Courtyard Apocalypse

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Time seemed to pass by slowly; Percy and George were struggling to pry Fred away from hugging Ron's body, Hermione was still crying, Harry doing his best to comfort her.

Brooklyn stayed silent, silent tears falling down his cheeks. He still couldn't believe Ron was really dead. This had to be a bad dream, it had to!

But then reality shook him from his daze and he went to help Percy and George.

"Fred, come, we need to keep going, we can't help Ron now!" He roared above the noise of the battle. But Fred looked angry, glaring.

"No! I- I won't leave my brother!"

Before he could speak Hermione screamed as a huge spider showed up, shrieking and baring it's fangs. It was one of Aragog's descendants that have joined the battle.

Brooklyn stepped in front of his friends, wings spreaded out to their full length, hissing viciously.

"GET AWAY!" He screeched, baring his own fangs. He shot a spell about the same time Harry and Hermione did; knocking back the fiend. More spiders showed after that, causing the friends to hastily move out of the way, taking Ron's body and making sure it stayed hidden. Brook glanced once in sadness at his friend's corpse before Harry pulled him along with them.

It was absolute chaos in the heat of the battle; Brook could see figures in the dust, whether human or gargoyle, friend or foe, fighting each other or running for their lives. He pulled Fred back after Percy went after Rookwood, whose face was completely livid with grief and rage.

"No! Let me go!" He screamed, struggling as they went behind a tapestry. Brooklyn shook him.

"You must understand, you can't help Ron this way, he's gone. Just try to make sure the other Weasleys are ok!" He snarled, trying to snap sense into the twin who was shaking. After a while, Fred then nodded, and Brooklyn let him go. Fred ran out to find the rest of his siblings and parents, blasting enemies along the way.

"Now what?" Croaked Hermione tearfully, almost forgetting their Horcrux mission. But Brooklyn now understood why Voldemort was so attached to that evil serpent; she too was a Horcrux.

"It is her, Hermione. The snake. She's the last Horcrux. If we destroy her, we can finish Voldemort for good and end all this!" He growled, taking Harry's hand who nodded. "Harry, I know you don't want to, but you need to look for him. We need to know where Voldemort is," Brooklyn said to Harry who looked scared, but he understood what his brother was saying.

He closed his eyes, looking into Voldemort's mind again, revealing a very desolate and familiar room, seeing Lucius in front of him, looking nervous.

"M-my Lord? Wouldn't it be more prudent to call off this attack, and simply seek out the boy and gargoyle yourself?" He asked shakily. Voldemort glowered.

"No... Lucius. I don't need to seek them. By the time the night is out, the boy will come to me, and I shall make his precious brother watch me kill him." He purred silkily, watching his snake who stayed close, tongue flickering. He then sharply looked back at Lucius, who flinched.

"And as for that Demona, while I do love her motives, she too is nothing but a pawn in my little game. She will soon meet her own disgusting end. But go and find Severus Snape. Bring him to me..." Voldemort demanded, red eyes narrowed. Lucius gulped, nodding, as he left.

Harry gasped, snapping from his vision. Brooklyn had a gentle wing around his brother's body, holding him steady. "He's in the Shrieking Shack, Nagini's with him, he's called for Snape. We gotta hurry!" Brook and Hermione nodded, following after Harry. Brooklyn couldn't believe that bastard wasn't even fighting in his own war!

The three of them raced through the battle, shooting spells. Brooklyn thought he could see Goliath and Hudson fighting side by side against some giants. Hudson ducked out of the way when one swung its club and missed. He kicked the giant, making it fall down with a sickening crash then went to help Goliath.

Peeves even helped; dropping various deadly tricks onto the Death Eaters. Sirius played his part as both dog and human; shooting spells at some and then turning into a dog and mauling several Death Eaters, the fight raging on through the night.


Meanwhile, Demona herself was trying to keep a distance between her old mate and the Death Eaters. She spotted Draco, backing away from a Death Eater and pleading with him, it was Yaxley.

"Please! I'm Draco! I'm Draco Malfoy! I'm on your side!"

Demona knew she couldn't let them kill the child, making her roll her eyes. Damn it! I went too soft on him! She cursed herself inwardly, running over, eyes glowing red. Rowel stepped back, a bit terrified, but trying not to show it.

She towered over him. "Get away from the boy!" Demona hissed devilishly, baring her fangs. Rowel got his bravery back.

"You don't give me orders, she-devil!" He bellowed, raising his wand. Demona pushed Draco back as he shouted his spell. She gasped as the spell struck her, sending Demona to the floor and yelling from the torture curse. So this was what it felt like.

