Two out of One

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After bringing Meme and Blaza to my room, I attempted to heal them further. They didn't wake up, but no longer looked in pain. Thankfully.

I sighed, and rubbed my forehead again. The pain was still there, and I flinched as I felt another spike of pain.

Luci, who was standing behind me, put her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe you should rest. You've done what you can for them."

I just sighed (again) in response. "You're right. I just don't want them to die and it be my fault..."

"They're gonna be fine," Luci said, "I'll make sure nothing happens."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem," Luci replied, smiling.

I stood up and walked over to my bed in the corner.

I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.


"Hey! Akik! Wake up!"

I groggily blinked my eyes open to someone calling my name. The voice sounded... familiar. I just couldn't place where I'd heard it before.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked around the room for the source of the voice. Only Blaza remained where I had laid him, and I assumed Meme got up after I fell asleep. Luci must have also fallen asleep, for she was sitting against the bed Blaza was laying on, snoring. 

"Whosthere...?" I muttered, my words slurring from exhaustion.

Suddenly, a pale, light blue shape popped up out of nowhere in front of me.

"Hey!" it said cheerfully.

I yelped in surprise and fell down on my bed, hitting my head on the wall as I did.

"Owwww...." I muttered through gritted teeth.

The figure chuckled. "Sorry! Did I scare you?"

"Guess that's one way to put it..." I said. I looked up at the figure, and immediately recognized it.

The figure basically looked exactly like me, except instead of his face being two different shades of blue, it was just the light blue color. His wings were both angel wings, and his eyes were pale yellow, both with darker yellow X's as pupils.

"Wh- you?!" I exclaimed.

"It's meee!" he cheered.

I cautiously looked around the room. "Does that mean...."

"Sure does, crindni."

I sighed and looked to the left wall, where my suspicions were confirmed.

Standing there was another nearly-identical clone of me, but dark blue instead of light, and his eyes were black with glowing red slits for pupils. Of course these guys showed back up.

"Couldn't you have picked ANY OTHER TIME to show back up?!" I said, "It'd be nice to handle one thing at a time!"

"Hey, not our fault," demon-me said, "Soul division just happens. Nothing we can do to stop it."

"But the division was for Meme and Blaza, why'd it work on me and not them? I wasn't even in the ritual circle!" I exclaimed. I looked over to the still-sleeping Blaza and Luci. "And how have they not woken up to the racket you guys are making?"

"Well, for one you're in a dream," demon-me explained, "And two, something must've gone wrong and you got hit by the blast. I don't know, I didn't see it."

"And assuming you guys aren't leaving anytime soon?" I questioned.

Angel-me chuckled. "Nope!"

"Of course not," I muttered. 

"Aw, come on," demon-me said, "You didn't even miss us a little bit?"

"No, not really," I replied.

"I bet you did!" angel-me said cheerfully.

"No, I did not," I said, annoyed by his delirious attitude.

"Do you even remember our names?" demon-me questioned.

"Of course not, it's been years," I growled.

"How could you forget? You literally named us!" he said.

"I was, like, five," I muttered.

Demon-me walked over and swayed his tail out of annoyance. "Remember? I'm Demonkik, he's Angelkik?"

Angelkik waved cheerfully as he heard his name.

"Okay, now I remember," I growled.

"There ya go! Now your memory's sparked back," Demonkik said.

Suddenly, I heard a distant voice calling my name.

"Akik? Akik, wake up!"

Demonkik growled. "Bint. Must be morning."

"How could it be morning?" I questioned, seeing Luci and Blaza in the same spot as before, and the room still being dark.

"Dreams are weird," Demonkik sighed.

Angelkik smiled and waved at me. "See ya later!"

And at that, Angelkik just disappeared in a flash of light.

Demonkik turned to me.

"See you later, crindni," he said. Then he, too, disappeared.


I woke with a start barely five seconds after Demonkik disappeared.

Blaza was standing beside my bed. He had probably been trying to wake me up while I was dreaming.

"Akik?" he said, "You good? You were talking in your sleep, and you don't usually do that, so I wanted to make sure..."

"I'm fine," I said, "Just a... dream."

Blaza shrugged. "Alright."

I felt Blaza wrap his arms around my shoulders. I gently grabbed his hand and smiled.

"It's fine," I whispered to myself, "You're fine. It was just a dream. You're fine. They're not back in your head again."

The fact that there was no answer reassured me just a little bit. But I knew they were deceiving - Demonkik and Angelkik may be two parts of me, but they literally have minds of their own. I have near to no control over them.

Blaza and I just sat there for, like, five minutes. I had nothing better to do, so why not.

But the moment was interrupted by shouting outside.

Oh, bint, what now?


The fact that everything seems to be happening at once in this is reminding me of 2020.

I couldn't wait to publish this so here you go-

862 words

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