Promises (Part 5)

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After a few rounds of Twister did I finally try to get the guts try to talk to Melody about that. Main word there being try.

"Do you want to grab some snacks from the kitchen?" I asked Melody.

"Sure." She said.

"I want Cheese Its and chips." Zach called.

"Would you like the whole fridge?" Melody asked.

"Actually that would be great I'm starved." Zach said.

"I was joking." Melody said.

"Darn. I'm even more hungry now." Zach said. Melody rolled her eyes and we went to the kitchen. I sat down at the table while Melody started going through the fridge.

"Ummm, so I need to tell you something." I said. I looked at my hands and started fiddling around with them.

"What?" Melody said without a care in the world. Geez this was hard. I felt like I was about to tell a parent that there kid died.

"So...." I said not knowing how to start the conversation. After that word I stopped. Melody waited a few seconds before she started talking again.

"So what? Is there anything else?" Melody asked me, she looked back at me for a moment and then went make to pulling things out of the fridge.

"Yeah..." I said, then trailed off again. Melody got a few bowls and started pouring things into them, fruits, chips, cheese it's and other things.

"So.... Are you going to continue?" She asked me. I didn't respond.

"Didn't you say that you aren't allowed in the kitchen at home?" I asked her.

"That's what you wanted to ask me?" Melody asked surprised and looking a little considered.

"Well no, but still." I said, still trying to stall time.

"I'm not cooking, I'm just grabbing snacks I'm allowed to do that. Now what did you want to ask me." Melody said, talking a little quicker than usual.

"Ummm well." I started, right as Minho walked through the door. I glared at him.

"Zach wants the food now." Minho said, then he noticed my glare. "Ohhhh you're telling her." Minho said. He quickly grabbed a bowl of chips. "I'll leave you alone now, and hide for safety."

"What was that about?" Melody asked.

"Nothing." I said too quickly.

"Kyle." Melody said, more like a statement.

"Well, you see, so I called-" I tried.

"Melody are there snacks we can grab? Your parents said that there were some here." Alice said as she walked in, interrupting me.

"Hello?" I said. Melody handed her a bowl of fruits. I glared at Alice.

"You're finally telling her?" Alice asked.

"Telling me what?" Melody asked.

"I'll leave you two to that." Alice said as she walked out of the room.

"What do you need to tell me! Just spit it out." Melody said.

"IamgoingtoFloridawithmymomtostaythereuntilChristmas." I said really quickly.

"What?" Melody asked.

"I'm staying with my mom in Florida for half of the school year." I said slower, not meeting her eyes.

"What?" Melody said. I could already tell she was mad at me, even just the sound of her voice. I looked up at her and saw tears in her eyes.

"Melody I know-" I started.

"No just." Melody said, cutting herself off. I stood up and walked towards her. She pushed me away.

"Melody." I tried again. She pushed me away.

"Leave me alone." She said as she ran out of the room and up the stairs to her room. I sat down at the table and rubbed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair. I felt footsteps walking in.

"I figure you told her?" Alice asked me. I shook me head.

"It's ok, she won't stay mad at you Kyle." Max said.

"Yeah, you guys are too good of friends for that. She won't just leave like that Huckleberry." Minho said, though I wasn't so sure about that.

"I need to go talk to her." I said, standing up.

"Maybe you should leave her alone a little bit." Alice said. I considered her words, but shook my head deciding that if I really was going to leave any day now I didn't want Melody to still be mad at me for those last days. Mom and Steve were already driving here, they would be here any day.

"No, Mom and Steve are going to come pick me up any day, I can't have her be mad at me until I leave." I told them. I walked out of the room, following Melody's tracks. I knocked on her door softly.

"Mels?" I tried.

"Leave me alone Kyle." Melody snapped.

"Please Melody, I need to tell you the full story before I leave." I told her. She didn't respond. "Melody please. I can't leave knowing you're mad at me." The door clicked open a few seconds. Melody was back on her bed, her head buried in a bunch of pillows. I walked up to her and sat at the edge of the bed. "Last year, before I met you I wanted to kill myself." I said, almost a whisper. Melody sat up, and I looked at her tearstained face. "I cut myself for two years before that." I told her.

"Where?" She asked me in a whisper. I pulled up my sweatshirt sleeve, I turned my wrist around and scars were all over around my skin.

"I wanted to just hang myself one day. No one knew, not even Alice." I whispered. I decided to do it in two weeks, I was scared to do it, but I felt like I had to Melody." Tears started running down my face, one by one. "Bullying killed me, killed me on the inside and it showed on the outside too. It almost killed me for good. Before those two weeks, Alice and I ran away and we came here. I was scared to even go to that school. Our school. I didn't think about it for the first time in forever, but it was still in my mind. Melody then I met you." I glanced over at Melody, new tears had started running down her face. "When I met you, I felt like I met hope, because we actually became friends. You actually wanted to be friends with me. After we actually became friends, those thought disappeared. But if you leave me, it's like hope leaving. I don't want those thoughts to come back. I don't want to bullied again." I said. Melody hugged me, tighter than ever before.

"I'm not leaving any time soon Kyle, not if you don't leave me." She whispered to me. I hugged her tighter, knowing she really wouldn't.


Author's Note

That was a long chapter. A very long chapter.

I'm finishing this book today. Probably. April 29, 2017. I'm pretty sure I'll finish.

So there's another side of Kyle. A whole nother side.

Word Count: 1140

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