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Hey guys sorry for the delay but last few days were not good for me and above that came the news of Sushant Singh Rajput. No doubt he was a self made star and I really admired him for what he was.

Guys I just want to say that if you see someone suffering from depression, don't make fun of them but try to help them out and similarly if you are suffering from same then don't hesitate to talk to your closed ones. It really helps.

Without any further ado lets jump onto the story.

This part is unedited and may have some typos. Please forgive me for that. The story will be edited after its completion.

Happy Reading ❤️

"How are you Mrs. Sanskar Maheshwari?" Sanskar asked back hugging Swara resting his chin on her shoulder. She was in kitchen preparing for dinner lost in her own thoughts.

"I am fine. When did you come? You go and change, I will bring your tea." Swara said giving him a small smile.

He sighed and nodded. Pecking her cheeks he left for their room. He was observing her since past one week. After that incident, she has become very quite. Although her life now revolve around only Sanskar but she was paying more attention to him than needed. She used to cling to him all the time. One would say that that's what he wanted, to be her priority. Yes he wanted to be her priority but didn't wanted that her life revolves around him only. Its like she has nothing else to do but to pamper her husband.

Firstly he thought it was due to the miseries they went through but now he thinks there is more to it. She just smiles for namesake and always busy in household chores. But Sanskar being himself noticed that she is scared of something. She treats him as a newborn baby, not letting him do any work of his. He can feel her love for him but this is going extreme. She has a life outside SS VILLA as well. He needed to talk to her.

She has given up on her event managing business. Nikhil comes daily to convince her but she does not listens. For now Uttara and Nikhil are together handling that.

At Night

"Sanskar I wanted to ask something." Swara said hesitantly.

"Ask baby why are you hesitating?" Sanskar asked frowning.

"Wo Uttara wanted some help with am event shopping. Can I go with her tomorrow? If you don't want then I won't go." Swara said.

"Swara, princess why are you asking permission for such a small issue. You don't need my permission. Just inform me and go. That event company is yours. You have all the rights to work for it." Sanskar said cupping her face.

"No actually I have to go at 6pm. Its time when you return from office. What if you need something?" Swara said.

"Swara No doubt I love to see your beautiful face after a tiring day but that doesn't mean that I cannot manage sometimes without you. Its important for you to go. You should go without any worries. Why are you behaving like this? You don't have any such restrictions. "Sanskar said. Swara nodded and hugged him. He caressed her hairs. Something is definitely wrong with her.

A pair of sad eyes witnessed the scene through their room window.

Next Day

" Uttara you are taking Swara for the event planning shopping right? "Ram asked. He, Uttara and Sujata were seated on the dining table while Swara was helping Sanskar with his things in their room.

" Yes Papa. Finally after so much of pleadings she agreed today. "Uttara said happily. She was new in this business and needed Swara's guidance.

" Hmm. Take this evening as a girl's evening and have fun. Come after having dinner. Take your mom as well. "Ram said with a slight smile.

" Okay Dad. Thank you. I love you. "Uttara chirped. Sujata and Ram both shared a knowing look.

Ram sat and thought about what all he saw yesterday. His son and daughter-in-law were still not normal. He needed some alone time with Sanskar to discuss this issue.

In Evening

" Mom Uttara we have purchased everything that was needed. Now lets go home. Sanskar must be waiting." Swara said looking at her watch.

"Bhabhi chill. Lets roam around a little more. We will have dinner and then go." Uttara said nonchalantly.

"What?" Swara asked. Her face has turned pale. Sujata was observing her closely.

"Yes chhori. Let's have a girl's evening." Sujata said.

"No mom. Let's go home. Sanskar only knows that we have to do shopping. He will get upset." Swara said with dismay.

"He is Sanskar chhori not Ragini's dadi that you are so scared. We have this much freedom." Sujata said and without listening to her dragged her.


Sanskar returned from office and saw Ram sitting alone in living room.

"Where is mom, dad?" He asked sitting besides him.

"She has gone with Swara and Uttara. I gave them a girl's evening. They will come after dinner." Ram said.

"That's good. They should have such outings more often." Sanskar said with a smile.

"Sanskar I wanted to talk about something." Ram said.

"Yes dad. Say." Sanskar said.

" Sanskar I don't mean to intrude in your personal life. There are some issues which needs to be solved by husband and wife themselves but I am observing Swara from few days. She is changed." Ram said.

Sanskar sighed and nodded.

" You are right dad. Something is up with her. She behaves very weirdly. "Sanskar said.

" Hmm.. I would suggest you calmly talk to her and sort out things. You both have been through a lot. Take her out for a vacation. It will divert her mind. " Ram suggested.

" You are right dad. I will talk to her soon. " Sanskar said.