Draco was dumbstruck for a bit; this was the second time the gargess had saved him. She was twitching and screaming, Rowel smirking at being able to torture the one Voldemort 'favored'. He already knew he would dispose of her at some point.

Heat flared in Draco's eyes, anger vibrated. He couldn't stand to see this. Maybe she wasn't all that evil like Brooklyn told him. Draco knew he had to test her true side. He drew his mother's wand.


Rowel looked up just in time to see the spell knock him away into a pillar, unconscious. Demona shivered as the curse left her body, sweat falling. Even though she was immortal, the pain still got to her and almost felt like dying.


Macbeth had felt that curse, too, and laid against the wall weakly for a bit after it ended before he heard a child's cries, limping his way toward the sound, gun drawn.


Draco knelt down uncertainly, unsure how to talk to her. Demona growled softly, turning with surprise.

"Idiot child! W- why did you do it? You could've gotten away! And I didn't need help. For he wouldn't have killed me. I am immortal."

Draco trembled but smiled just a little. "C-call us even; you saved me, twice, and now I save you..." Demona huffed, but her eyes then looked gentle.

Maybe this child really isn't too bad...

She staggered slightly, leaning against a wall. "Where are your parents?" Draco flushed, looking away.

"The last time I saw them was mother giving me her wand." He mumbled. Demona frowned.

"This isn't safe here, let's get away from this madness." Draco looked scared.

"B- but what about..." Demona shook her head. Voldemort didn't matter to her right now. She just wanted to get away from Hogwarts and the battlements until somehow a new plan came to get to Brooklyn. There was no way to find him or Potter in this mess.

"Not here, child. Your parents can help us create a new plan to get to our enemies, let us go," Demona said, taking Draco's hand, spotting an opening then running through it, disappearing into the smoke.


Harry, Hermione, and Brooklyn ran through the battle torn Hogwarts, ducking and avoiding Death Eaters at every turn. Brook had to shield his two friends as a killing curse nearly missed them. He flinched when it had barely missed his skin.

They were headed to the Whomping Willow where Voldemort was hiding in the Shrieking Shack. Brooklyn hoped they could find the damned snake and destroy her for good!

While running in the halls he smelt a terrible odor; turning to see Greyback crouching over someone who had fallen. His eyes glowed.

"NO!" He roared, recognizing Lavender. Sure, he didn't fancy her, but he wouldn't let somebody like Greyback kill her.

Brooklyn charged, startling Greyback to look up to see the gargoyle letting loose a feral roar, Hermione and Harry both staring in shock as Brooklyn tackled his enemy. Lavender looked up weakly to see who saved her just once before passing out.

The two rolled over each other; Brooklyn slashed Greyback multiple times in the face, making the deranged werewolf howl in agony.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE, CHILD-EATER!" He screeched, grabbing his throat, then throwing Greyback against the wall, where he lay deathly still.

Brook panted heavily, eyes blazing, before checking on her. She was still alive. But was she a werewolf now? He couldn't tell. Harry took his hand.

"Come on," he said. Brooklyn nodded, sending up red sparks in hoping any of their friends would find Lavender, before they left.

They struggled to find their way out, encountering Hagrid along the way as well as Grawp, who was fighting brutally with another Giant.

The temperature dropped suddenly when reaching the entrance finally. Brooklyn shivered and his eyes rounded as hundreds of Dementors approached, reaching out with their hands. Brooklyn panted shakily, Harry and Hermione shielded next to him as he felt everything around him go silent. His clan could be dying, and it would be all his fault he wasn't there. He would lose his human brother to Voldemort...

"Patronuses, Harry and Brooklyn! Think happy thoughts!" He dimly heard Hermione scream. Patronuses... yeah...

Brooklyn's hand shook terribly when drawing his wand, trying his best, but nothing was coming. He whimpered a little, staggering then falling onto his bottom, a Dementor towering over him, grabbing his throat. Brook almost decided to give in. He could welcome no thoughts, and not have to worry about his clan being dead...

But then out of the corner of his eye a silver hare, fox, and lioness charged at the Dementors. The silver lioness kocked back the dementor that was almost ready to finish him off, and Katie showed next to him with Luna, Seamus.

"Come on, my love. Think of something happy!" Said Katie gently, helping Brooklyn to her feet. Brooklyn felt tired and cold, looking at her.

"Happy?" He murmured. She nodded, giving him a small kiss. "Your clan is still alive, Brooklyn, don't worry."

