Promises (Part 4)

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We got out of the car and went to meet Max, Michael, Mike, Macy and the Reeds.

"Alright you all be good now." Mrs. Reed said as she finished a speech to her kids. Melody went to meet me as we made our way to the church and classrooms. There were only four classrooms, the church was very small and not a lot of kids went to the church. There was a class for high schoolers, where Melody, Minho, Mine, and I fell into. Zach and Kelley were in middle school. Albert, Rose Jack, Jake, Jazzy, Michael, and Mike all went to the Elementary school. And then Macy and Lilac went to the preschool class. We went to our classes and afterwards into the sanctuary.

Two hours later we pulled up in front of the Reed's house. They had invited us over for lunch since they were at our house all the time. I was sitting in the living room with Melody, Zach, Kelley, and Albert.

"Let's play twister." Zach said. I looked around the room and realized it was the same people when I had broken my nose last New Years. Same people, same place, same game, no way.

"Let's not." I said. Melody looked my way on confusion before she caught on a few seconds later.

"Let's play hide-and-seek." Melody suggested.

"Yeah! I'll get the whole crew, we love hide-and-seek." Zach said. Zach came back with the rest of his siblings and the Davis siblings. Macy was on Minho's back like she usually was.

"Who is the seeker?" Rose asked. No one volunteered.

"We'll just do bubble gum." Mina said. "Feet in." We each put one foot in and Mina continued with the mini game, taking one foot out each round.

"Jazzy your it." Mina said.

"I don't want to be it." Jazzy complained. "I'm not playing then." She decided.

"I'll be it." Zach volunteered. Mina and Melody rolled their eyes.

"Zach always babies Jazzy." Melody explained to me quietly. "She's got him wrapped around her tiny finger."

"Yeah why would anyone do that?" Minho asked as he overheard us.

"You baby Macy all the time, you shouldn't be talking." I told him.

"That's different." Minho insisted. "She's the only girl in the family."

"And Jazzy is the only girl in the triplets." Melody debated.

"See? Different." Minho decided. Nether of us decided to argue with him.  We all scattered and Zach started counting to twenty. We all ran around in different rooms. The rule was that you had to stay in the house and you couldn't stay in any locked rooms, or lock yourself in. I went to Zach and Kelley's room and hit under the bottom bunk, which happened to be Zach's which wasn't the cleanest.

About fifteen minutes did he finally find everyone.

"I don't want to play again, it takes forever to find this many people and it gets too boring." Kelley complained.

"Can we please just play twister?" Rose begged. Both Zach and Melody looked over at me, then Zach turned to Kelley. Melody bit her bottom lip like she always did when she was worried.

"Sure lets play." I said. "We can take turns being caller." Only four people could go on the mat at once. The first round was Minho, Kelley, Zach and Rose.

"I'll be caller." Melody volunteered.

"Watch out for Kelley, she's brutal in this game." I warned Minho.

"How can she be? She's a little cute twelve year old." Minho said. I scrunched my nose at the thought of Minho calling Kelley cute.

"She broke my nose last time we played this." I told him. Minho's eyes got wide.

"Maybe this time I'll brake her nose." Minho said.

"Oh no don't, we don't have the kind of money to play for that again." I told him.

"Yeah but she would have to pay since it's her nose." Minho said.

"No cause they payed the hospital bill for me last time." I said.

"Fine, but if she starts it, I'll have no mercy." Minho said. They started lining up.

"Minho and Kelley aren't going to get along in this game." I told Melody.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because he knows she broke my nose last time during this game." I told Melody.

"I'm not sure if I should pity Kelley or Minho." Melody said.

"Me nether." I said.

"Huckleberry and his girlfriend! Hurry up we're waiting!" Minho yelled to us.

"We're right here." I said.

"Yeah but it's funnier to yell it." Minho said.

"Oh shut up." Melody and I said at the same time before everyone started laughing.


Author's Note

Oh my, Twister again!

I have more news (geez a lot of news author's notes in this book). I am joining Alexa on @puppy_lover_222 to write more books! We will both be writing books, and she had great ideas. So please give the account a follow since we just started writing books. I'm currently working on covers, but we have to (currently) published books that need covers and I would be happy to have some help.

We're starting on two books, Home and Teacups. I hope you guys can follow the account, would mean a ton to me.

On the bright side (not really) this is the second to last chapter (not part, chapter).

Thank you so much for reading!

Word Count: 898

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