A Run To Ibaleterm (Part 7)

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"Well, only horses have long faces and you sure don't look like horses to me." Tom said.

"Thomas ran away from here." Ann told him.

"The young lad, very smart you know. Knows a ton about animals." Tom said.

"Too bad we never bothered to find out." Minho said bitterly. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Ann tried.

"It takes a lot to get Thomas mad." Melody said.

"And when he gets mad, he gets really mad." Minho said.

"Like World War three just started." I added.

"Oh dear." Tom said.

"Oh dear indeed." Ann said.

A few hours had passed and not a word from Thomas. Max had come to pick us up, but none of us moved. Ann had called his aunt and uncle, said they haven't seen him, then they hung up.

"How did poor Thomas ever end up with them?" Ann asked. I remembered what Thomas had told me, his parents dying and only his aunt, uncle and 11 cousins alive.

"He's been away for a few days and they don't notice." I told them.

"How do you know?" Minho asked.

"He told me a while back." I said. I tried calling his cell phone again. This time someone picked up.

"Thomas you there?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Not for long." Thomas said. His voice was filled with pain.

"What's wrong? Why? What happened? Where are you?" I asked, questions all coming in at once.

"Umm, side of the road about two streets down to the north." He said, I could tell by now he had tears running down his face. His voice sounded like he was fighting to say every word.

"What happened?" I asked him as calmly as possible.

"I don't know, some guys just came from somewhere..." He paused. I waited for him to start talking again, but he didn't.

"Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!" I called.

"Where is he?" Melody asked. Her face was filled with concern. Melody had almost adopted Thomas as a brother, he was always the one to talk to her during his breaks when I wasn't on break. They had played ticktacktoe one every piece of paper they could find. I knew she could tell by my face that something was wrong.

"Second road to the north, on the side of the road." I told her, then we both took off running. I kept the phone to my ear, and kept calling his name, but he never came back on. Max, Minho, Ann and Tom started yelling after us. Nether of us stopped. We ran down the roads until we got to the place Thomas had told us.

"We have to look down this whole road." Melody said. It was a large road, very large actually. We ran down the left side of the road first, then we ran down the right side. When we ran down the right side were we saw a bundle of clothes. As we got closer, I realized that it was even worse. Thomas was in a bundle of clothes, and blood.


Author's Note

Yeah I kinda had to leave a mini cliff hanger there. Sorry guys, what do you think is going to happen next? Dead honest.

I don't have anything else really to write down for this author's note, but as always thank you for reading!

Word Count: 555

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