Promises (Part 6)

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Short Part Warning!!!

Melody and I stayed the rest of the day in her room, before Alice called us that it was time to go.

"When are you leaving?" Melody asked me before we left.

"Any day now, my mom and Steve are on there way." I told her. Melody hugged me tightly again.

"I'll miss you." She said.

"But you're coming to the wedding right?" I asked her.

"Now, I can't wait for it." She told me.

"Let's go Kyle." Max told me. "Everyone else is already in the cars."

"I'm coming." I told him. I walked out the door, Melody closing it softly behind. An idea popped into my head. "Who's coming with you?" I asked Max.

"Just you, Alice already left with everyone else. Your goodbye took a while." Max told me.

"Can we stop by the shelter, it's only eight." I told him.

"What to you need from there?" Max asked. I look out my money and counted it. I took a deep breath, realizing I only had one hundred dollars.

"Tomorrow. We'll go tomorrow. I need to go adopt a pet." I told Max.

"Do you think your mom will let you have a pet in her house?" Max asked.

"He's not for me." I told him. "He's for Melody."


Author's Note

Told you it would be a short chapter.

What pet do you think he's going to be????????

Word Count: 237

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