The Grey Lady

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Harry, Brooklyn, and the others ran with the crowd of students to try and figure out where the next Horcrux was until Ron and Hermione stopped them before going any further.

"What's up?" Brooklyn asked in confusion. They both looked excited. "Hermione and I have been thinking." Ron said.

But Hermione shook her head. "No, it was Ron's idea, completely brilliant," she stated, and Brooklyn thought he could see Ron go red.

"It doesn't matter if we find a Horcrux."

"If only we can destroy it," Hermione finished.

Brook raised his brow. "So... what did you have in mind?"

"Well, Harry destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk Fang, right?" Ron said to him. The red gargoyle just shrugged.

"Didn't really see that, I was unconscious, but I did see Voldemort explode in sparks in my head, so that must've been from it, from what Harry told me," he stated, as Harry nodded.

"Yeah, well, Hermione and I might know where to find one," Ron continued.

Harry nodded again, as he gave them the Marauders Map, then he and Brooklyn proceeded to the Ravenclaw Common room to find out where the Diadem is.

Luna ran after the duo as they raced up the stairs, while McGonagall, Goliath, and the rest of the crew got ready to set up more defenses around the castle, including giant statues that McGonagall brings to life.


"Harry! Brooklyn! Wait!" Luna yelled, still running after the brothers.

"Look, we can talk later, 'kay?" Brook said in a rushed voice, wanting to get there as fast as they could, but Luna kept being persistent that they listened to her; so they stopped in their tracks.

"You remember Cho telling you about Rowena Ravenclaw's lost Diadem? 'There's not a person alive who's seen it?'" Luna questioned. Brooklyn nodded. "Uh, yeah? What did you have in mind?"

Luna smiled knowingly. "It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to somebody who is dead! Like the Grey Lady!"

That's when Brooklyn flushed in embarrassment, recalling that time ago when he accidentally walked through her. Harry noticed.

"I'm sure she probably had forgotten your incident with you by now, Bro," he said, trying to reassure him. He felt himself untensing after that.

"Yeah... yeah... hope you're right. Maybe she did forget. Okay, let's try to find her," he mumbled awkwardly, as the brothers followed Luna who was friends with the Grey Lady.


After a while they located her in an empty corridor while the magical shields were being conjured up. Brook felt nervous, looking around.

"Er, aren't you coming, Luna?" The gargoyle questioned, not wishing for him and Harry to be alone with this female ghost who gets offended easily. Luna shook her head.

"I think it is best for you three to talk alone, she's very shy. Doesn't mind me so much, but hides from other students. She may respect Harry, though."

"Okay... see you later then," Brooklyn said, his nerves rising as he and Harry approached the Grey Lady; she was floating near the balcony edge, face solemn.

Harry approached her while Brooklyn stood back. "Y- you're the Grey Lady? The ghost of Ravenclaw?" He asked. She frowned coolly at Harry. "I do not answer to that name." She said spitefully, floating away. Brooklyn gathered up his courage and spoke.

"No, uh, wait, your real name's Helena, right? Daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw? That's what Luna told us." She spotted him.

"Oh, it's you. The impertinent gargoyle who walked through me," Helena huffed, glaring. Brooklyn eyed Harry, frowning.

"'She wouldn't remember', huh?" He grumbled sourly. Harry shrugged, grinning nervously.

"But I think I can let you off this once, since you're friends with Luna," Helena said, her voice going soft, but still suspicious of the brothers.

"What is it you two desire from me?" Helena asked, floating a few feet away. Brook shifted his feet awkwardly.

"Oh, uh... you ask her!" He said quickly, pushing Harry forward. Harry shook his head at the red gargoyle's awkwardness, facing Helena Ravenclaw.

"D- do you know anything about... well..." Helena raised her brow.

"You seek my mother's Diadem," she finished. The brothers nodded in unison.

"Yeah, Luna says you know where it is," Brooklyn said carefully, not wanting to ruin this moment. But her eyes kept their cold look, backing away from them.

"Luna is kind, unlike so many of the others. But she is wrong. I cannot help you!" She then floated further away from Harry and Brooklyn, who followed her.

"No! Wait! I need to find it! It is urgent that I have to!" Harry called out to her. Helena slowed, turning again in surprise.


Meanwhile, on the hill going down to Hogwarts, Voldemort and Demona stood together, overlooking the castle, with their army of Death Eaters and Dark Creatures behind them.

Demona smirked. This was the moment she had been waiting for: to destroy Brooklyn and Potter for good. Voldemort cackled.

"They never learn!" He sneered. The gargess nodded in agreement. A Death Eater approached. "B- but my Lord, s- shouldn't we wait...?" Demona turned, flashing her red eyes, making him step back.

