Alice Has Lost It (Part 2)

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Alice and that lady talked for a good few hours. Alice had to sign papers and such. Macy and I placed hide and seek outside for a while. We played small games as these. Around lunch time, Macy couldn't take it anymore. She was getting crabby from hunger.

"You want to go eat?" I asked her.

"I'm starving." She said. She practically ran to the house. Alice and the lady had moved out of the kitchen and into the living room. Macy pulled herself on a chair and sat there.

"You want jam and bread?" I asked her, not really sure what I could make her. She shook her head no.

"What can you make?" She asked me. I thought for a moment, not much.

"Umm, I can make rice, eggs, sandwiches, pasta and cookies." I said. Not a very long list, I thought to my self.

"Pasta!" She said happily. I smiled, remembering when I learned to make pasta. It was years ago, when we still lived in Montana and dad was still alive. He had put me on the counter and had taken a wooden spoon and handed it to me. We did everything slowly and carefully. "You always have to do it slowly..." I remember my dad saying. He had looked so relaxed in the kitchen.

I took out a pot and pasta. I took cheese out, since we don't have sauce. I made the pasta slowly and carefully, I pretended that my dad was still there and what life would be if he hadn't died. I looked at Macy for a moment, memories of everything that happened in Michigan flew through my head. Yeah, I still miss my dad. I miss him a whole ton, but my life was pretty great right now. There would be three other boys in the house soon, if all went well. I had wonderful friends too, what else could I need?

I finished the pasta and put it in a bowl. I gave it to Macy, who folded her hands and closed her eyes. I sat down next to her with my own pasta, wondering what she was doing.

"You have to say your prayers." She told me.

"I thought you only do that in church."
I said.

"No," Macy told me. "you do it in the morning, before each meal, before you go to bed, and when you need help." She hoped down from her seat and stood next to me. She took my hands and folded them around like hers. She pulled my eyes lids down, poking me in the eyes in the process. "And now you say what your thankful for and what you need help with." Macy told me. I didn't really want to do it, but I also knew Macy got snappy when she was hungry.

"Ummm, hi?" I tried. "Ummm, I'm thankful for the fact Macy and her brothers aren't going to be split up. I'm thankful for the fact I have a better life here in Michigan." I said. I tried thinking what else I had to say. "I need help with..." I couldn't really think of what I needed help with. "I need help trying to get a pet adopted at the shelter." I finished. I opened my eyes. Macy peeked, but didn't unfold her hands.

"Now you say Amen." She whispered.

"Amen." I added.

"Amen." She repeated. She unfolded her hands and started eating. I dug into my pasta, finishing mine in seconds, while Macy had managed to put a fork full in her mouth. I stood up and put aside the remaining of the pasta for Alice. I washed my plate and started making cookies. By the time I was half way done with the chocolate chip cookies, Macy had finished her food. I washed Macy's hands and she cut the cookies with the cookie cutters. I helped her with the last bit and popped them into the oven.

In about 15 minutes the cookies were done. I took them out of the oven, while Macy danced around the kitchen. I put all the cookies on a plate. Then I decided to be a bit nicer, I took about ten cookie and put them on a fancier plate. I handed the plate to Macy.

"Go give this to Alice and the lady." I told her.

"Can I eat one?" She asked.

"I have a bunch here for you, and if you give them those cookies you can have these cookies." I told her.

"Ok!" She said. She started singing her little ok song than. She hurried off to the living room. I placed the rest of the cookies on another plate and cleaned up the mess we made. I cleaned the flour up and washed all the bowls we used. Macy came running back in the room.

"Did you give them the cookies?" I asked her. She shook her head quickly.

"Can I have a cookie now?" She begged. "Pleaseseeeeee." She added.

"Alright you can have a cookie." I told her. I handed her a warm star shaped cookie. She ate it slowly like she was scared to eat it too fast. "You like the cookie?" I asked her. She shook her head quickly again. I have her another cookie and she looked even happier than before.

I saw the lady and Alice stand up. Alice lead the lady out the door. Alice closer the front door smiling. I placed the plate of cookies on the table and went to Alice. She was smiling her head off.

"So..." I said. "How did it go?" I asked her, already knowing the answer by the look on her face.

"We're going to get three more boys in here!" Alice said happily.

"When?" I asked her.

"In a few days, until then, we have to redecorate." Alice told me.

"Please no shopping." I begged, already knowing it was hopeless.

"We're going to a bunch of places!" Alice said happily. "The mall, Walmart-"

"Alice no please, can't I just invite Melody over and we can stay here?" I asked. "Please I'll get bored at the mall. Walmart too. Any other store you want to go to too." I insisted. Alice studied me for a moment, I saw an idea pop in her head. I didn't like the look of that idea.


Author's Note

GUESS WHO MADE IT TO 1000 WORDS! AGAIN! I'm happy, if you haven't noticed. I'm really trying and I'm happy for these writing days. I'm still on break (remember I'm writing these about a week before publishing time), so I have no wifi to publish any of the chapters I'm writing.

If you have any questions about the characters please let me know. I know some authors, every few chapters they let the readers send in "questions" for the characters.

Question For Melody: favorite Percy Jackson book?
Answer From Melody: The Titian's Curse

So idk, just thought it would be a fun way to get you all to know the characters.

So, as you all know Mr. Nobody is the book before this one, and I had a reader tell me to try to publish it, and I looked into it. I found a few publishers I might try to look into, but I want to know if you guys think it's worth to try. I've asked a few people outside of Wattpad to read it, and they think I should try, but I want to put this out here first.

There's little cute Macy.

Word Count: 1262

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