec center so I think he would be back by now at his dorm," Micheal replies.

"Do you want me to come with you? Or at least just stand outside-?" Talita asks me.

"I'm going by myself," I interrupt.


"I said what I said," I growl, before jumping off Will's bed. The three of them all exchange glances as I pull back on my jacket, trying to swallow my emotions and act calm as if this was all just a misunderstanding.


I plant 3 heavy knocks on the wooden door, anger, and rage fuming inside me with a mix of anxiety and fear. Clenching, before unclenching my hands and clenching them again, I wait before I hear a door from the inside close before the main door opens, revealing the 6"8 giant I had grown to love and hate. Guilt strikes his face and suddenly, I felt as if I was falling again as if I was slipping into a hole with no one there to grab me.


The smooth baritone voice I had loved saying my name was now causing a teardrop to fall onto me, all the anger and hate removed, now replaced with fear and sadness. I could hardly open my mouth before I felt myself wanting to crawl into a dark corner and never return to the light of the day.

"I was never good enough was I?" I finally manage to say, causing even more tears to fall onto me. Kareem steps forward, his arms open as his eyes, those beautiful deep chocolate eyes of his, are filled with sadness. I take a step back, taking a gulp before looking down the carpeted hallway floor.

"Chloe, no. No, don't say that," he reassures.

Lies. Their all lies. You were never good enough for him.

"Then why-" I choke back a sob before continuing. "Why would you do this to me?"

"It-" he stops his sentence, before rubbing his jaw with his hand. "Chloe-"

I don't wait for him to finish my sentence, and with the strength I have left, I turn around and head toward the elevator. Some part of me had hoped that he would chase me, embrace me in his arms, and tell me this was all a lie. But when I turned around, I saw him entering back into his dorm. And so I cried and cried throughout the elevator ride, my only goal now was to get back inside my bed and never return again. 

And that concludes the end of their relationship? Or is it?

Comments people?

Make sure to like, comment, and tell a friend about 'Broken Love' and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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