"You never question his plans..." she snarled in an evil voice, and the human trembled from her threatening tone. Hunger rose in her veins, wishing to find Brooklyn and end him even more than ever before!

Voldemort turned back to the castle. "Begin!" He commanded, the Death Eaters firing spells that hammered relentlessly onto the shield.

Goliath and McGonagall stood side by side, watching with worry and praying the shield would hold for as long as possible.


"And why? You don't wish to wear it? Or you?" She questioned to the both of them. Brooklyn rolled his eyes. No way would anybody catch him wearing a tiara.

"Uh, no. It is something else. If you really do care about the safety of Hogwarts, you must tell us where it is and what you know about it! Please?"

Helena then put on a weird smile. "I stole my mother's Diadem," she revealed. This made Brooklyn dumbstruck. She wasn't serious, right? But her eyes told him no.

She then told them her story, how she stole the Diadem, her mother dying, and even the Bloody Baron having being the one to murder her in the first place. Brooklyn had been feeling a twinge of remorse when Helena revealed the wound on her chest.

"But- what about the Diadem?" Brook asked, trying not to sound so demanding. She gave him a look.

"It remained where I had hidden it when I heard the Baron blundering through the forest toward me. Concealed inside a hollow tree."

"A hollow tree?" repeated Harry. "What tree? Where was this?"

"A forest in Albania. A lonely place I thought was far beyond my mother's reach." Helena responded, sending shock into Brooklyn, realizing that was where Voldemort had been hiding this whole time.

"You already did tell somebody, another student though, did you?" He questioned her. She nodded, but looked rather guilty.

"I- I had no idea... he was very flattering..."

Get in line... he was the same to me! The red gargoyle thought, folding his arms, as memories of that wretched diary penetrated his brain.

"There were times when he could be too charming," Brooklyn had said in a dark voice. Helena gazed at him.

"You've been talked to him like that, too?" She asked, voice still somewhat cold at him for their 'incident'. Brooklyn winced again. He still at times felt guilty but thankfully he had friends like his brother and Hermione to help him cope.

"Uh huh, unfortunately. It was his cursed diary." He revealed in a somewhat despondent voice. Harry took his hand, smiling. He felt a little better after that.

The two brothers then had an epiphany after knowing how Helena had accidentally revealed the Diadem's location; once Voldemort had turned it not a Horcrux, he would've wanted to move it, returned it to it's true home.

In the castle; the Room of Requirement! The boys then grinned, they struck gold!

"I think... we might know where it is! When he asked Dumbledore for a job!"

Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah! He must've hidden the diadem on his way up to, or down from, Dumbledore's office! But it was well worth trying to get the job – then he might've got the chance to nick Gryffindor's sword as well!"

Brooklyn grinned at Helena, who looked absolutely bewildered. "Thanks!" He called after her as they ran on their way, now having a lead on where the next Horcrux is.


Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione were at the Chamber of Secrets, Ron speaking Parseltongue to get inside to destroy the Goblet of Hufflepuff.


Lex, Griff, Brody and Neville were standing on the edge of the bridge, the shield now up, staring as a huge swarm of evil ran down, yelling battle cries. As they got close, the shield disintegrated three Death Eaters.

Griff winced. Brody looked no different.

"That's something you don't see everyday," the merman remarked, while Neville and Lex smirked as the Death Eaters led by Scabior stood back hesitantly.

"YEAH?!" Mocked Neville.

"YOU AND WHAT ARMY?!" Lexington mocked as well.


Once in the Chamber, Ron yanked out a Basilisk fang from the skeleton and gave it to Hermione, who looked scared about doing it. But Ron looked at her encouragingly, and she was able to get enough courage to destroy the cup.


Voldemort felt that, causing him to shout out and stagger; Demona backing up slightly in surprise, but with knowledge that another Horcrux had been destroyed.

Harry since he was connected with Voldemort had staggered to his knees while they were trying to find the Room of Requirement. Brooklyn held him steady while his human brother trembled all over, his own eyes glowing with anger that Harry had to go through all of this.


After a time, Voldemort suddenly roared in utter fury with the pain, shooting a destruction spell from the Elder Wand, destroying the shield. Demona watched, starting to feel her nerves growing somewhat fearful from how powerful the Elder Wand was, and wondered how Dumbledore was able to control such a powerful magic device.


"Hey, you okay?" Brook asked Harry who nodded shakily, standing up with the gargoyle's help.

"Yeah... yeah. Let's get to the Room of Requirement," he mumbled hoarsely and the two brothers proceeded onward, hoping that the Horcrux really was there and that their discovery wouldn't be in vain.

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