A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 8)

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Her scream filled the forest and left as quickly as it came. I didn't here any more sound of her, other than the natural nature sounds of the forest.

I didn't think twice.

I swung myself from the tree I landed on both of my feet, my injured leg stung, but it didn't feel broken at all. I ran through the forest. Branches of trees hitting my face, and tall bushes with thorns scrapping my legs. I felt small drops of blood trickle down my legs. I kept running. I found the trail and stopped dead on my tracks.


Blood was on the forest floor. I had so many questions, but all I could think about was Melody. I ran down the path, trying to find my way through. When I found her, I had almost missed her.

She was thrown into the bushes, blood on her face. Scratches were all over her. Her clothes were now rags and her hair filled with dirt. Her shoes were gone, no where to be seen. I knelt down next to her, my heart in my throat. I looked closer at the scratches, these weren't made by animals, I realized. These were made by humans. I heard movement in the forest, and then all at once, three girls dressed all in black ran through the woods, their dyed hair trailing after them. I took off after them, getting to their pace quickly. I took a fallen branch of a tree and threw it, all three of them tripped over it and tumbled to the floor.

"HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled in their face, I felt my face getting purple with rage. "YOU ALREADY RUINED HER LIFE AT SCHOOL! YOU JUST COULDN'T LET HER HAVE THE SUMMER WITHOUT GETTING BULLIED! YOU JUST COULDN'T! YOU JUST HAVE TO RUIN HER LIFE TOO! YOU KNOW HOW BADLY HURT SHE IS! I WAS ABLE TO FOLLOW A TRAIL OF BLOOD TO FIND HER! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER! SHE COULD BE ON THE FLOOR. DYING BECAUSE OF YOU BULLIES!" I yelled in their face. They looked scared by the point when I said that they could have killed her. "I want all three of your names, I want them now, or God so help me, if you try to run away I will find you and turn you into the police. If you try to make any other movement I. Will. Hurt. You." I said, making sure my last four words stood out.

I scanned them all over, making sure I wouldn't forget their faces if they didn't give me their real name. The girl with her brown hair that had the tips dyed in hot pink looked like the leader, the other two girls were looking at her what to do.

"You, what's your name." I said, I didn't ask her. I stated the statement.

"Jillian Boda." She said. I watched the other two girl's reactions. One of them made so sound, but I could tell she was thinking about something hard. The other girl looked confused for a moment.

"Your real name. I have my phone and I will call the police." I said. She didn't say anything else. I picked up my phone and clicked the phone number in. "911." I said as I showed her the phone. Her eyes widened.

"Evie, Evie Smittern." She said quickly, there was a Evie Smittern at our school. I was right, they all were from our school. I pointed to the next girl. She had her black hair dyed purple in parts, if Melody or Alice ever dyed their hair, I would never be able to look them straight in the eye.

"Your name, first and last." I told her. She looked at girl with pink tips, but the pink tips girl wasn't looking up. She was looking at the floor, probably wishing they didn't get caught. I hope they feel guilty, I thought.

"Clary Call." She mumbled. I turned to the last girl, that had half her hair dyed green.

"Your name." I said sternly.

"Please don't tell on us." She begged.

"It's a little to late for that, you should have thought the outcome before hand." I told her.

"You didn't even get all of us." She mumbled.

"AVE!" The other two girls cried. The girl's name was Ave, I would live without her last name for now. I quickly realized that I had been hearing some movement around here.

"Don't move." I told the other girls. I heard where the other one was. When she realized that she had been ratted out she took off running, I was right at her heels. She had a hood on, and she wasn't dressed all in black. I grabbed her hoodie and pulled her until she stopped. Red curls fell out of the hood.

"Poppy!" I cried.

"Well someone had to tell them where you guys were going." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she's always going to be there and I don't like her." Poppy said. I felt my face getting all red all over again.

"AND YOU TRIED TO KILL HER!" I yelled. I almost slapped her face right there, but I felt someone's arms holding me back.

"Kyle no matter how much they deserve it, you can't hit a girl." He said.

"What are you doing here Minho." I snapped.

"Someone had to follow Poppy. Thomas is here too, I wouldn't leave him with all those girls." Minho told me. "Ya cool?" He asked.

"Yeah." I lied. He let his arms fall from holding me back, then I punched Poppy straight in the face.

"Kyle!" Minho yelled. Poppy was on the floor, blood falling out of her nose. "Say sorry!" He yelled at me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't have broken your nose." I told her, then I turned away and started running to where I had left Melody. I heard Minho telling everyone to get up, and explain what was going on. I had all the girl's names, and I was calling the police as soon as I made sure Melody was ok. I found her where I had left her. Her skin was cold to the touch, and her breathing was uneven.

"Melody, I'm so sorry." I whispered, wanting to cry just looking at her. I looked around, and realized Featus was no where to be seen. The farm is fenced in, I'll find him later, I told myself.


Author's Note

I like this chapter. I didn't know where to end this part, so yeah it's a little off and a weird place to stop.

So I realized that you don't really seem the theme of bullying in this book much anymore, so I put it back in here. Because let's remember how bullying really sucks.

I was reading a part of Mr. Nobody, and I realized that Kyle has really grown as a character and I'm so happy.

Word Count: 1160

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