This sent a rush of warmth through his blood. Smiling, Brooklyn turned, his love for Katie surging in his mind.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He roared with Harry and Hermione. His graceful Phoenix, in memory of Dumbledore's Patronus, soared in the air, letting loose a melodic call causing the Dementors to fall back, scattering into the darkness.

Katie hugged him. "Well done!" He hugged her, too, before he and his friends continued on their way, Katie wishing good luck to them as they raced to the Whomping Willow.

The gang avoided the tree's swiping branches. Hermione was out of breath. "H-how are we going in without Crookshanks?" Harry gasped out. Brooklyn raised his brow.

"Well, I could probably get through those branches. We don't need that cat," he stated, shuddering as he remembered how that pudgy faced animal. Brook turned, taking a breath; as he began to run. He swiftly dodged the attacks, only wincing once or twice when two branches struck his sides. He managed to reach the special knot and pushed it like how Sirius had showed him with a loose branch. The Tree instantly stopped as if paralyzed.

He nodded to them, and the two came over. Brook gulped a bit knowing now that Voldemort was just a minute away from them at the end of this passage. The red gargoyle shook himself. He couldn't be scared right now, a waste of energy.

He winced as they crawled through the tunnel, still a tight fit for him. It took them some time but the trio was able to get through into the shack that creaked and groaned with age. Harry covered them all with the Invisibility cloak and snuck towards where green light glowed from a door. The second could hear voices. It was them: Snape and Voldemort.

Brook held his own breath as he and his friends watched Nagini encircling her master who kept her protected, and Snape standing just inches away from the group.

"You have performed extraordinary magic tonight, My Lord. But, let me find the boy and his gargoyle. I can bring them both to you..."

Brooklyn hissed quietly. No way would he let Snape get his hands on the two of them! His muscles clenched as he saw Voldemort's serpentine face gazing at Snape.

"I did indeed perform such powerful magic. But this wand... resists me, Severus. And why?"

Nagini flickered out her tongue, eyes fixed on Snape who swallowed.

"There is no difference. This feels just like my previous wand..." Voldemort continued.

Brooklyn noticed Harry's eyes rolling to the top of his head. He was seeing into Voldemort's mind now, making the gargoyle shudder. It was still creepy to him.

"The reason why I cannot use it's full power is because, I am not it's true Master. The Elder Wand belongs to the one who killed its last owner."

Snape kept watching the snake, and Brooklyn thought he could see him looking a bit nervous. Voldemort sneered, walking towards him.

"You killed Dumbledore, Severus. And while you live... the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine! You've been a good and faithful servant. But only I can live... forever..."

Harry and Brooklyn looked at one another until Snape spoke. "My Lord—." He was cut off. Voldemort slashed his wand in the air, slicing his chest. It began to bleed. Snape gasped in a choking voice before slumping to the floor. Brook winced, remembering how Bellatrix had used that on him, maybe not as extreme, but it was painful.

"Nagini... Kill!"

Nagini hissed; charging and sinking her teeth into Snape's throat. Brooklyn shook with nerves and fright, watching the monster serpent ripping into the former Potions Master, Snape screaming.

After that Nagini returned to her Master's side, tongue flickering, while Snape lay barely breathing on the floor. Voldemort glowered down at him.

"I regret it..." he said scornfully with no regret, apparating away from the scene with Nagini.

Brooklyn could feel his own talons digging into his palms, making them bleed, shaking in anger that he never knew he had at Voldemort. He saw Harry going out to Snape now that he was gone, and he and Hermione followed him.

Harry knelt down by Snape who's eyes were round, gasping for breath. Brooklyn's throat tightened at seeing the one person he didn't really like, the murderer of Dumbledore, now dying at their feet. Snape reached out with his hand, and Brooklyn could see silver tears coming down his cheeks while Harry tried to stop the bleeding.

"T-take- take- it.... P- please!" He rasped. Then the gargoyle knew; it had to be his memories. Hermione gave Harry a small flask, as Snape's grip on Harry's shirt slackened.

"Look... at... me... b- both of y..." Snape whispered, voice trailing off. Brooklyn understood that this was something for him and Harry alone.

The black eyes suddenly cast onto the Guardian of Hogwarts. Brooklyn stiffened, but a small smile protruded onto Severus Snape's lips.

"Thk... yu..." he rasped softly, eyes drifting shut. Severus Snape died right there in front of them. Brooklyn felt his own tears falling down his cheeks, unaware he actually felt sad. He took Harry's hand in his, the three of them staring down at Snape's body together.

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