Me,bananas and my invisibility cloak.

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Another dreary day of school.I used to love school.Top of the class, the good girl.But that's not me anymore, I don't really know who I am now.Just Her friend?I more to be more than that, I want to be my own powerful self.Free.Another year and I can visit Ava.18-Then I can leave and do my thing.Cut ties to the people that live here.Take a plane and share a flat with Ava.Just one year...

I count the days, scoring them off.I make a plan to get there.I get obsessed with leaving, packing my stuff 11 months too early.I don't revise, I don't text her.She is angry, but you know what?I don't care.I am me.But...she starts asking for money.Lots of money.Money I don't have.I can't say no.I don't know..anymore.I am not free, I am falling she is dragging me down with her.

I am waiting,it's almost midnight.I wait for Ava.But I don't mind waiting for Ava.Because Ava doesn't want money from me to prove our 'friendship', it's Her that does that.Not Ava.

Avanger-that's her online name.Ava is addicted to the Avengers movies.I am Morganabana I used to love bananas.For one whole week I mainly ate bananas.Just bananas.Banana smoothie,banana cake.

So I wait for Ava-counting down the minutes,counting down the hours until I can be me.When am 18.Until I cut my chains,loosen my Katniss Everdeen-like plait,unscrew my bolts from my neck,take off my cloak of invisibility and grab my lightsaber and be seen as me.

*Hunger games reference
*Frankenstein reference
*Harry Potter reference
*Star Wars reference
(Idk why I wrote that out...😉)

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