Prologue - The Man Only He Could See

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  This story follows Makoto Kaoru, a normal boy living a normal life. He goes to school at Brickford Elementary, and is in class 1-B. He never remembered his teacher's name, so he always called her 'Miss.'

  Everything was alright. Makoto had some friends who loved loved to play in the sandbox with him, and even play tag and hide-and-go-seek (his favorite game). His best friend, Lovice Sylvia, was a Norwegian transfer student. He didn't entirely know what that meant but he could care less. All that he understood was that Lovice had a funny accent and spoke in a language that he couldn't understand. She did speak English, but she still has those instances where she'd forget what something was called and someone had to help her.

  Makoto always found that funny.

  Now.. if everything was perfect in this story, it'd be rather boring, no? Well... we're getting there...

  Only half a year later, Makoto's mom found out something rather strange. Her son started talking to thin air. At first, it seemed as if Makoto had made an imaginary friend. She laughed and told her friends about it over wine.

  It was only a few days after, that she began to worry. She'd hear Makoto crying quietly in his room. She always went to check on him, only to find him sleeping peacefully. It kinda scared her but she shrugged it off. Until... one night...

  She was awoken to loud screaming and crying coming from Makoto's room. She ran in to check on him, only to find him on the floor. Scratches littered his arms, legs, torso, and neck. He was sobbing, still clawing at his neck, as if some imaginary hands were gripping it.

  She screamed and passed out. Makoto eventually passed out as well from all the crying.

  When she finally awoke, she took her baby in her arms and took him to a doctor. He couldn't understand what was wrong with the child, other than the scratches. After she got Makoto fixed up, she took him to another doctor, a different one.

  She explained what had happened to the doctor. They listened carefully, nodding and taking notes. They woke up Makoto and asked him some questions.

"What does your friend look like?"
"He's tall.. and has black hair with green eyes.. And a suit with a bright red tie..."
"How did you meet him?"
"He appeared next to my bed. He told me he was a friend.. And I believed him."
"And why's that?"
"Because he looked friendly.. and he gave me a teddy bear..."

  The doctor eventually stopped questioning the child. They looked at the mother with a grim look. "I'm sorry. Your son, Makoto, is not stable. Give him these pills and keep a close watch on his behavior. If this 'friend' of his doesn't leave soon, come back here."

  The mother nodded. She just wanted her baby to be okay...

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