A Little More Than Trouble (Part 3)

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The police came in a matter of minutes. They asked Thomas and I questions. Thomas answered them all, I couldn't say a word. I saw Thomas was crying at this point.

Thomas lead half of the officers through the woods.

"Can we take the little girl?" An officer asked.

"No." I told him. I held on to Macy tighter.

"Kyle, just give the little girl to them." Max said softly. "She'll be safe."

"No, Minho said not to. Minho is her brother that helped her, and he told me to take care of her that's what I'm going to do." I told them both. They tried a few more times, before giving up.

A few officers came through the woods with a struggling man. Their father. Minho came through the woods. Mike and Michael were gripping his hands tight. The officers took Mike and Michael from Minho. Minho ran up to me.

"Don't let them take her Kyle. Please. Not until I tell you. Please Kyle." Minho begged me.

"I won't let them take her Minho." I promised him. Minho allowed himself to be taken back to the police care that his brothers were in.

"Can we take the little girl now?" Another officer asked.

"No, she's coming home with me until Minho, Mike and Michael have a stable home. That's what Minho told me and that's what's going to happen." I told him.

"I'm not going to argue with you young man." The officer said. "But just so you know, an officer will have to come check on her."

"That's fine." I told him. "Go ask Max for the house address." The officer went to Max. Max looked over at me, but wrote down the number. He walked back to me, and handed me his phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Kyle?" Alice called. Relive came over me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You're ok right?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I told her.

"Good, now start explaining." She told me. I knew I wasn't in trouble. I told her everything that happened.

"You should have told Max where you were going. He was scared out of his mind when he got that call from you." Alice told me.

"I know. I'm sorry." I told her. "The little girl is coming home with me." I told her.

"Kyle, we can't be keeping every kid that shows up at our doorstep." Alice told me. I started saying something, but Alice didn't let me start. "She's staying don't worry, but just so you know."

"Thanks Alice." I said. I tried whipping the tears that kept falling down my face.

"I'm going to be home in about 30 minutes. I didn't have to go all the way to South Carolina." Alice told me.

"I'll be home." I told her.

"Ok." She said. "See you at home."

"Bye." I said. I hung up the phone and went to the car that Max was standing by. Macy started walking next to me, her hand gripping my hand. I went up to Max and hugged him.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"Don't do it again." Max told me.

"I won't." I told him. Hopefully, I told myself. I handed Max his phone back and got into the car. I put Macy's seat belt on and mine on. I threw my backpack to the floor.

Max started the car up and started driving down the dusty roads of Michigan. In seconds Macy was asleep.


Author's Note

Yes this one doesn't hit 1000 words, but the last chapter went over 1000 words.

Here are our wonderful little triplets. In order above (from left to right), it's Jazzy, Jake, and then Jack. But from oldest to youngest its in fact Jack, Jake, and then Jazzy.

Word Count: 625

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