A Run To Ibaleterm (Part 8)

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I gulped, and hoped that the past wouldn't start to repeat itself. Melody and I ran over to Thomas' side. He wasn't moving at all, his phone still in his hands. I immediately went and felt his pulse, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Unconscious." I told Melody. Melody let out a breath too.

"I had started to think..." She trailed off, not finishing the sentence. No one needed to, we were both thinking it. A car pulled up and Max and Minho ran over to us.

"Oh my goodness." Max said simply. "We need to get all of you to therapists." Max told us. I took Thomas' phone and started going through it until I found his aunt's number.

"Rat I told you to stop calling me! You have a bike learn to ride it over here and I don't care that it's miles away. You wanted to go here you get yourself there and back!" A lady, that I thought to be his aunt shouted.

"Excuse me, this is Kyle, I work with Thomas." I said.

"Great another rat." His aunt snapped. "What do you want. You better not have stolen the phone because I actually had to pay for the rats phone."

"Excuse me, but Thomas is on the side of the road, unconscious and bleeding like a river." I told her.

"So?" She asked.

"Do you want me to drive him home or call 911 women!" I yelled, at this point not taking anymore of it.

"Get him home then. He hasn't been home for a few days you rat." She said. Then the call went dead. I promised myself that I would do a good yelling at the lady if I ever met her. Max and Minho had managed to pick up Thomas. A pool of blood was underneath him. Melody was crying just as much, she was hugging herself. I went up to her and hugged her too.

"Have you ever seen anything worse?" She asked me, as her tears ran down my arms. I didn't want to respond to that question, because I realized that I had, and it had happened to the person I was holding.


Author's Note

Who thinks this chapter title makes no sense?

So know there's a little more background knowledge on Thomas. I kinda like that there are so may background stories in this book and you don't really know a lot about everyone.

Word Count: 414

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