At Night

As the ladies entered inside the mansion, Swara's heart was thumping in fear. She straightaway ran towards her room in search of Sanskar. She opened the room's door and there he stood in an orange tee and white trousers looking out of the balcony.

He heard the opening of the door and turned around giving her a slight smile but seeing her expressions, frowned. She was panting heavily and her face was turning red like sho could cry anytime. She ram towards him and hugged him tightly.

"I am sorry Sanskar." Swara muttered.

"What happened Swara? Why are you apologising?" Sanskar asked hugging him back.

"Wo wo mom and Uttara forcefully took me for dinner. I didn't know about it. I am sorry I didn't leave you intentionally." She said still in his embrace.

His frown deepen.

"Swara its okay Shona. So what if you got a little late? I know you were going to return after dinner." He consoled her.

"Don't leave me Sanskar. I didn't donit intentionally please believe me." Swara said ignoring what all Sanskar said. Sanskar stood shocked.

"Swara why will I leave you. Firstly you calm down." Sanskar said rubbing her back. She was shivering.

"I... Sans.. Sanskaaar...Sor... Sorryyy.." Swara tried to say but couldn't. She was breathing heavily.

"Momm.. Dadddd.. Please come fast." Sanskar shouted at the top of his voice when he saw that Swara's condition was worsening. She was having a panic attack. Ram, Sujata and Uttara came running and just lookinh at her, without thinking Uttara called the doctor immediately.

" Swara.. Chhori.." Sujata cried looking at her condition. She observed her all evening. She was restless without Sanskar and constant wanted to go home. But as instructed by Ram, she wanted her to have some fun away from Sanskar.

Sanskar laid her on bed and both Sujata and Sanskar started to rub her cold hands to provide some warmth. Ram sat on the head caressing her head worriedly to make her breathing even.

In no time doctor arrived and she injected her which calmed her down and she slipped in deep slumber.

"She is having something on her mind, some fear which she is not telling. I would suggest, once she feels better, you talk to her and sort it out. She doesn't needs any medicines. I have injected her. She will wake up after few hours. " Doctor said proceeding towards her home.

All nodded thinking what would it be that Swara would be afraid of except Sanskar. He stood in a corner with tearful eyes realising that his one sentence in the past has caused such a big damage to Swara's mind.

She was begging him not to leave her because according to her she did something against his will and now he will leave her just as he said to her in the past when she broke his swear and also when she left Maheshwari Mansion. Now he understood why she used to cling to him and do whatever pleased him. She was making efforts to heal his wounds of the past and now it was his turn to do the same.

"Chhore take care of her and give me a call if you need anything. Don't leave her alone." Sujata said cupping his face and left for her room.

He laid down besides her staring at her pale face. He was determined to erase every bit of her fear from her mind regarding their relationship. He kept on looking at her till the time sleep engulfed him.


Sanskar got up with a jerk hearing Swara scream his name. She was sitting besides him covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"Swara.. Jaan." He quickly hugged her making her calm.

"Don't go anywhere." She mumbled.

"No one is going anywhere. I am here. It was just a nightmare." He said caressing her back. He looked at the clock and it showed 4am in the morning.

"Feeling better?" He asked her as she broke the hug after sometime. She nodded.

"I'll just come from washroom." She said.

He sat on the bed waiting for her to come. As she returned he stretched his arms towards her inviting her in them. She happily complied and rested her face on his chest.

"Swara you know right that whatever we said to each other in the past was out of anger and not from the heart?" Sanskar started talking.

She hummed. She knew where he was taking this and to be honest she too wanted to unburden her heart and lead a normal life.

"Then why are you scared baby?" Sanskar asked. She looked at him and a lone tear escaped from her eyes.

"I want my old feisty Swara back who was my tigress. I don't like this scared kitten." Sanskar said cupping her face.

"You won't leave me? Ever?" Swara asked like a child. He nodded.

"Don't ever say that you will leave me. I cannot live without you Sanskar. These two months were hell for me." She said sobbing.

"I am sorry Swara. I never thought that my words will impact your mind this deeply. I was not in my senses then. I just want you by my side. That doesn't mean you will leave your life for me. Be yourself. Be Swara Bose before being Swara Maheshwari. " Sanskar said pecking her forehead.

"I just want us to forget those two months and be a normal couple. We could do that right?" He asked to which she nodded with a genuine smile of hers this time.

And with this as the night faded with the rising of sun, the remnants of insecurity in them faded too and new hopes rose for a brighter and better future.

***to be continued***

Precap- Making of Little Maheshwari 😉😜

Hey guys I hope you liked this part. Since my plot was to show that both of them were wrong somewhere in the past. So this one was how Swara's mind was affected by Sanskar's words.

Let me know your views in comment box and hit the vote button. Forgive me if it was boring.

Until next time

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