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Happy Reading ❤️

Sanskar was standing in his balcony looking at the moon lost in his own thoughts. A wave of different emotions were flowing inside him. He was angry, frustrated and broken at the same time.

Coming back from Maheshwari Mansion, he excused himself saying he has an important conference call to attend to and he will be in his study. He carefully closed the door and connected a video call to Dev and Sonakshi asking about the matter they were talking about.

"What is it Sonakshi that you wanted to talk to me about without Swara knowing?" Sanskar asked.

"Sanskar.. Wo" Sonakshi hesitated.

"What is it Sona?" Sanskar now asked in a more concerned voice. Dev squeezed her hands encouraging her to say the truth.

"Swara's miscarriage reports are here." Sonakshi blurted.

"And?" Sanskar asked. He was worried that he is going to hear something he doesn't want to.

"Sanskar traces of abortion pills are observed in her blood. It was not an accident. The miscarriage happened due to those pills." Sonakshi told him controlling her tears.

Sanskar stared at the laptop screen in disbelief trying to process the information he just got. Different emotions were flowing in him. He switched from grief, frustration to anger.

Who the hell tried to kill their child? He is definitely not going to leave that person.

"Is there a way to get to know who did this?" Sanskar asked very calmly.

"That's the major lead for us Sanskar. The pill detected in her body is a very unique one and is found only in few pharmacy  stores in Kolkata. It is so strong that it's one dose is enough but the thing is it takes atleast a week to show its effect. " Sonakshi told.

"So we can take out the list of those pharmacy stores and check with them." Dev said.

"Yes. Hospital has the list of those pharmacies. We very rarely recommend them because it can cause strong side effects. Swara proved to be lucky in that case." Sonakshi said.

"Okay then. Send me that list Sona tomorrow first thing in morning." Sanskar said in a very distant voice.

"Sanskar are you okay?" Dev asked.

"I will be once I will punish my child's culprit." Sanskar said thinking something deeply. There was someone who definitely knew about Swara's pregnancy but who?

He disconnected the call and after having dinner came to his room.

He came out from his thoughts as he felt soft touch on his torso from behind. Swara was back hugging him resting her face on his back. They stood their for a while in peace enjoying the comfortable silence in between them. After sometime Sanskar felt a trail of hot tears making his t-shirt wet. He sighed and turned around taking her in his embrace.

"Swara we have already talked about it. We will forget those two months forever and move on in our lives." Sanskar said caressing her back. 

She broke the hug and looked at him with adoration in her eyes. Only this man held the power to know what was going on in her mind without her saying. He knew that after Laksh's return she was drowned in her guilt more. But now he has accepted the fact that it was their destiny and now wants to lead a peaceful and happy life with his family.

"Sorry Sanskar." Swara repeated it for nth time. He was now fed up with her sorry chanting.

"I don't want your sorry Swara. I just want one promise." Sanskar said.

"What promise Sanskar?" Swara asked.

"You will never ever go leaving me. No matter what. Even if I ask you to leave, you will not. If I upset or disappoint you, we will talk and sort it out. We will never let our ego come in between us." Sanskar said. Swara readily nodded.

"I promise Sanskar. I will never ever leave you." Swara said giving a squeeze on his hand making a promise. He smiled.

"Apni uss behen ke liye bhi nahi?" (Not for your that useless sister also?) Sanskar asked making faces. Swara chuckled.

"Uske liye to bilkul bhi nahi." (Not at all for her) Swara replied.

"But if you will disappear to get some fresh air without informing me. Then directly DIVORCE." Swara said narrowing her eyes at him. 

"That is why I said you don't love me like Laksh's bachha." Sanskar said pouting, playing along. They looked at each other seriously for a second and then slipped into fits of laughter. 

Swara was laughing wholeheartedly after a very long time. Sanskar admired her laughing face. She looked so carefree and so herself. She would be broken after knowing about the reality of her miscarriage and at that instant Sanskar decided that as far as possible, he will keep her away from this. He doesn't want to inflict more pain on her.

"Always keep smiling like this princess. You look beautiful." Sanskar said cupping her face.

Swara looked down feeling shy. The intensity of love his eyes held was overwhelming her.

"I love you Sanskar." Swara said.

"I love you too Mrs. Sanskar Maheshwari." He replied. He so loved calling her by his name. It gave him the most beautiful feeling that she is only his.

He cupped her face and placed his lips on hers. Caressing each other's lips softly they sealed their promise of togetherness.

Calling it a night, they lied on bed. Swara slept with a beautiful smile on her face keeping her head on his chest while he caressed her hairs. Sleep was far from his eyes. He was not sure what terrible news the next day will bring for him.

Next day

Sanskar sat in his cabin keeping his face in his palms dying out out of anxiety as to whose work this can be. This was definitely the work of some close one.

A knock on the door made him attentive and there entered Dev and Sonakshi. They sat infront of him and Sonakshi passed on the list to him.

He scanned the list closely. There were only 5 stores who sold that pill. One of the name caught his eye.

"Shanti Medicos 

Isn't is where Sharmishtha Maa works? That's all Sanskar could think off. Colour drained out of his face to even think about it. How can Maa do this to Swara? Killing her own grandchild. But if she did then he won't leave her easily.

He rested his head at the back of his chair thinking of any other possibilities but no connections were found with the other four pharmacies.

After a lot of thinking and discussion with Dev and Sonakshi, he decided to have a little private chat with Mrs. Sharmishtha Shekhar Gadodia.

He knew that he shift ends at 5pm so he went at 4.45pm and started to wait for her to come out. As soon as he saw her coming, he sat in his car and stopped it beside her.

"Come Maa. I will drop you." Sanskar said controlling his anger as much as he can. He wanted to listen to her side of the story as well before coming on any conclusion.

"No I can go by myself. I don't need your car." Sharmishtha replied.

"I want to talk to you about something very serious." Sanskar said coming straight to the point. He had no time to endure her tantrums.

Sharmishtha sensed the seriousness in his voice and quietly sat in the passenger seat. He started to drive.

"Swara's miscarriage reports came. It was not an accident but a pill caused it." Sanskar said driving, his concentration on road. Sharmishtha looked at him with a frown.

"Pill?" She whispered.

"Yes. An abortion pill whose only one dose is sufficient and is rarely recommended by the doctors. It is found only in five stores in Kolkata and yours is one of them." Sanskar accused him and shot an accused glance towards Sharmishtha.

Sharmishtha felt numb.

" Are you trying to say that I gave her that pill? "Sharmishtha questioned him.

" Looking at your attitude towards her miscarriage, I am helpless maa. "Sanskar said.

The car came on a halt outside Baadi.

" I still don't have proofs against you but as soon as I will get my hands on them, I won't leave you. I promise. "Sanskar said in a cold tone. He squeezed the steering wheel is so tight that his knuckles turned white.

" I was insecure about yours and her relationship but that doesn't mean I am a murderer. I may not like you but that doesn't mean I will kill my Shona's child." Sharmishtha said and moved out from the car. Sanskar looked at her disappearing figure.

He was now confused. He saw truthfulness in her eyes. Maybe she is right then who and how?
He banged his fist tightly against the steering wheel and moved from there.

There was something that they were missing.

***to be continued***

To beheno conclusion filhal ye hai ki


But there is a lot more to come. Hit the vote button and let me know your views in the comment section.

The part is unedited so there can be some grammatical mistakes and typos. I will edit it soon.

Sorry for the short part but my final exams date has been released so I am back on my old schedule. But I won't leave this in middle and will try to finish it as soon as possible.

Until Next Time

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