« 19 »

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  Today is the day...

"Angel! Angel! Wake up!" Sally yelled, shaking my body until I woke up. My eyes opened on their own, not that I wanted them to.

"I'm up..." I muttered, wanting to sleep for a little longer. Because if I don't I'll be running on about two hours of sleep.

"They're here for you..." She whispered as I sat up, peering over the edge of the bed to see Ghost standing outside my cell, staring up at me with a sorrowful glare; surrounded by police officers in SWAT gear, equipped with handcuffs and police batons.

I slowly forced myself to get up, climbing down the ladder and approaching the cell door. Ghost looked as me for a few more seconds before plastering a fake smile across his face.

"Don't do that..." I whispered as he nodded, knowing that I knew what was coming and that it wasn't going to be a fun time.

"C'mon..." He whispered, opening the cell door as I reluctantly walked out, instantly having tight steel rings locked around my wrists.

He walked next to me the whole time, trying to start small conversations, but my body wouldn't let me reply. I was shaking harshly and my stomach felt empty.

"Jimmy's been tased three times just to get him into the chair..." Ghost whispered, making my head ache.

"I don't want to do this..." I whispered as Ghost wrapped his arm around me for support, giving me a side hug as well.

"Nobody wants to make you do this. The only reason they are is to see if this threat will actually make Casket listen," He spoke truthfully as I looked up at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Are they trying to get everyone in this damn facility killed?" I whispered as he shrugged.

"I don't know, but that's all they're going to achieve," He answered as we stopped outside a steel door. The door was covered in dents and blood, making my head spin at just this sight, let alone what's gonna happen on the other side.

One of the SWAT members opened the door, Ghost entering the dark room with me. He sat me down in a chair and knelt down in front of me.

"Look at me," He spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"Kinda hard to do that with no light..." I replied.

"Right, sorry. Anyways, there is a one-way-window in front of you, and Casket is on the other side. He's, currently, unconscious. When he wakes up, you're gonna hear Chief Tori talk over the radio, and Jimmy can hear her, too. I wasn't told anything else, but I'll try to get you out of here as soon I can. They said that you and Casket can talk afterwards, alright?" He asked as I nodded.

  I felt him, very hesitantly, lock thick steel cuffs around my wrists, ankles, and one around my waist.

"Oh God..." I whispered as I saw the door open and his shadow look back at me.

"Just give them what they want," He reminded me again before he walked out, leaving me in this dark and cold room by myself.

I began tapping my foot as anxiety began taking over. God, I was scared. And I wasn't afraid to tell anyone, either.

"Good morning, Mr. Casket..." The chief spoke almost as soon as Ghost left.

"Where is she..." I heard his voice hiss.

"J-Jimmy...?" I whispered in disbelief.

How was I able to hear him?

"Angel?" Jimmy's voice asked as blinding LED lights flicked on, making the whole room I was in turn a flawless white.

My head flung down and my hair covered my face to shield me from the bright lights. I squinted before gaining the confidence to look in front of me.

My reflection staring back at me.

The one-way-window.

"Quick question. What part of this fucking plan seemed like a good idea? Like, just being honest. This is fucking stupid!" Jimmy screamed as the chief laughed.

"Let him in..." The chief spoke as the door behind me opened, making my head whip to that direction.

The same man in all black walked in.

"Yeah, how about fuck this, fuck him, and fuck you..." Jimmy growled, but my eyes never left the man.

"Jimmy, this is a serious test and we're curious if this will work or not," The chief spoke as the man began walking circles around me.

"A test? Bullshit. You just know that her father wanted you to do this and you know that I'm annoying as hell. Therefore, you're taking it out on the both of us..." He howled as he placed the police baton beneath my chin as he began to steer my head.

"And I would really appreciate it right now if you refrain from touch her... That is, if you're not too eager to die," He grumbled.

"Casket, no one is going to die," The chief spoke as Jimmy let out an insane laughter, making me jump at the sudden loud noises.

"No ones gone die? Is that some sick joke?! Hell yes people are dying! You're letting people touch, let alone hurt, her! People are gonna end up dead!" He yelled as the man began flipping the baton between his fingertips before smacking me as hard as he could with the baton in the abdomen.

"Shit!" I screamed, in so much pain already that tears were leaking from my eyes.

"Everyone is dead..." Jimmy mumbled.

"How do I piss him off even more?" The man whispered, using the baton to force my head to look at him.

"Just keep standing there..." I muttered as he slapped my cheek as hard as he could've.

"Shut the hell up!" He screeched as I inhaled short, sharp breaths.

He stood to my left side and gripped my jaw, pushing my head towards him.

"Hmm..." He whispered, tapping his index finger against the under side of my chin, hitting the scar.

He reeled his fist back before punching me with his fist at full force in the jaw, making the taste of blood enter my mouth as I felt it trickle down my chin.

"Oh God..." I whispered to myself, tears still streaming down my face.

"God, stop crying! You're not a baby! You're seventeen! Grow up!" He screamed as I shook my head.

"Then stop yelling!" I screamed, receiving another fist to the face. This time the side of my head. Then I realized something.

  Jimmy's gone quiet...

  He grabbed my hair and pulled it as hard as he could've, making me release a scream.

"Casket?" The chief asked over the intercom as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

  I look like hell.

  I have a bloody lip and nose with the blood dripping down my chin. The blood mixed with the tears that were streaming from my eyes. I had a black eye on top of everything else.

"Casket stop!" The chief screamed as an eardrum-rupturing sound was heard, forcing both of our heads to look up at the shattered one-way-window.

  And at my feet lied another chair.

  We both looked in the opening of the window, seeing Jimmy Casket twirling a sharp piece of glass between his fingers.

"You people just never seem to listen..." Jimmy whispered with a small chuckle as the man began backing up.

"What part of 'everyone is dead' don't any of you understand?" He whispered, stepping closer to the intimidating man with a wicked grin slapped across his face.

  He stopped by my side, staring evilly at the man. I felt his fingers rummaging through my hair, knowing he was trying to calm himself down.

"I have a question. It's a question I haven't asked in a long time..." Jimmy howled with a light chuckle.

"And what would that be?" The man asked.

"Do you wanna know my... Secret...?" He whispered, his eyes blazing red and his sharp teeth forming a menacing smile.

"Jimmy?!" A familiar annoying British voice echoed through the room, making all three of us look over at the door where my step-brother, Johnny Toast, stood.

  Toast ran in and tried to tackle Casket to the ground as Ghost came in behind him. Ghost knelt down in front of me as Jimmy shoved Toast back into a cement wall.

"Hey. It's okay. You made it," Ghost whispered, releasing me from the imprisonment of the chair.

"Get away from me!" The torturer yelled as he released a blood-curdling screamed. I heard his body hit the concrete as Ghost brushed my hair back, inspecting my wounds.

"Casket stop!" Toast yelled as Jimmy pushed him out of his way, then shoved Ghost over and took his spot.

"Come here, Baby Girl," He whispered, picking me up like a toddler and holding me on his waist. I had my legs wrapped around his waist, my face buried in his shoulder as he rubbed my back.

"Everyone in this goddamn facility is dead..." He whispered in my ear.

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