A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 9)

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I didn't know how to help Melody. As much as I wanted to do anything, I didn't know what.

"Melody, please, I can't loose you too." I whispered. I felt her pulse, only to find that it was uneven. I picked up my phone, barley able to click the numbers because my hands were trembling so badly.

"Alice?" I asked, barley above a whisper. My voice was raspy and ruff, it sounded just like when I hadn't talked for years. I tried holding in my tears as best as I could, but I knew I would fail soon.

"Kyle! What's wrong?" Alice asked me, I heard the panic in her voice.

"Melody..." I managed to whisper before the tears started running down my face. I managed to get a few words about what happened, but I knew Alice didn't understand a word of what I said.

"Kyle stay there, I'm calling Minho and Melody's parents. Minho is there right?" Alice asked.

"Yeah." I whispered back to her.

"I'll call him and ask him to explain. Stay where you are Kyle, and Kyle?" Alice said.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"Please don't stop talking again, I don't think any of us could handle that." She told me, then the call went dead. I felt Melody's pulse again, it wasn't as strong and her skin was cold as ice. I couldn't wait, I realized. I needed to get help now. I picked up my phone and made one last call.

"Hello, what's your emergency?" A women asked me.

"I think my friend is dying." I replied, tears braking out finally all at once, because I realized the statement was true.


Author's Note

This chapter is shorter, but last chapter was long, so that had to count for something. Maybe. Not really.

Do you think Poppy and the other girls are to blame?

Do you think Melody is going to be ok?

What about Minho, do you think he did the right thing?

Where was Thomas?

What will the police do to the girls?

You don't know, but I do. So ha. Nah you'll find out. I promise. Unless I die and can't finish the story, then I'm really sorry.

Word Count: 369

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