Her Blog

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This is written from the POV of Her (the blog paragraph) just in case you got confused

She is sick.I found this,she has a blog?!?I..need to sort this out with-but no I can't-it's her life.But I am there if Morgan needs me.I will always be there.

~~BlogNet/Write your blog today!~~

Is it me or is it YOU?         2,456views
Hey...guys it's me!!!You guessed it!!LotsOf❤️❤️,mauh mauh.
So,Omihgosh,let's get into TODAY!TODAY is a day of kisses💋.No you pervs-STAY AWAY!!But also one of my friends was being really,really mean.I asked to borrow something.(Sshhh)And she STILL HASNT REPLIED TO MY TEXTS!!!😰😰Its TERRIBLE like the time...your iPhone crashed and you really,really needed to take a Selfie!!!!THAT BAD.This is a emergency!!!999-CALL/PICK UP NOW!!😨
Ok guys as you can see I'm going through a CRISIS!!Text her/spam hate so I can get MY stuff!!
Is it Me?Or is it HER!!
Morganabana-Much hate her<3
BananazMorGana-Hate her<3

Who does this?I swear this happens again, I am coming!!!This girl,this 'friend' is mean.She isn't a broken doll to be cared for ,no,Morgan is the breaking one.
Morgan doesn't deserve this-no one does.It is bullying,and I wish I could start stopping it..

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