« 18 »

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He stood as close to me as they would let him as we walked down the the silent cement corridors. I'll be completely honest, this was terrifying.

"Ms. Hess, you'll be staying in cell 1020. And Mr. Casket will be in 4387," The chief spoke, walking in front of us. She had shoulder-length brown hair with hazel green and brown eyes with black-framed glasses.

"Fuck no we're not," Jimmy mumbled, causing the chief to turn and give him the nastiest look.

"What was that?" She asked as we stopped moving.

"Fuck. No. We're. Not. And don't ask me to spell that out because I don't know how to," He growled as she chuckled.

"Jimmy, you've had no weaknesses for the past twelve times you've been just here. And now? I think you do," She spoke as he narrowed his eyes on her.

"Split them up..." She demanded as they tore us apart and officers held us on the opposite sides of the room.

"Now, Casket. Let's see how you react to your new torture," She spoke, nodding to the guard that was restraining me before nodding to Jimmy's guard.

  The guard holding Jimmy tightened his grip on Jimmy's chains, preparing for him to start thrashing or something.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Jimmy screamed, attempting to run towards me, but failing due to his guard.

  I saw a man walk up on my right side. He was attired in a black uniform while holding a police baton.

"Angelica Vivian Hess? Right?" The man's deep voice howled as everyone in the room watched him.

"Y-Yeah..." I whispered under my breath.

"Hess is a very familiar last name. And he had a daughter named Angelica," He spoke as I froze, my eyes slowly drifting to meet Jimmy's glare.

  He looked more worried than I was.

"And he doesn't like her very much," He spoke, looking over at Jimmy who was gritting his teeth at the man.

"And since I like him and hate Casket, guess what's gonna happen?" He spoke as my eyes widened, hearing Jimmy's guard hit the ground in pain.

  Leaving Jimmy Casket free.

  For now.

"Don't touch her!" He screamed, tackling the man to the ground.

"Tase him!" The chief screamed as Jimmy hit the ground, two spiral steel cords sticking out of his back.

"Holy shit..." I whispered, feeling my guard tugging at my chains.

"Take her to her cell. This will be delayed until tomorrow. So be ready, Honey," The chief spoke as I inhaled a shaky deep breath, being pulled by my guard.

  He led me down a few hallways and past a few cells. There were obviously men in the cells due to all the whispering and whistling that was heard.

"Here you are, cell 1020. Enjoy your stay, Ms. Hess," The guard spoke, uncuffing my wrists and handing me an orange jumpsuit. He locked the cell door and walked off, making me turn around to see a girl, about my age, staring at me from her bed.

"Hello!" She piped as I arched an eyebrow.

"H-Hi?" I answered hesitantly, slightly shaking.

"What's your name?!" She beamed with a smile.

"Angel, and you?" I asked as she smiled. She had on the same orange jumpsuit as the one I was holding. She had a short, unkept, brunette ponytail with unbrushed bangs.

"Sally Acachalla! Nice to meet you, Angel!" She yelled, causing a smile to appear on my lips.

She had the accent of a three-year-old and a magenta headband that separated her bangs from her ponytail. She had pure brown eyes that lacked any sense of flaws.

"So, what's the thing people always ask in movies? Um... Oh yeah! What are you in for?!" She asked as I laughed.

"Um, how about... Helping Jimmy Casket steal a car?" I spoke as shock spread across her expression, but that emotion instantly fell as she shrugged.

"Well, my whole family got arrested. Papa shot the local police officer, Mama set the neighbor's house on fire, Billy attempted to murder Maddie, Sue exploded over half the house, and apparently it's illegal to ride a dinosaur to the super market," She spoke as my eyes widened. She was kicking her feet from the top bunk if our bunk bed with a friendly smile on her face.

"Yeah, you win," I spoke as she nodded.

"Yup! So, anyways, you're the girl that has Jimmy worked up? I approve! So, when's the wedding?!" She yelled as I laughed.

"Were not getting married," I spoke.

"Yet!" She butted in as I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Do you know about what they scheduled you to do at eight tomorrow morning?" Sally asked as I shook my head.

"No?" I answered as she went straight-faced.

"Jimmy's torture..." She whispered quietly as I nodded.

"Yeah... I know about that..." I answered honestly, knowing what was going to happen.

"Um, the bathroom's back there. You can get changed and clean yourself up. Johnny Ghost said he'd be by tonight to talk to you. I don't know why though," Sally spoke as I nodded, looking at the girl before walking into the bathroom. 

