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(Present a few days after cold as ice but the end has not attacked.)
//=Stella's POV=//

"Why is is it so cold here?" I muttered to myself, quickly putting on my hoodie and putting my witch hat in my knapsack. I was heading through the Tundra Cliffs to get to a place called the Dreadfort owned by the Frostbourne faction. One of the few remaining villages not controlled by the undead.

The undead faction were ferocious, merciless monsters who seek control over the Overworld. The faction was led by Herobrine. A living horror. A pair of glowing eyes enough to send a grown man running.

I had heard about Frostbourne from a merchant after a man picked a fight with me. Pretty foolish of him. I obviously beat him. They did't call me Stella The Enchantress for nothing. Anyways, the merchant told me that people go to Frostbourneto seek safety or to join the 'Frostbourne Knights', which was obviously
what i was going to do. He described to me the great towers in the center of the village and a wall. The merchant also told me that the Dreadfort was on the edge of the Tundra Cliffs so I had to keep an eye out for that. And after an hour of finding nothing, probably going in circles and almost slipping on ice every five seconds, I had one final plan, climb a tree. The plan worked well. Once I got up the tree anyways. I could see the giant towers like the merchant described to me and it was surprisingly close. I climbed back down the tree (or should i say fell back down the treeand face planted onto the ground.) and ran in the direction of the towers.

When I reached my destination, I couldn't believe my eyes. A humungous wall made of sturdy stone brick stood between me and the giant towers of the Dreadfort. At the corner of my eye, I spotted a gate guarded by what i presumed were two knights. I rushed over there, excited to start a new life.

When I reached the gate though, I noticed something peculiar about one of the knights. One of his pupils were blue, which was normal, but the other was red and gave off a faint glow. Never in my years of wandering the vast biomes had I ever seen that before. What happened to him? I thought. The knight wore a blue jacket and a pair of loafers and ripped jeans. The knight beside him looked relatively normal. The knight with the blue jacket observed me for a few seconds and he said," Who are you and what are your reasons for being here?" He asked

"I am Stella the Enchantress and I was hoping to join the knights."

"Well Stella, I am Rain and you can come on in. Although the Gradmaster is going to have to interrogate you before I tour you around the Dreadfort. Open up the gate!"

Grandmaster. Sounds important.

The knight beside Rain pulled a lever behind him and the gate slowly creaked open, revealing the village behind the wall," Are you ready to head over to the Grandmaster's Study?"

"Yes!" I answered in a cheerful tone, trying to hide my nervousness as we ambled into the village.

There was really nothing out of the ordinary in the village. Just a really weird looking oak tree with pink leaves on a hill outside of the village I had never seen before in my years in the outside world. Buuut i didn't question it. Rain and I climbed the stairs in one of the towers in the Dreadfort and eventually reached a door where Rain warned," Okay, Stella just be on your best behaviour and Grandmaster Patrick won't get mad and kick you out understand?" I just nodded my head as Rain knocked on the door of the study," Enter!" Answered a voice from inside the study. Rain opened the door and went in and i just followed behind him. The room was quite small. Bookshelves lined the walls of the study and a table resided in the middle where Grandmaster Patrick sat.

He wore armour made of fine iron and pikes hung from his back. A scar covered half of his face and it was probably from a burn because of how it looked," Rain who is this? I wasn't informed of any newcomers." He asked, raising an eyebrow

"I am Stella the Enchantress sir. My apologies for coming unannounced but I was hoping to join the knights."

"Okay Stella, how old are you and what can you do?"

"I am 18 sir. I am able to use magic and some earthbending." I answered proudly,

"Oh your less than 20? No you can't join the knights."

"W- why?!" I exclaimed, confused

"Sir I'm 19 and am a knight why can't she?" Rain questioned

"Because she's a girl thats it." Patrick answered calmly

All the thoughts going through my mind at that point were all angry thoughts because:
1. That was sexist
2. Does it really matter wht gender I am?
3. I already hate this guy
Thankfully someone popped my bubble before I started screaming at this guy, Rain.

"Sir think about it. It doesn't matter if shes a boy or girl. Magic is powerful and you know it. We don't even know what earthbending is! It could be equally powerful."

I shot a gratful look at him and Patrick closed his eyes to think about it.

"*sigh* Fine. Your tryout will be in a week. Get settled in and I'll have you help Azura with some things. Rain will show you where you will be staying. You are dismissed."

I just flashed a smile at the Grandmaster before walking out of the room with Rain. I was so happy! There was no word that could describe my happiness at this moment. I really wanted to ask Rain about his eye but I just kept it in because it was getting late. Once we reached a door, Rain said,"This will be your room until your tryout and if you become a knight you will live here. Mkay? Why don't I leave you to settle in hm?" He turned to walk away but I grabbed his shoulder to tell him something,"Hey ummm Rain? Thanks for the uhhh.. help back there."

"Hey no prob. General Patrick can be a little rough sometimes."

I smiled at him before slipping into my new room. It was cozy. A bed a table and chair, nothing out of the ordinary. I removed my hood and laid down on my new bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/n: heyo! How yall like it? This chap has 1000+ words. Wow i feel good! I hope yall are safe! Oh and here's a pic of Stella in her hoodie.


Stay curious! :)

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