Alice Has Lost It (Part 1)

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~July 2, 2017~

I heard a knock on the door. I was still in bed. We hadn't gone to church yesterday, because of Macy. I was still in bed, awake but I didn't want to get out of bed. Macy was still asleep in the guest room. The person knocked on the door again.

"Alice! Someone is knocking on the door!" I yelled. No one yelled back. I got out of the bed, full of grumbles. I rubbed my eyes and opened the door. A officer was at the door. I opened the door slowly.

"Hello..." I said, not sure of what else to say. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to check on the current temporary home of Macy Davis." The officer said. So there last name was Davis then.

"She's asleep, but I'll go get my sister." I said. I went back into the house to get Alice. I ran into her room, and saw she was already dressed.

"There's an officer at the door and your standing here!" I hissed.

"Sorry, I didn't here him." Alice told me.

"I yelled for you to get the door." I told her.

"I made no sense of what you said, I thought you were complaining about not having butter again." Alice said.

"We don't have butter!" I almost yelled.

"We have a officer to worry about now." Alice said changing the subject. "If you really want to we'll go to Walmart after to get butter." Alice told me.

"We will." I told her.

"Fine." She said.

"Fine." I finished. She went to talk to the officer while I went to get changed. I pulled on some sweatpants that smelled descent and pulled on a t-shirt. I went to Macy's room and woke her up.

"Come on, time to get up." I told her. "Let's get you dressed and we can get you some jam and bread." I told her. Macy loved her jam like I loved my butter. I put on a purple dress on her and put some light purple socks on her feet. She took a light purple bow and put it in her hair. We went to the kitchen, where Alice was sitting with another lady. Macy intently gripped my hand at the sight of the stranger.

"Hello." I said politely. I put Macy on a chair and went and took out some jam. I spread it on the bread and placed it on a plate. I went back to the table and put the plate in front of Macy. I sat next to Macy, but she crawled up in my lap. Then she took the bread and jam and started eating it. Nether Alice or the lady said anything. I waited uncomfortably. I didn't like not knowing what was going on.

"As I said, I am Dianaie Fizzier and I'm in charge of finding a foster home for Miss Macy Davis and her siblings." The lady said. "Unfortunately no one around this area that is a foster family is willing to take in a family of three boys and a little girl. The eldest of the four has insisted they stay around this area. We have come to the conclusion that we are to split them up."

"You can't spit them up!" I blurred out. Both Alice and the lady Dainaie Fizzier looked at me. Dainaie Fizzier's expression was hard and cold towards me. Macy gripped my hand again. "They're siblings, you can't just split them up." I insisted.

"We can not find a foster family fit for them." The lady, I can't remember her name, said. "This will have to happen. The two little twin boys will stay together, and the eldest will be in another family, and the girl will be in a separate family. This will have to happen unless we find another foster family, which is very unlikely." The lady told me coldly. She smiled falsely at Macy. "Don't you want to get a new home without any brothers?" She asked Macy.

"Minho said that people who say that we should be split up are meanies." She said. The smile on the lady's face vanished.

"Well, it's going to happen if any of you like it or-"

"What if we took them all in?" Alice blurred out.

"WHAT!" Both the lady and I said.

"Yeah, we currently have three bedrooms, but I can turn in the little extra room we have that has books in it into a bedroom." Alice insisted. "Besides, both Kyle and I love having Macy around here and have grown attached to her. Kyle is already friends with her older brother and I'm sure that they'll get along great." The lady studied Alice for a moment.

"I think that actually might work, we are still trying to see if they have any living family. We can not hold them forever, so this might work. I see the little girl is already attached to the boy." The lady said. She smiled for real, the first time this trip. "I'll need you to sign forms, your house will need to be checked around..." She continued talking about things of the such. I smiled knowing they would be ok. I placed Macy on the floor and went to the sink and washed the plate. Macy tailing me the whole time.

"Come on, let's go outside." I told her quietly. Alice and the lady continued talking. I lead Macy outside. She ran around on the grass. She put her arms out, as she was pretending to fly. My phone started vibrating. I answered it, not bothering to look who it was.

"Kyle! Kyle! They're separating us-" Minho started yelling.

"Minho, relax, relax." I tried.

"Kyle how in the world can I relax! This is worse than being stuck with my dad-"

"We solved it." I blurted out.

"What? How?" He asked.

"I don't really know, but I think we're going to be roommates." I told him.


Author's Note

I got to 1,000. I got there. We're good.

Here are Minho's brothers. The two twins. I like having lots of twins and triplets in my stories. Don't judge me.

Questions of The Chapter:
(I'm going to start doing these, like little questions to get you thinking about what you just read)

1. What will Minho say about the fact of living with Alice and Kyle?

2. How do you think they'll manage, Alice at work, while Kyle and Minho are at the shelter?

3. How will Kyle and Melody ever get to their kingdom with so much going on?

Word Count: 1100

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