The Oak Tree

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Sleeping is the best. No problems to deal with and amazing dreams run through your sleep. The only downside is when someone wakes you up. >:(

6.30 am

I was in bed. Sleeping like any normal person would at this time. When I feel someone shake my leg. I ignore it because I don't want to get out of bed just yet. I feel the person shake my leg again and this time a little harder. I open my eyes a little to see who is trying to wake me up. And guess who it was. It was Rain(surprise surprise!). I looked up at him and gave him a 'what do you want look' before sighing and sitting up. He then smiled at me and said,"Good morning sleepyhead. General Patrick wants you to help Lady Azura with some errands."

"Why so earlyyyy?" I whined, rubbing my eyes.

"Because Azura is early now get up."

"Fine. I'll get ready and tell this 'Azura' to meet me at that oak tree outside the village. Now can you please leave the room?"

Rain then proceeded to leave my room and I got up to get ready. I didn't really need to change because I slept in my hoodie and jeans because ITS JUST WAY TO COLD HERE. I just slipped on my socks and boots and left my room.

When I got out of my room I walked down the road then out the gate and towards the oak tree. I climbed up the hill the oak tree was on and sat on one of its giant roots. And  laid down there for a while.

The hill overlooked the village and the view was beautiful. Pink leaves of the oak tree swaying in the wind above me. And the cool early morning tundra breeze was in my hair and it was very relaxing.

After a few minutes of contemplating life, a lady with blue hair and a lab coat and goggles walked up to me. I looked up at her suspecting that this was the Azura I had been hearing about. I stood up and she smiled at me and said,"Hello I am Azura and I suppose you are Stella? Nice to meet you! :3" She held her hand out so I could shake it,"Nice to meet you too!" I answered shaking her hand and we both just smiled at each other for a few seconds,"So what are the errands I need to help you with?" I asked.

"Well let's get back to my lab first before I tell you." She answered.

A lab huh? Interesting.

We walked back down the hill and through the gate and up one of the towers into Azura's lab. And you cannot belive what I saw.

There were bookshelves which was very expected but they were empty though. EVERYTHING ELSE WAS A MESS. Look I'm not the type to judge but this was a whole new level of messy. Piles of papers and books all were strewn all over the floor. And there was a board just FILLED with thumb tacks, papers and string. There was a couch and table at the corner of the room. I stepped over the minefield of papers and books trying my best not to step on anything to get over to the table. The table was messy too. A brewing stand, glass bottles and a TRUCKLOAD of notebooks. I looked over to Azura who was still standing by the door and asked/exclaimed,"HOW DO YOU WORK HERE?!" She just looked at me and giggled. What? I do not understand anything here,"I live here too y'know?" She said.

"But where do you sleep?" I asked, visibly confused.

"I sleep on the couch silly." She answered, smirking

"Wha- ho-" I was absolutly speechless. How does she work, let alone live here? Why was it messy in the first place?

"It was'nt like this before though... it might have gotten messy when i started getting nightmares..." She explained in a sad tone.

"Its true. 3 days ago she was neatest person in the Dreadfort and now look at the mess!" Said a male voice at the door. (Behind Azura)

It was  General Patrick. Great. Azura turned around to face the general, startled," S-sire!"
And from where I was standing I swear I saw Azura blush," Well you better clean up so Stella can work with you Az." The general said. Azura and I got to work immediately as the Grandmaster left the room," So you like him huh?" I whispered casually.

"What would make you say that!" Azura exclaimed, blushing even more now.

"I saw you blush when the general was behind you."

"Well I'm not going to deny that... please don't tell anyone!" //>-<//

"Hehe I won't I promise. But why do you like him?"

"We've been friends since forever and I'm his advisor so we spend a lot of time together." She said, blushing while putting some books on a shelf.

"But he always seems so grumpy."

"Well he's got a good side and a bad side and you just don't want to get on his bad side." Azura answered

//le timeskip till' they're done cleaning//

4.00 pm

"WE'RE FINALLY DONE! THAT TOOK FOREVER." I exclaimed. Azura and I just lay on the couch on the while thinking about what we just did. Azura looked tired. But I was definitely NOT tired. I was full of energy and ready to burst. Azura just looked at me tiredly and said," Now about those errands you were supposed to do. Its ok if you don't want to do it I understand."

"No! I will do the job I was supposed to do here. No matter what you can't stop me." I answered.

"*sigh* Alright then here's the list," Azura said, standing up and grabbing a piece of paper from the board," It's just potion ingredients, I'm running out. There's a store down the street for potion ingredients so you are sure to find some there." She continued, handing me the piece of paper.

Fermented spider eye
Glistening melon
Phantom membrane
Gun powder
Blaze powder
And Nether wart

"Mhm ok! I'll be back with the ingredients!" I answered, leaving the lab for the first time in hours.

The cool dusk breeze blew through the village as I strolled to the store with some emeralds. As the sun began to set and the sky was a mix of blue and orange, it signaled the end of the day. And I was happy because I made a new friend.

A/n: yay. Im donnnne. I hope ya like it. Heres my post schedule, I will most likely post on wendsdays and the weekends including friday. I think my posting will slow down because I have school tomorrow and it will go on for a month. Pls be patient. Bai. :P

Stay curious!

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