  I undressed out of my tight legging and grey t-shirt and into the oversized and gross prison orange jumpsuit. I allowed my natural brown waves fall over my shoulders. I stared at my lime green orbs in the mirror, asking my self billions of questions. But they all kept leading back to one. 

  Is Rob still here?

  I shook my head and walked back out, seeing Sally talking to the two boys in the cell across from us. 

"Hey, Angel!" Sally piped as I smiled and waved at her as she sat as close to the bars as she could get, looking at the two boys. 

"Come sit by me!" She yelped, patting the concrete next to her. I smiled and sat down beside her, both of us looking at the two boys who were looking back at us. 

"Who is this, Sally?!" The boy without the ski mask screamed. 

  Okay, what is it with these people and screaming?

"This is my new inmate, and partner-in-crime of Jimmy Casket, Angel. Angel, that's my brother Billy and my sister Sue!" Sally yelled as I arched an eyebrow. 

"Um, your 'sister' is a guy?" I asked as footsteps were heard approaching my cell from down the hallway. 

"Don't even try understanding, because the more you know the more confusing it gets," The voice of Johnny Ghost echoed down the hallway, making my head shoot up. 

  I was met with the familiar pair of brown eyes. 

"How are you doing?" He asked as I shook my head. 

"How is he?" I whispered, feeling tears fighting at the back of my eyes. 

"He's fine. He asked me the same question, but about you," Ghost spoke while giving me warm smile. 

"I'm good," I answered hesitantly, feeling my bones shake inside my skin as I was suddenly reminded of what was going to happen to me tomorrow. 

"They only want a reaction from Jimmy. They have nothing against you. Yet. As far as I know. Just give them a reaction and you'll walk out fine," He spoke with a grip on my shoulders. 

"Toast is happy I ended up here, isn't he?" I whispered as Ghost shook his head. 

"Hell no. He just wanted you to know that there is consequence for your stupid actions, such as falling in love with a serial killer. He's been... Hitting the bottle pretty hard ever since you were taken," Ghost whispered as I sighed in defeat before looking up at him. 

"He can't expect me to fall out of love, can he?" I asked as Ghost shook his head. 

"No, and that's what pisses him off the most. The fact that he can't change your mind anymore," He answered as I nodded, feeling him release my shoulders as I felt Sally's weight sit in my lap. 

"Hey, Sally," Ghost spoke as she smiled and nodded. 

"Hi, Ghost! How's Jimmy and Toast?!" She yelped as he chuckled. 

"Well, Jimmy's in trouble and Toast's been doing good. How's your family been since we arrested you?" He asked as she shrugged. 

"We've been okay. I mean, I got bunked with Jimmy's wife," Sally spoke as Ghost laughed. 

"She's also Johnny Toast's step-sister. But yeah, Jimmy's wife works, too," Ghost wheezed as I rolled my eyes at the conversation between the two. 

"Alright, Angel. I think it's time for you to go to bed. You have a rather big day tomorrow. But, don't worry. They'll let you see him before this... Disturbing... Event takes place. And they wouldn't let Toast go with you because you're his step-sister and they wouldn't let me go with Casket because we're technically the same person, so we switched off," He spoke as my eyes widened. 

"You left Jimmy Casket and Johnny Toast together? Do you have a death wish?" I asked as he chuckled and rolled his eyes. 

"Goodnight, Angel. You and Sally both need some sleep," He spoke, nodding to the little girl that was curled up in my lap, sleeping. 

  I nodded, standing up and carefully laying her on the bottom bunk before covering her tiny body with the blankets. 

"Goodnight, Ghost," I whispered, looking back to see him smile and nod before walking away. 

  I climbed up the ladder and laid in the top bunk that was located in this eerie cell. 

"Goodnight, Casket..." I whispered to myself. 

  Dreading tomorrow. 


"Don't let them touch her..." I growled angrily at the British man. 

"They can do whatever they want if it'll piss you off. Which, by the way, is the entire purpose of this," Toast's annoying accent rang through my eardrums, making me want to claw my brain out. 

"If you won't let me touch her, then you don't let anyone touch her," I howled, making him scoff and roll his eyes. 

"Okay, do you honestly think I have a say in this?! Do you think I want my little sister to be beaten just so they can get a reaction out of you?! I'm her brother, not a goddamn psychopath!" Toast screamed as I rolled my eyes. 

"Just make them stop..." I whispered as he looked dead into my eyes. 

"Did it ever occur to you that if I could I would?" He whispered before walking away, making me punch the stone cell wall in anger. 

  My knuckles are gonna be bruised tomorrow, but what makes anyone think I care?

  I'm just dreading tomorrow. 

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