Fiendfyre and Destroying the Diadem

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After the shield had been destroyed, Scabior had smirked at Lex and Neville, who both paled knowing they were in trouble. Scabior put a foot over where the shield was. After feeling nothing, his eyes flared, and he roared a battle cry, and the others ran with him.

"Uh, I got a little suggestion... RUN!" Lexington shouted; the two racing across the bridge. Sure, Lex was a gargoyle, but facing against all these foes singlehandedly could prove sudical. The others at the end of the bridge watched with fear, as Neville then used a spell to take out the bridge to stop the Death Eaters. It destroyed it, just as gargoyle and human reached the end.

Lex yelped as he slipped and fell, grabbing onto a beam below. Neville was the closest to the edge, able to pull himself up. But Lexington couldn't reach, and he couldn't glide up either. He gasped shakily, trying to keep a good grip.


"Lexington, look out!"

The olive gargoyle before he saw who it was felt something grab his foot, making him slip. He screeched, digging into the wood with his talons, hearing Scabior laugh.

"If I'm going; I'm going to take a gargoyle with me!" He proclaimed. This was terrifying for Lexington, arms shaking, as he struggled to kick off the heavy human.

"HELP!" He screamed in panic, feeling himself losing his grip. He didn't want to die! Broadway ran over, worry for Lex in his blood ringing, raising his wings and diving down.

Lexington was sweating, his talons hurting from trying to pull up, gravity going against him. He could see Broadway coming, but he was losing his grip fast. At last, his eyes widened as his grip was lost, falling down through the air, too scared to remember gliding.

Broadway glided as fast as he could, reaching out with his hand to grab the small gargoyle. He wouldn't let him die this way!

"BROADWAY!" Sobbed Lex, struggling in the air, having managed to kick Scabior off his foot, seeing the ground coming closer.

"I got ya, hold on!" Broadway encouraged, Lex holding out his hand, their fingers almost touching. Straining, they finally grabbed hands. Lex sighed in nerved relief as Broadway pulled him close, holding Lex in his arms and gliding back up.

The others watched in horror, thinking Lex had died after getting Neville to saftey. Then, a taloned hand grabbed the ledge. It was Broadway! He grunted, pulling up and placing Lexington down gently, whose breathing was eratic in his chest at his near death experience. He hugged his brother tight.

Neville grinned nervously. "That went well..." he said humorously, after things calmed a bit.


The war had now started; Death Eaters, Hogwarts citizens, and gargoyles battled there on the grounds, flashes of light going everywhere and blowing off pieces of the walls of Hogwarts while Brook and Harry continued to the Room of Requirement. They ran into their friends along the way, though Ron and Hermione were still absent.

Brooklyn hugged Lexington. "You okay?" He asked worridley, and his olive brother nodded. Katie gave Brooklyn her own hug. "What about you?" She asked. "We're still trying to find the Diadem. We think we know where it is, but you guys need to keep helping the others. Me and Harry will be okay," he told Katie, who nodded. She wouldn't fail.

After that, they went their separate ways.


The brothers ran down the hall, desperate to get to the Room of Requirement as soon as possible.

"Let's pray this wasn't a waste!" Brooklyn said to Harry who nodded.

There was a sudden bang, and rubble began to fall onto them. Brooklyn did his best to shield Harry from any damage; wincing from some of the splinters hitting his skin, but he knew he can use his pendant and stone sleep to heal it later.

After barely making it through, the two finally found themselves at a familiar blank wall. Harry gazed at it with apprehension, and Brook himself was nervous about facing another Horcrux again, but he knew he had to be brave, for everyone.

"Shall we?" He asked Harry nervously who nodded, and Harry closed his eyes, beginning to think hard about a room where everything is hidden, where Voldemort hid it.

The door revealed itself, and Brooklyn and Harry stepped inside, unaware that Ron and Hermione were following them with the Marauder's Map, as well as three other unwanted guests.

The brothers searched the cluttered area, tossing about bits of junk here and there, Brooklyn even sniffing, but he came to the fact that he didn't know what a Diadem even smelled like.

"C'mon, where the bloody hell are you...?" Brooklyn grumbled to himself, wishing that they found it by now. But then, he noted that Harry was staring at a small old box. He joined him.

The two stared at it. "You think that's it?" He asked Harry nervously. Harry nodded, opening it, finally revealing the silver Diadem with it's sapphires in all it's glory. It was no longer lost.

