« 21 »

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I felt blood drops land on my back and my head, making me slightly gasp in surprise.

"What part of 'leave her alone' doesn't anybody understand until they're leaking blood!" Jimmy screamed as Jack began backing away from him.

"Look! Casket! It's stupid! You've never pulled any of this shit over--!" He was cut off by Jimmy punching him in the jaw.

I was grabbed from around my sides and placed gently in the backseat of the car. I looked up, seeing Jimmy walking away from the car and back towards Jack.

"I've never gave a shit about anyone before, and the day I show how much I care about someone else, everyone acts as if I just gave up killing..." Jimmy growled as I silently watched this, feeling guilt pang at my chest.

"That's what leads to it. We killers believe in good nights to entertain us and that's it! What makes you feel the need to treat this one any differently?!" Jack screamed as Jimmy's eyes were now blazing red and his teeth were growing sharper.

"Sorry I decided to treat someone like a human for once..." Jimmy growled as Jack laughed.

"You have no idea what's in store for you, Casket..." Jack mumbled as Jimmy pinned him against a wall with the glass at his throat.

"Then tell me, Jack. What's in store for me?" Jimmy asked as a knife was driven into the bricks next to Jimmy and Jack, making me softly gasp.

Jeff's knife.

"You're fixing to find yourself dead. That's what's in store for you," Jeff howled as Jimmy scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I want to see you try and kill me..." Jimmy whispered with an upset expression.

  Jeff yanked the knife out of the wall, slashing it at Jimmy with every ounce of fury he had built up inside of him. Jimmy caught Jeff's hand that was gripping the handle and pushed the weapon out to the side.

  Angered tension replaced the oxygen.

"You wanna get in a knife fight with Jimmy Casket? Yeah, let's find out how this ends for you..." Jimmy growled, catching a glance of me before looking back at Jeff.

  Jeff slowly pivoted his head, his huge dark eyes meeting mine, forcing my breathing to hitch.

"Don't you fucking dare..." Jimmy howled as Jeff laughed, looking back at Jimmy.

"And who's to stop me?" Jeff asked as Jimmy's eyes narrowed, sending Jeff a death glare.

  A gun shot rang throughout the courtyard.

  I looked up at the wall, seeing an officer with an assault rifle perched up on the wall. I watched as Jimmy jumped over the door to the car, starting the engine. He floored the gas pedal, causing both of us to lurch forward from the momentum.

"What about them?" I asked as he looked back at me.

"I hope they get shot but live and get stuck in this prison and rot forever," He spoke, grabbing my hand and helping me up to the passenger seat.

"Kinda dark," I sarcastically commented as he shrugged.

"Well, when you're a serial killer, you're nothing but dark," He spoke speeding up even more.

  What seemed like seconds later, we were outside of my house.

"I'm just gonna go out on a limb and just guess that your brother doesn't want to see me," Jimmy spoke as I looked over at him with an annoyed look.

"Name one time my brother has wanted to see you," I spoke as he nodded.

"Fair point," He added as we both looked at the house. It was silent.

There was a new car parked at the neighbors, but I didn't think much of it. I looked back at the boy in the Ferrari.

"Meet me at Gavin's tomorrow. Deal?" I asked as he nodded.

"Sounds good," He answered with a nod before speeding off.

I sighed as I pushed the door open, ready for the longest lecture of my life.

Silence filled the halls. No footsteps. No breathing. No anything.

I began to sneak my way up the steps, but I only made it about halfway up.

"Pause," Toast's voice rang throughout the rooms, stopping me in my place while I flinched.

"Come here," He spoke with no expression behind his voice as I slowly began walking back down the steps.

  He turned me around to look at him, his face was blank. He looked as if he was fighting between every emotion in his body.

"Someone is here to see you," He finally whispered while nodding me towards the living room.

"Michael?" I asked while walking in, stopping and freezing when I realized I was incorrect.

"No, Hun. I'm not Michael," The woman's voice spoke, a wide smile spread across her lips.

"So, how is your boyfriend?" She asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know. He's still in jail," I spoke as the woman chuckled.

"Sweetie, I'm not stupid. Your brother and his boyfriend might fall for the act, but I won't. If you're here, then he's certainly not still behind bars. You mean a lot to him and he means a lot to you. Even I could tell that much," She spoke with a smile as she motioned for me to sit on the recliner next to the couch.

"What do you want from him?" I asked, tilting my head while looking at her with curiosity.

"I don't want anything from him. I wanted to talk to you," She spoke as the room fell silent for a few seconds.

"Go on..." I whispered, unsure of what was gonna happen in this discussion.

"Your boyfriend is a serial killer, an I wrong?" Chief Tori asked as I shook my head.

"You're correct so far," I answered as she grinned.

"I've come to strike a deal with you, Honey," She said as I gave her a puzzled look.

"And what's your offer?" I asked as she smirked.

"Right to the point, I love it. My offer is simple. Either hunt down information on Casket to give to us or you can be the chosen star that gets to place a bullet in his brain..."

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