A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 3)

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I took Bandit and Lemon in my arms. I handed Lemon to Melody. Melody pecked Lemons's pink nose and ruffled the top of his head. The small yellow kitten purred in Melody's arms. We sat done on the floor, leaning against the wall, like we always did. Bandit hoped from my lap and went over to Lemon and licked the top of his head. Melody and I laughed as Bandit and Lemon started playing around with each other.

"What do you want to do when we get to your house?" I asked her.

"I'm going to teach you how to ride a horse." Melody told me. My heart practically stopped beating.

"What? No! I'm going to get thrown off, no way. I'll stay to the side and take photos." I told Melody. I knew Melody rode horses, I knew she was pretty good at it too. Surprisingly, I had never seen her ride before.

"Kyle, I promise you'll be fine." Melody told me. "If you really want I'll stay behind you."

"No way. Photos will be great." I told her.

"Come on, have an open mind on it. Just try it. Please?" Melody begged. I should have just turned down the idea, because I knew that I could never win a fight with Melody.

"I'll try it." I said "But. If I get thrown off or anything, I can say I'm done." I added.

"Deal. That's fine." Melody said. "You're going to love it though."

"Keep dreaming." I told her.

"I will Hoodie Boy." She said. Then her phone started ringing. She picked up the phone and exchanged a few words. She closed the phone quickly afterwards. "Mina is going to be here in a few minutes." Melody said.

"I'll go change." I said. I stood up and took my backpack, while Melody put Bandit and Lemon back.

In a few minutes Mina had arrived. She pulled up in the parking lot and honked the horn a few times.

"Ann I'm leaving!" I yelled.

"Have a good time!" Ann yelled back as Poppy appeared in the room and shot Melody a murderous glare.

"Alright let's go." I said, rushing Melody out the doorway.

"Why you so rushed?" Melody asked as we started walking towards the car.

"Because Poppy looked like she wanted to murder you." I said.

"What kind of name is Poppy anyway?" Melody asked.

"It's a flower?" I guessed. "Maybe her parents like flowers a lot or something."

"Alright, what ever." Melody said. "Today you're going horseback riding and you're going to love it."


Author's Note

Poppy is above ^^^^^^^ and I'm going to put it below too.

Thoughts on Poppy? Who likes her? Who doesn't. There are a lot a quiet readers, but I really want to know your thoughts.

Word Count: 465

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