Brooklyn felt himself staring at the Horcrux, feeling a pull to it after touching one all those years ago, reaching out to take it for himself.

"Brooklyn... come back to me, Brooklyn..." whispered Tom's soft smooth voice in his head. Brooklyn's hand was about to take it, unable to look away. Harry saw this and grabbed his hand, shaking his head.

"No, I'll take it," he said gently to his gargoyle brother who shook slightly, snapping out of his trance, and backing away.

"F- fine by me..." Brook mumbled in a scared voice, staring at his hand, wondering what would've happened if he touched it. He shivered at the idea.

"Well well! What brings you here, Potter and Freak?"

Ugh, just when things couldn't be worse... the red gargoyle thought, rolling his eyes, turning to see the unwanted Trio before him: Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Nothing that concerns you, Ferret." He responded in equal tone, causing Draco's cheeks to turn crimson at that insult.

"Why are you here?" Harry too demanded. Draco then glared more. "You have something of mine. I'd like it back!"

Brooklyn recalled that Harry housed Draco's wand now. "Oh? But what's wrong with your current one? Not working right?"

Draco glanced at the one he held. "It is mother's. It's powerful... but it isn't the same. Get me?"

But then, Brook remembered something else. "But... why didn't you give us away at the Manor?"

"Yeah, you could've given me up to Bellatrix," Harry stated. Draco now looked rather conflicted, hand shaking. Crabbe leaned in.

"Go on. Don't be such a pussy. Kill the Boy Who Lived and his Freak Brother!" Brooklyn blinked a bit, surprised he could speak. Then, a memory came; he still felt sympathy for the kid.

He stepped forward, folding his wings. Draco backed away. "W- what are you doing?" He asked shakily. Crabbe glared at the red devil. Brooklyn gave Draco a sympathetic gaze, eyes now gentle. He had to try.

"I know you believe you're fighting on the right side. But Voldemort and Demona are maniacs. You can't trust them," he started. Draco trembled.

"You can be with better people than them, Draco. Come with us. Me and Harry can help you," Brook pleaded, holding out his hand. Draco lowered his hand more, starting to see the honesty and kindness in the gargoyle now. But Crabbe growled.

"Crucio!" He roared, barely missing the brothers. Brooklyn fell down; just in time to see Ron and Hermione join them.

"Stupefy!" She shouted.

"Avada Kedavra!" Crabbe shouted back, the green light almost taking Hermione's life. Brooklyn was angry at that attempt of murder, but Ron was madder, charging after the trio who ran away.

The brothers proceeded to find the Diadem that had fallen out of its case in the junk. Brooklyn tossed more junk aside, panic at losing the Horcrux flowing, until he finally spotted it; just clinging to a chair. Grunting with effort, the red gargoyle was closest as he managed to grab it.

He winced with pain as soon as his talons grasped the tiara, feeling the Horcrux's power over his head. Shaking, Brooklyn quickly threw the Horcrux to Harry then fell to the floor, wheezing softly. Hermione helped him.

"Still scared and weak against me..." leered Tom. Brook gritted his teeth, shaking his head, Hermione rubbing his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked worridley. Trembling, Brooklyn could feel the dark magic subsiding since he didn't hold it for too long as he nodded. "S- sure... I-I'll live..." he croaked, able to get his strength back. Harry held the Horcrux, worry in his eyes, until screaming could be heard.

"AAAAHHH! CRABBE SET THE WHOLE BLOODY PLACE ON FIRE!" Shrieked Ron, an orange glow following him that took the form of the deadliest fire Brooklyn had ever seen; eating everything in its path. Fiendfyre! He had heard of it, but had yet to see this curse.

He backed away, eyes round in fear as the flames took the shape of a dragon, along with a snake and a tiger, encircling the friends. Brooklyn drew his wand.

"Aguamemti!" He roared, trying to put it out, but it just disintegrated.

"WATER WON'T THE HELL WORK ON THIS!" Ron shrieked. Brook's eyes glowed. "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR TRYING TO GET US OUT ALIVE!" He screeched back, before spotting an opening. "THIS WAY!"

The three including Draco and the other two followed Brooklyn, the flames just missing their skin, doing their best to outrun the flames, but it was too fast approaching.

