I Turn Redder Than Max (Part 5)

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Nether of us said anything as we walked home. Minho came outside the shelter and started yelling something after us. I didn't listen to what he said, or turn around. Melody and I walked down the street. Cars zoomed past us until we got out of the small town. Then all there was a open dirt road.

"It's going to take forever to get home." Melody stated. I noticed how she said home, but again I didn't know why. Why are girls so confusing?

"We don't have a better way to get home." I said.

"That is without starting World War Three." Melody said.

"But if it was ok to start World War Three..." I trailed off.

"Then we don't have to go straight home." Melody finished. We both looked at each other, a plan forming in our minds. "We don't really have to get home." Melody said.

"And we only have a month left before you leave." I added.

"So, we might as well make the most of it." Melody said.

"Break as many rules as we can." I said.

"Cause so much trouble, my parents might be too tired to move." Melody said.

"And if they still want to move," I started. "then we would have had the time of our lives." I finished.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Melody asked.

"That we are not going home, going some place else, causing trouble, and hopefully preventing you from moving?" I asked, reviewing the plan we both had on our minds.

"Yup!" Melody said happily, and for a moment it was like everything was the same. We were still two crazy kids without a care in the world, we didn't have any worries, it was like our problems were clouds and they had left for the day. Sunlight had peeked its way through the clouds, and for a moment, everything was perfect.


Author's Note

I know, it's like half of a chapter. I'm sorry. It's less than half a chapter actually, but this is another fill in chapter. Sorry. I don't like them ether. Add me on Insta: 1daughterofposeidon for updates and sneak peeks on books.

Thanks so much for every reader that bothers reading this book, because I love ya all. *gives virtual hug to all*

Word Count (sorry): 382

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