Ch. 1 - Everything Is Okay?

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  Makoto grinned excitedly, bouncing in his seat. The weekend was over, meaning that school gets to start back up again. He wasn't excited to be in class, but excited to see his best friend, Lovice.

  Makoto's mother glanced at her son, a worried smile plastered on her face. She didn't want to send her child to school after what happened, but Doc had told her that he needs to try to live normally. She was bloody terrified, but she agreed.

//Time Skip Brought to you by The Darkness//

  Makoto jumped out of the car, his baby blue backpack hitting his back slightly. He waved goodbye to his mother as she drove off before heading inside.

  His teacher, Mrs. Hornbeaker, greeted Makoto with a gentle smile. "Welcome back! How was your weekend?" Makoto smiled, placing his bag in his cubby. "It was okay, Miss!!" He giggled. "Can I go outside now?" The teacher nodded and Makoto rushed outside to the playground.

  He searched for his friend, eyes scanning the crowds of children. His eyes finally landed on a familiar patch of bright red hair. "LOVI!!!" He screamed across the playground. The head perked up and before Makoto knew it, he was tackled in a hug by none other than Lovice Sylvia.

  Her bright red hair settled at her shoulders, her bangs covering one eye, and her wide, doe-like forest green eye was filled with happiness at the sight of her friend. "Mako!! How have you been? What did you do during the weekend??" She questioned him, excitement lacing her accented voice.
  Makoto giggled, hugging his friend. "I've been okay!! I didn't do nothin' but visit some doctors..." He trailed off, scratching at his bandaged arm. Lovice's eye widened as she frowned. "Are you okay??" Makoto nodded, but Lovice didn't believe him. She didn't push it any further though.

  A loud voice rang throughout the playground. "IT'S TIME TO COME INSIDE KIDS!! LINE UP WITH YOUR RESPECTED TEACHERS!" Makoto and Lovice slowly walked towards their teacher, lining up behind their fellow classmates.

  Makoto frowned only for a moment as a thought struck him.. Everything is okay... right??

  Makoto shook the thought away, putting back on his signature smile. His mom was acting a little strange this morning, looking scared and she made him take this yucky pill...
  He didn't like the taste at all... He didn't like seeing his mom act so strangely... He didn't like the doctors...

  But Makoto just smiled and payed attention in class. He drew a picture for his mom and before he knew it it was time to go home.

  He gave Lovice a hug before she left with her dad. He sat on a bench and waited for his mom to come and pick him up.
  She eventually did come and pick him up. She took him home and they had dinner in silence. Makoto had to take yet another gross pill before he was sent to bed. His mom tucked him in and left without a word...
No.. everything was not okay...

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