I Turn Redder Than Max (Part 4)

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I left Minho and Thomas to work with the dogs. Ann left to go bother Melody in the waiting room. I knew Melody was upset, but I couldn't do anything about it. I picked up Lemon from the mixture of all the cats and kittens. His light colored fur was patted down, he must have not have had a bath in a while.

"Come on, let's give you a bath and get you all squeaky clean." I told him. I filled the bath tub with warm water and put Lemon in the tub, Lemon was on of the few kittens that enjoyed baths. Every other kitten and cat would pounce around, do anything it get out of the water. I washed Lemon quickly and tied a towel around him. I tried him off the best I could before putting him back in the cats area.

"Do you have to give them all baths?" I jumped up, and turned around quickly. Melody was standing in the door way. I scratched the back of my head.

"Sorry, you scared me." I said. Melody didn't move for a moment, but studied me for a while.

"You ok?" She asked. "You seem a little distracted." She added. I studied her a while. I knew she wasn't telling me something, if anything she was acting distracted.

"I'm ok, you don't seem ok." I told her. "What's wrong?" I asked her. Melody didn't say or do anything. She walked into the room and picked Lemon up. She sat on the floor with Lemon in her lap. I sat down next to her. "What's wrong?" I asked her again.

"Nothing." She said quietly.

"Melody, that's the worse lie you have ever told me." I said. Melody didn't say anything for a good minute. "Hey, what's wrong." I asked he was again. "You know you can tell me. If it's still that photo, I'll go and yell at Mina until she deletes it."

"It's not the photo." Melody told me.

"Then what is it?" I practically begged. "You've been like this since you came back from camp. Did I do something?"

"No, you didn't do anything." Melody said. Melody didn't say anything again for a while. "My parents want to move." Melody finally said. I froze. My whole world stopped, everything. I saw everything fall apart right in front of me.

"Where? When? How? No!" I said all quickly. "No you can't move! You just can't! They can't just pick all of you guys and just move! You can't do that! They can't do that!"

"I know. I know. I don't want to move ether." Melody said. Melody pulled her knees up to her chest, she looked like she was going to cry soon.

"When did they tell you?" I asked her.

"While I was at camp. They called us and just said that we were moving." Melody said, she had tears running her face at this point. Fairly, I didn't exactly know why she was already crying, but I didn't question her. I leaned agents the wall. I banged my head agents the wall.

"This can't be happening." I said. "You can't move. You can't. You can come and share a room with Macy, and when they leave, you can have your own room. You won't have to switch school, we'll still have our kingdom. Everything will be ok." I tried.

"I don't want to move Kyle. I don't, I already have a hard time making friends. At least I know the kids here, I know which ones are nicer and the ones to stay away from." Melody said. We didn't say anything for a moment. Lemon rubbed his head agents Melody's hand.

"When are you moving?" I asked her. Melody hugged Lemon to her chest.

"At the end the summer." Melody said. That didn't help matters.

"We have a month left, before you move." I stated. "Where are you moving?" I asked her.

"Kentucky." Melody cried, as a whole new layer of tears rolled down her face faster.

"Kentucky." I repeated. This wasn't happening. I pinched myself, and closed my eyes. This had to be a dream, this could not be happening. This could not be happening, not now. I haven't even been here for a year, and Melody had to move. "No! You aren't moving!" I yelled. I jumped up on my feet. "We can run away. We can just live in the woods and eat berries." I insisted.

"There's nothing we can do." Melody said gloomily. I sat back down. "We at least have a month left, we can make the most of it." Melody tried. She tried smiling, but completely failed.

"I'm calling Alice to come pick us up." I said. I stood up and went to get my backpack. I walked outside through the dog room.

"What was with all the yelling?" Minho asked me. I ignored him. I wasn't in a very good mood anymore. I went to the guest room and took my backpack from where Melody left it. I pulled out my phone and called Alice.

"Hi." Alice said.

"Can you come and pick me up?" I asked her.

"No, I'm kinda at work. Why? Did something happen?" Alice asked.

"No." I said quickly. "I'm walking home." I told her.

"Why?" Alice asked me quickly.

"Don't feel good." I told her, it wasn't completely not true. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach and I didn't want to stick around anymore.

"Be careful-"

"I will, see you at home." I interrupted her. I ended the call and through my phone back into my backpack. I walked back to the cat room where Melody was still holding Lemon. "Come on, we're going to walk home."

"Ok." Was all Melody said.

"Ann, I'm leaving early!" I yelled. Ann started saying something, but I walked out of the front door with Melody. I pulled my backpack strap higher and we started walking toward home.


Author's Note

Hello! This one is longer, I have mixed feelings about what is happening in this chapter. I debated if I wanted Melody to move or not for a long time. I hope you all feel the roller coaster of feelings like Kyle is going to be ridding one. :)

Word Count: 1046

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