Harry saw some brooms for him, Ron, and Hermione, since Brook could now be able to fly without wind. He nodded to Brooklyn who took off into the air, panting from the heat of the Fiendfyre, sweat coming down and trying to get out of reach, while his friends were just behind him.

But then he noticed Draco and his friends not able to make it, struggling to climb up the pile of junk to escape the flames. Brooklyn turned around to go get them.

"No! What are you doing?!" Ron roared, but Brooklyn ignored him. Harry then noticed what he was doing.

"We cannot leave them!" Harry shouted to Ron, following Brooklyn in his wake. Ron was dumbstruck.

"He's joking, right?"

Brooklyn saw Crabbe grab a chair, but it was loose, and he fell. Groaning, Brooklyn dove down toward the boy, grabbing him just before he perished.

Crabbe whimpered, holding rather tight onto his neck after Brook put him on his back.

"Ugh, not so tight, will you? And be grateful I can show mercy though you tried killing us!" Hissed Brooklyn angrily, eyes aglow. Crabbe nodded, loosening his hold but still holding on tight while Ron got Goyle and Harry took Draco.

"IF WE DIE FOR THEM, HARRY AND BROOKLYN, I'M GONNA KILL YOU TWO!" Ron screamed above the roar of the Fiendfyre. The gang flew as fast as they could, the roaring of the flames deafening, and they just managed to reach the door, falling to the ground in a heap.

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle ran once getting off their savior's backs, though Crabbe did one last glance of confusion but thankfulness at Brooklyn who inclined his head at him before running off with his friends. Harry laid down the Diadem, then handed Brooklyn the Basilisk fang. Brooklyn wouldn't touch it.

"No, Harry, you saw what that thing did to me earlier!" Brook protested in panic, staring down at the horrid thing. Harry looked at him in desperation and support.

"But this is your chance for revenge on Tom, bro. You just gotta take that chance!" Brooklyn swallowed; taking the fang reluctantly, and hearing the voice in his head as the fire got closer.

"Weak pitiful gargoyle..." his breathing was eratic, hand shaking that was holding the fang.

"Do it!" Harry roared. Shutting his eyes and gritting his teeth, Brooklyn stabbed the fang into the Horcrux.

A huge screeching scream burst from the horcrux; black plumes of dark magic radiating. Brooklyn sweated and quivered, backing away. Harry caught his brother and held him; doing his own best to ignore his own pain. Ron kicked the diadem into the flames, just as the door closed and vanished.

Brooklyn trembled violently from that experience, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, the two brothers hugging one another tight; not wanting to let go of one another.

"Guys, watch out!" Ron shouted, and the brothers narrowly avoided being shot; for the Death Eaters penetrated Hogwarts. Brook turned to see Fred, George, and Percy fighting the three hooded and masked men, eyes wide at the sight of Percy fighting with them.

"P- Percy?" He croaked. Percy turned, smiling at Brooklyn, and looked sorry.

"I'm sorry, guys, I really am! I was such a—!"

"A Prat?" Fred asked, smirking. Percy nodded. "Yeah." Then he spotted Pius, whose hood had fallen down.

"HEY, MINISTER! DID YOU KNOW THAT I'MM RETIRING?!" Percy roared, shooting a spell that knocked back Pius and knocked him unconscious. Fred's mouth was agape.

"You're joking, Perce!" He shouted, staring at his brother in glee. "You're actually joking... I don't think I've heard you joke since...!"

At that moment, the air exploded. Brook screeched in pain as he kept a hold on Harry when flying through the air and hitting the stone ground; hard. His world spun, echoing screams all about him. While he was flying, he thought he saw Ron trying to save Fred.

Brooklyn moaned in agony, struggling to clear his head as the smoke cleared. Harry was lying in a daze.

"You alright?" Brook whimpered from pain, checking his bond brother over. Harry nodded, tears in his eyes. The red gargoyle sighed in relief, until he heard Fred.

"Ron...? NO! RON!"

Brooklyn felt his blood turn to ice, his body shaking, as he spotted Fred sobbing over a body. Ron lay there lifeless, eyes still open; dead, and Hermione wept bitterly over her friend's corpse. Brooklyn felt his own tears, unable to embrace the terrible truth of Ron Weasley's sudden death. The Four had now become Three.

I hope you don't hate me for killing Ron. I had learned from researching that J.K. Rowling did intend to do that in her original script but changed it so she can keep the Trio together until the end.

But I thought it could be an interesting what if scenario and decided to try it out for myself.

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