Soul Division

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This is... Getting out of hand.

Now we have two possessions, both of them behind Dusk's corrupt parents. Blaza's having more and more trouble with keeping Vizor contained, and now Meme has Dawn to worry about, as well as the crystal infection that seems to speed up when Dawn is in control. She also obviously knows my limits for revival, judging by the bloody sight that used to be Joocie.

Which is... disturbing. Maybe Blizor told her at some point?

But I feel as though we need to get this over with. I've been delaying this enough, and I should have asked Luci to do it as soon as we got here.

It was later in the day, after Woolf finally came out of shock and was able to explain exactly what happened, that I decided to talk to Luci.

I found her hanging out in her room, just lying on her bed and looking up at the ceiling. Honestly, I don't blame her - if I wasn't so worried about Blaza and Meme then I'd probably be doing the same.

"Hey, Luci?" I said.

Luci turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I need to ask you something," I said.

Luci stood up. "Sure."

I sighed. "I need you to separate Vizor and Dawn from Blaza and Meme. I was gonna ask as soon as we got here, but you had been imprisoned for... I don't even know how long."

"Sure," Luci said, "Anything for a friend!"

"Thank you," I breathed.


While Luci set up the ritual, I went ahead and told Blaza and Meme what was going on.

Blaza was pretty relieved, and so was Meme. Understandable, sharing a body with somebody is NOT fun.

Believe me, I know more than most about that feeling.

It wasn't until around day-moonset that Luci was ready.

At that time, I brought Blaza and Meme out to the area Luci had set up.

The ritual was set up in a large clearing, surrounded by scarlet vulcanwood trees. In the middle was a circle, about seven feet in diameter, with an X shape in the middle. In the middle of the X was a smaller X turned on its side, making it look like a plus sign. Four black candles were placed at each tip of the large X. Luci was standing in front of one, lighting it with a small match.

Luci stood up as she heard us coming. "Ready?" She asked.

Blaza took a deep breath. "This is safe, right?"

"I can't say for sure, but I've successfully done this before, if it makes you feel better," Luci replied, winking at me as she said it (well, I think she was winking. Kind of hard to tell with her eye patch). I chuckled slightly, as I knew exactly what she was talking about.

Luci beckoned the two over. "Just stand in the circle, clear your thoughts, and I'll do the rest."

I could see Blaza's eye flickering between black and white. Vizor was probably trying to force him to escape, but Blaza was doing pretty well holding him back.

Meme and Blaza both stood in the white painted circle, anxious to be free from the possessive Purebloods in their heads. Luci stood a few feet away, outside of the circle. 

I stepped back a little bit before she started, just in case. Meme looked at me worryingly, and in reply I gave him a thumbs up, to brighten his thoughts. 

Because it was now time for the ritual to begin.

Luci closed her eyes and started muttering something in Hybrodeic. A gentle breeze suddenly overtook the clearing, growing in strength until I had to fold my wings over myself to keep from becoming a kite. Luci seemed to have no trouble, however, for the raging gale hardly ruffled her wing feathers. The candles also stayed lit, and seemed to glow brighter in the wind.

Suddenly, a bright light formed above Meme's and Blaza's heads. I had to shield my eyes, for it was basically a miniature sun. The light floated there for a moment, then seemed to get brighter and brighter, until even closing my eyes wasn't enough to block the blinding glare.

And then it started to get dimmer.

Luci's calm expression turned to confusion. Determined, she tried to brighten the small sun once again, but it dimmed anon.

That's when I noticed that both Blaza and Meme had tentacles again.

Blizor was smiling wickedly, his gaze focused on Luci. Meow, basically half encased by crystal, reached a tentacle up and wrapped it around the light. Luci cried out in pain, and fell to her knees. I wanted to help, but interfering would make it worse.

So I was forced to stand back and watch.

Meow squeezed ever tighter on the light until it faded to a dark shadow. The forceful wind sped up even more, and I was surprised I was able to keep on my feet. They glared at me, and smirked.

"Good luck with what's coming for you," Meow said, their singsong voice giving me the chills, "You're gonna need it."

Suddenly, the light seemed to burst in a miniature supernova, blasting the clearing with a forceful gale that knocked me to the ground.

I lay there for a moment, recovering from the shock. My ears were ringing, and my head hurt. A lot. I slowly got up and rubbed my forehead, muttering curses under my breath as the pain spiked through my brain. 

I stood up and saw Blaza and Meme on the ground where the circle had reduced to ashes. Luci was slowly standing up, shaking her head and muttering to herself. I quickly walked over to help her up before kneeling down next to Blaza and Meme.

"Blaza? Meme? Can you hear me?" I said. I couldn't be sure, I could hardly hear myself through the ringing that still echoed in my head. "Guys? Wake up, please!"

I focused my energy and used my healing powers to see if it would help. The crystals along Meme's body retracted back to their neutral state. Thankfully, I saw them both breathing - not very strongly, but breathing. I sighed in relief.

I turned to Luci.

"Let's get these two inside," I said, "I'll try to heal them further."

Luci nodded, and lifted Meme up around her shoulders. I grabbed Blaza, hoisting his limp, unconscious body off the ground as we trekked back to the complex so I could heal them.


(???? PoV)

"Where are we?"

"We're back in ______, crindni!"

"But how? I thought we dissipated into one?"

"Don't ask me how, I know as much as you do about this."

"What're we gonna do?"

"I guess what we used to do. Gonna have to break the news of our re-arrival to him, though. 

"He probably won't be too happy, but whatever."



Hmmmm I wonder who the two mysterious figures at the end are....

(Katherine if you read this and make a connection to the thing I sent you, don't say anything lol)

1135 words

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