A Little More Than Trouble (Part 4)

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We got home in about fifteen minutes. I took Macy in my arms and carried her inside. I put her in the guest room and pulled a blanket over her.

I didn't know how to explain it. I felt like Macy was my responsibility and I had to take care of her.

I heard Alice's car pull up into the driveway. The door swung open and I could here Alice walk in.

"Where are they?" I heard her ask Max.

"Kyle brought her into the guest room." Max told her. In seconds Alice was in the guest room.

I was sitting on the side of the bed, waiting for her. I didn't know how she would react. She sat on the bed and looked Macy over.

"Oh my goodness, what in the world happened to this kid." Alice said. I didn't know how to answer, so I didn't say anything. "I stopped at Walmart and grabbed a t-shirt and pants for a three year old." Alice told me. "We'll have to go back. It's too big for her, she's as skinny as a stick."

"Now?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go now." Alice said.

"Ok." I told her. Alice went and talked to Max quickly. Alice came back in the room and picked Macy up. We walked outside to the car. Alice started driving down the hills. She pulled in front of a small second hand.

"Why are we here?" I asked her.

"I'm going to get pulled over if she's in the car without a car seat." Alice said.

"They still make you get one?" I asked. Alice turned her head back to me.

"Yes Kyle, welcome to 2017." She told me. "I'll go see if they have one, you want to stay in the car with her?"

"Sure." I said. Alice got out of the car and went inside the store. I drubbed my fingers waiting for her impatiently. After what seemed like ages she walked out of the store with a small car seat. I moved Macy over and opened the door. Alice flopped the car seat in the left side of the car, right next to the window. Macy woke up after that. She looked a little confused about where she was at first.

"Hi Kyle." She said. "Who she?" She asked pointing to Alice. Alice smiled widely.

"That's Alice." I told her. She clapped her hands together.

"What that." She asked pointing to the car seat.

"That's your new car seat." I told her.

"Mine?" She asked pointing to herself. Alice looked like she was ready to cry.

"Yeah, yours." I told her. She touched the car seat carefully with her finger. She touching it all over and then threw herself on it out of no where. She traced her fingers over the little flowers. She looked at the flowers carefully.

"Minho brought these to a rock with me." She said. "He said Mommy was there. I didn't see her. Then Minho cried. Minho cried." She said. "Will Minho come?" She asked. She looked up at me. I looked up at Alice and saw she was crying now.

"Minho will come soon." I told her.

"Ok." She said happily. "Minho said that a lot when he happy. Ok, ok, ok, ok." She started singing a little off toon song with only the word ok. Alice petted her hair a little bit and then climbed into the front seat.

"Walmart?" She asked me. I shook my head. She drove off again, while Macy was still singing her ok song.

Alice pulled into the parking lot of Walmart soon after. Macy hopped out and squeezed my hand.

"Is that the castle?" She asked. "The Princess lives in a castle. Minho read it to me out of a book." She said.

"No, the princess is not here today." I told her.

"Oh." She said sadly. "It's ok, she's probably going to save her horsey from the rain. We'll say hi next time." She said, all happy again.

We walked into Walmart. Macy was amazed by everything, and related everything to what Minho had told her. I was starting to think she and Minho were a lot closer than he was letting on. Alice took Macy and placed her in the cart after she walked away to look at everything.

We went to the little girl section, and I quickly became bored. I don't like shopping. I could have easily just waited by the cart, maybe play a game on my phone, but Macy had other ideas.

"Ooo, look at that one!" She pulled me along. Alice pulled out a purple dress and knelt down next to Macy.

"What about this one?" She asked. Macy shook her head and pulled the dress close to her chest. She danced around and went to another dress rack. She pulled out a pink dress with white flowers all over it.

"Look at this one! Isn't it pretty!" She asked. She and Alice went on a shopping spree. Every time I tried getting away, Macy would pull me right back. Alice got her about five dresses, some sandals and tennis shoes (both wth flowers all over them), and a few bows.

After an hour of shopping I started getting really, really bored of this whole shopping thing. I had tried playing every game on my phone, but I was still bored.

"Can we go?" I asked for the millionth time. Alice and Macy looked up at me.

"Fine." Alice told me. She picked up Macy and placed her in the cart. Macy was holding a dress close to her chest. Alice paid for everything and returned the shirt and pants she had bough earlier.

I carried the bags, while Alice carried Macy. I put the bags in back, while Alice put Macy in her car seat. I hoped in the front seat. Alice came up seconds later. Macy was already asleep, hugging a new dress to her chest.

"Let's get home, you have to get up at 4:00 AM." Alice reminded me. "You're going to pick up Melody and the rest of her siblings." Alice added. I smiled for the first time that day, I had almost forgotten.



Author's Note

I HIT 1000 WORDS! I'm happy.

Here's Lilac Reed. The youngest Reed. We're finally done with the Reed family, so now I need to go hunting for more characters. I still haven't found a character for Melody. I can't find one.

How do you guys imagine Melody?

Word Count: 1089

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