Chapter 1

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"Angie Anderson is at it again, her speed leaving most in the dust. What do you think Lilla? Think she can beat it?"

I don't risk a glance back, I know I got this. Breathe in, Breathe out.

"I don't know Joe, it seems like a tough round, Mia Moliak is catching up quick."

Running comes naturally to me. Breathe in, Breathe out.

"And there she does it, our winner for this Track-a-thon is ANGIE ANDERSON!"

There it is, my name. I walk to the podium, and get my medal. The crowds crowding around the stage feels suffocating. I reach for my pendant. Do as she told you Angie. Breathe in, Breathe out. I quickly step off of the podium and leave the crowded space. I fiddle with my pendent as I start to put in items in my gym bag.

"Um, excuse me? I saw you run, you did great!" I turn to see a boy with pale gray hair. Is that even a real color? Am I hallucinating? I nod and put the rest of my items in my bag.

"I can't believe you won this competition 3 times in a row! You're a legend...." I drown him out as he continues to talk. I take a peek at my phone and gasp, I'm already late! I grab my bag and push past him.

"Wai-" I felt a brush on my neck and heard a snap, but I was too focused on the fact that I was going to be late for the first time ever. I run out and go to my car. I fumble with the keys for a moment, but manage it. After a few minutes I made it.

I look up at the warm inviting doors of her house. I walk up to it and take a glance at the plate, even though I've seen it a ton of times before. 'Mimi Smith, 9090 South Street'. It's probably weird that I find comfort in this plate, but here we are. I step up to ring the bell when the door swings open, startling me. Her long black hair swings and I'm greeted with a big smile. I smile back slowly.

"Angie! Darling come on in! The cookies are almost out and about" She leads me to her living room and I sit on the warm chairs. Mimi is my therapist. She helps me with my Enochlophobia. I met here through Ellie, who is her younger sister and one of my best friends. Enochlophobia is weird, at least for me. I don't have a problem with people I know, strangers are not preferred but I can drown them out, but crowds? I shudder, that I cannot do. Even thinking about it is stressful, I reach to clasp my pendant. I freeze. My pendant?

"Here they are!... Angie?" I can feel it. The heat traveling across my body, my hand shaking, my mind going blank. I see a blur as Mimi rushes to my side.

"Ok Angie, I'm here ok? What's wrong?"

"I can't find it.... I can not find it. It's not here" I breathe out.

"What's not here? Slowly tell me, you can do it. It's not going to get solved until you tell me Angie." How can she be so calm? "Angie, you can do it."

I take deep breaths, my vision is going in and out. I reach up to my neck. "It's not here!" I'm starting to panic now. That pendant is important to me. It's the last reminder I have of my father.


And that's the first chapter of CCC, hope you've enjoyed! Second chapter will be out tomorrow. Love you guys 💕.

~ Ziwa 🌺

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