A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 4)

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"That's a dream that's going to be crushed." I told her. "You promised me I just have to try once." I said. We got in the car, both of us in the back. Zach was in the front with Mina, his earbuds plugged in.

"Buckle up, I don't want to get in trouble." Mina told us. We put our seat belts on and Mina started driving down the twisty roads of Michigan.

"I know you're going to like it." Melody told me.

"How do you know that?" I asked her.

"Because I know you that well." Melody said.

"Great horseback riding is great. I can't wait to move! There's a big lake with lots of fields." Zach said happily. Nether Melody or I responded.

"Zach is one of the few to be happy about the move." Mina said.

"How about you?" I asked her.

"Nope. Not at all. I don't want to switch high schools for my third year. No way. Then I have to do two years in Kentucky and come back here for collage." Mina said.

"Who cares." Zach said. "I want to move farms, it's too small here. Everywhere you look cows, cows, and more cows."

"Yeah but what about school?" Melody asked looking over at me.

"Switching schools kinda sucks yeah." Zach said, taking both of his earbuds out.

"I don't want to move." Melody said.

"I don't think any of us do fully." Mina said. "Zach just wants more space, Albert still isn't used to Michigan. Another move isn't going to be good for him."

"Then why don't you guys just all stay here!" I said. "If none of you guys want to move out of Michigan, you can just move farms for a bigger one." I said.

"Our parents won't listen to us." Mina said.

"Their decisions overrule us no matter what. They don't exactly take our opinion in thought ether." Zach said.

"They just find reasons to say no." Melody said.

"Complaining isn't going to do any of you much." I told them. "Just go talk to them."

"Kyle you shouldn't be talking, you left your mom after an argument." Zach said. I bit my lip when he said that. "It's not like you've talked to her ether."

"You weren't there though Zach. She treated him like trash." Melody defended me, but I took Zach's words to heart. I'm just as bad as they are. I didn't exactly try talking to my mom then, before I couldn't. Now. Now I could.

"If I call her, will you guys talk to your parents?" I asked them. Nether of them said anything.

"We'll have a sibling meeting again and see if most of us don't want to move, then we'll talk to them." Mina concluded.

"But you have to do it first." Zach said. I bit my lip again.

"Kyle, you don't have to do it." Melody whispered. I looked at her. I knew she wanted me to call my mom, but she knew that I wasn't ready. She knew I didn't want to make the first move. I however, I wanted Melody to stay. Any chance I could take I would. I picked up my phone, my hands already shaking. I didn't call my mom, I called someone else, knowing she had probably changed her number by now.

"Kyle? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Alice, I need my mom's phone number." I practically whispered.


Author's Note

How do you think Kyle is going to be effected by talking to his mom again?

Guys. This is Lemon and he's the sweetest thing ever, he isn't sour at all. He's so small and cute that I had to make a little name card for him.

Word Count: 621

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