Burdened by love

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-Three hours later-

It took three hours to explain everything to them, which was extremely tiring. By the time they were finished, Optimus desperately wanted a recharge.

But for some reason, his spark drew him back to Megatron's cell. He ignored his exhaustion as he walked briskly down the hall, not paying attention to the looks he was getting from the other Autobots who were walking the opposite way.

He reached the brig and walked all the way down to the end where Megatron's cell was. He entered the code and the door clicked, slowly sliding open.

Megatron was leaning against the wall on his berth, staring at the wall with dull red optics. His head perked up when he heard Optimus enter the cell and the door closed behind him. "So you decided to come back.... Hmph.." he muttered, glancing away.

Optimus rubbed his optics and sighed heavily, plopping down next to Megatron on the berth. "I can't even look my own friends in the optic without getting judged... what have I done?" He mumbled, holding his head in his hands.

Megatron rolled his optics and turned towards Optimus, slowly easing him back so that he was laying on his chest. He laid down as well, getting comfortable on the berth and sighing. "They didn't take it well, I presume?"

Optimus shook his head, enjoying the warmth from Megatron's chest against his frame. "No, they asked me so many questions... it's like they were interrogating me! I saw that look of betrayal in their optics when I told them about our relationship and I couldn't take it... I don't understand anymore... I really don't."

Megatron sighed, gently stroking Optimus's back with his hand. He looked up at the ceiling and thought for a second. "You know how hard it is to be a leader and have a relationship at the same time? It's fragging hard, I think we can both agree on that. Our men constantly scrutinize us by every move we make, every word that escapes our lips, every command that we give. Primus, we can't even have a real relationship because of them!"

Optimus turned onto his side and wrapped his arms around Megatron, comforted by the soft hum of his spark beating beneath his chestplate. He closed his optics for a moment, letting his exhaustion take over for just a second.

"Sometimes I feel like I did the wrong thing... that I chose the wrong side. I'm the one who dragged us into this damn war! I'm so torn by my feelings inside that I can't even think straight... my head keeps pounding day after day because of the stress. I feel horrible no matter what I do..."

"I never realized how much we are alike..." Optimus mumbled, opening his optics and yawning. "We are both leaders of opposing sides that are torn by our feelings for one another. Our men disagree with our relationship and we both feel horrible because of it... If you really think about it, I'm no different than you are."

"No, Optimus. You are nothing like me. I'm a monster that only wants to kill and destroy. You, however, you are the shining light that blinds the darkness and saves the world. You have defeated the darkness in me to a point that I'm not even sure if its worth going on... I just want to stop..." Megatron growled lowly, clenching his fist tightly.

"Then why don't you? Nothing is stopping you."

"That's like me asking you to throw down your weapons and hug me in the middle of a battle. It isn't that easy to just drop everything you've ever been and change. I wish it were that easy, but it's not..."

"If it means bringing us together and ending this forsaken war, then I'm willing to do it. I'm sure our men want to see this war end as well." Optimus mumbled, looking up at Megatron and running his fingers along his sharp jawline.

"Psh.. you really are a pushover, aren't you?" Megatron chuckled, lightly tapping Optimus on the helm. "What are we going to do, then?"

"Well, I'm going to tell my men that I'm ending this war once and for all. I can call your men on Teletran-1 so you can tell them yourself." Optimus said, sitting up and stretching.

"Are you sure this is going to work? What if they respond negatively like before?" Megatron sat up as well, cracking his knuckles and groaning.

"It has to work, it just has to. I have no other plan in case this fails..." Optimus muttered, standing up and walking towards the door.

Megatron watched him leave, a small smile on his face. "There goes my savior..." he chuckled, rubbing his optics drowsily.

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