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I blinked confusedly at the people in the room with me. It's been a few weeks since I came back, and everything was slowly starting to calm down and fall back into place.

Jimmy's been a bit clingier than usual, but that's only his overprotective nature kicking in.

I laid down on the couch, resting my head against Jimmy's shoulder.

"So do I have two wanted felons living in this house now? Or is Jimmy still the only one?" Toast asked as I rolled my eyes.

"I still think I'm the only one. She hasn't murdered anyone yet," Jimmy spoke while looking down at me with a smirk as I gave him a warm smile back.

"Yeah. Keep dreaming," I spoke while rolling my eyes. He scoffed before placing his head against mine. Ghost entered the room, sitting next to his boyfriend.

"So. I have a very important question," Ghost spoke as I arched an eyebrow.

"What's up?" I asked as he smiled warmly, looking between Jimmy and I.

"So... You two have walked through hell and back together. And something tells me that it's no where near done. With that math, what does that make the two of you?" Ghost asked as I felt my cheeks heat up.

I looked up at Jimmy, finding his maroon eyes glaring back down at me. A smile played at his lips. Not the sinister smirk that he has when he's being mischievous. A sweet smile.

A smile that melted my heart.

I gave him a nodded as he grinned.

"We're official..." I whispered as Jimmy placed his lips on mine, smiling against my lips.

"Good..." He whispered as I smiled.

  And as Ghost said, I'm sure we'll have many more adventures to come. But until then, I think my boyfriend and I need time to be a couple.

[End Of Broken People]

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