Chapter 3

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Tears spill from my cheeks unnoticed, and I cling to her arm. Isn't it silly that I'm like this at this age? I don't care though, I need to find it.

"Your pendant." She knows, thank god she knows. She'll help me find it. I force myself to focus and I nod. She pulls me up to sit on the chair.

"Now that we know what's missing, we can work on finding it. Tell me where you know for sure you last had it. Focus on that, you can do it." I slowly nod and try to push my mind to remember.

"I had it last night..... Wait! Today's competition, I had it there because of the people!" I say, proud that I remembered.

"Good. Ok so retrace your steps from there up till now. You can do it."

"Um, I got a medal and started to pack up"

"Good, did you have it then?"

"Yes, then.... Then I went to my car because I was late to come to you."

"Keep going, did you have it then?"

Did I have it then?

"I don't remember.... I came here straight after"

"Alright, we have two choices then, either it's in the car or you left it on the field. We'll go check your car now and you can ask your coach tomorrow if they found anything. You did good Angie." I nod, grateful for her help.

After 10 minutes of looking, we found nothing. I sigh.

"It's alright Angie, remember the bright side, it could be with the coach. Go home today, I know it will be hard but try to get some sleep tonight. Keep in mind that you have to be healthy inorder to do the things you want to do, ok?"

I nod, slightly reassured with the fact that it might be at the track at VU. Mimi decides to drive me home tonight, not trusting me to be able to get myself home properly.

I climbed into my bed and tried to sleep inorder to get up early for tomorrow, but who am I kidding? I get up and grab the cookies that Mimi gave me and turned on Netfl*x. I sigh, this won't help me sleep but at least it'll distract me. I turned on V*ncenzo and watched it for the 5th time as I let the night pass by.


Hello hello, I hope you enjoyed chapter 3 of CCC! Chapter 4 will be out tomorrow, see you then 💕

Ps. I thought that it was a great quote (the picture at the beginning of the chapter, I mean) 💭🖊️

~ Ziwa 🌺

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