Blabbering fools!

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Optimus slid backwards off of Megatron's lap, his face almost as red as his armor. He quickly clicked his faceplate back into place and attempted to compose himself.

Megatron was literally screaming on the inside, both from happiness and embarrassment. One of Optimus's Autobots has seen them together! He'll be sure to tell the whole entire army about them!

"I-Ironhide.... hehe... what is it?" Optimus said nervously, standing up and trying to hide his embarrassment.

"WHAT THE FRAG IS WRONG WITH YOU, OPTIMUS?!" Ironhide yelled in both disbelief and anger. "My circuits had better be fried because if that just happened in front of MY optics, we're gonna have a problem!"

Optimus turned even redder when he tried to explain what just happened. But it was no use, Ironhide saw the whole thing. He sighed, rubbing his forehead and looking up at Ironhide. "Look, there's something I haven't been telling you and the rest of the team..."

"Well yeah! Apparently so!" Ironhide exclaimed, crossing his arms across his chest. "After all these eons that we've been friends you can't even tell me—"

"I'm telling you now!" Optimus interrupted him, hearing Megatron clear his throat awkwardly behind him. "Me and Megatron have had a secret relationship during the whole war, we just broke apart when it started. I didn't want to tell you guys because I feel like you would hate me for it..."

Ironhide grumbled something and shook his head. "Prime... I wouldn't have been mad at you, but I can't speak for the others. If you are truly in love with someone like.... him..., then I'm fine with it. It's just... weird after all the things he's done to us. After all the things he's done to you." He looked up at Optimus with a sad look on his face. "He killed our friends, you know? I don't even understand how you can forgive him for that."

"I'm right here, you blabbering fool!" Megatron snarled from behind Optimus, standing up and pushing him aside. "You think I'm not guilty for what I've done? The lives that I've taken? The cities that I've destroyed? I turned into the monster that I was trying not to be! I didn't want it to be this way!" Megatron's voice had lowered to a husky tone as he glanced away. "That guilt is all on my shoulders and its my own fraggin' fault..."

"Never thought I'd be saying this but... I understand. That still doesn't mean you aren't who you are today. To me and the rest of us, you're a monster.." Ironhide spat that last word like it was venom, stinging Megatron with the hateful word.

"Ironhide, don't say anything to the others. I'll tell them myself. As for you, Megatron, please don't mention any of this.... for your own sake.." Optimus mumbled, his optics twinkling a little as he looked at Megatron.

Megatron sighed and nodded, sitting back down on the berth. "I won't. We'll talk about this later..." he huffed, staring at the floor.

Optimus took Ironhide by the shoulder and gently pulled him along. "Come on old friend, lets go."

Ironhide took one last glare at Megatron before the cell door slammed shut and they walked away down the hall.

Megatron held his head in his hands and growled under his breath. "Why must it be so hard to show how I feel?!" He hissed, banging his fist on the berth and making a dent.

-Optimus's office-

Ratchet, Prowl, Ironhide, Jazz, And Bluestreak were all gathered around Optimus's desk as he shuffled a few datapads. They looked at him expectantly, wondering why he called this random officer's meeting in his own office instead of the conference room.

"What is it that you wanted to tell us, Prime?" Ratchet broke the silence, tilting his head curiously.

Ironhide stayed quiet, giving the others a look that kept them quiet as well.

Optimus sighed heavily and leaned forward on his desk, his fingers tapping on the metal surface. "Based on a recent incident, I've been inclined to inform you all about something that I've kept a secret for eons...."

Light gasps filled the room after Optimus said that. What could Optimus possibly be hiding from them?

"What? Don't tell me, you're really a Decepticon!" Jazz joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Ratchet growled, smacking him on the helm. "Quiet, you idiot!"

"Go on..." Prowl mumbled, tapping his pede impatiently.

"I've had a secret relationship with someone over the past few eons, including during the war." Optimus replied, rubbing his optics.

"With who? Is there a femme out there that you aren't telling us about?" Bluestreak questioned, his optics narrowing.

Before anyone else could speak their mind, Optimus held up his hands to silence them. "No... it's not that... I've been in a relationship with.... Megatron."

Instead of the immediate eruption of anger that Optimus thought would happen, the room was eerily silent. All of them had dumbstruck, surprised looks on their faces. All of them except Ironhide.

"Why aren't you surprised, 'Hide?" Ratchet finally said, raising an eyebrow.

"I already knew that." Ironhide muttered, earning even more gasps from the others.

"You knew and you didn't tell us?!" Prowl growled, putting his hands on his hips.

"Optimus just told me this today! I'm just as clueless as you are!" Ironhide retorted, frowning deeply.

"All of you stop. I didn't mean to hide this from you. When the war broke out, it was the best decision to make. I just didn't want you to hate me because of it..." Optimus mumbled, propping his head up with his arms.

Ratchet sighed and shook his head. "If only you  had told me earlier..."

"I can't believe it..." Jazz mumbled, looking away.

"Of all the mechs, why him?" Prowl asked, tilting his head.

Optimus looked up with a sad look on his face. "I can't even begin to explain my love for Megatron... you have to believe me..."

"Well, you've got a lot of explaining to do either way so let's just get it over with." Prowl replied, rolling his optics and taking a seat.

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