Deathday Party And the First Attack

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Halloween came once again, and Brooklyn continued to write to Tom Riddle, enjoying their talks together in between patrols, but he hadn't told Harry about Tom Riddle yet, keeping it to himself.

That afternoon, he met up with Harry who had come back from a Quidditch session covered in mud, and Nearly Headless Nick who was complaining about not joining the Headless Hunt, until Mrs. Norris showed up near their feet, mewing accusingly at Harry's muddy feet. Brooklyn kept it in him not to kick her though it was very tempting, she still wasn't his favorite cat, always watching Brooklyn with those yellow eyes.

Filch burst out of a tapestry, eyes popping and looking pretty sick in the face, having the flu and all.

"Filth! Mess and muck everywhere, I've had it, Potter! Come with me, except you, gargoyle!" He growled at Brooklyn, whose fists were clenched.

Mrs. Norris mewled mockingly at Brooklyn before following her Master, making Brooklyn hate the scrawny feline all the more.

Brooklyn turned to Nick, he didn't want Harry in trouble because of some mud. "You gonna help?" He asked. Nick gave a smile. "I might know someone who can," he said.

It turned out to be Peeves, and the two of them asked the Poltergeist to wreck an old cabinet right above Filch's office, which distracted the caretaker to not give Harry detention. Nick even asked Harry and Brooklyn to his, er, Deathday Party tonight, which sounded rather depressing to Brooklyn. But since Nick did help his brother, he agreed to go. Maybe it could be fun, though he seriously doubted that.

They were all sitting in the common room together as the friends talked about the Deathday Party. Brooklyn never imagined ghosts to really celebrate anything, always seeming to be so glum with the exception of the Fat Friar from Hufflepuff, that is.

He wrote to Tom about what was going down tonight after telling about their encounter with Filch and Mrs. Norris.

I'm going with my brother to if you can believe this, a Deathday party for our House ghost, Nick. It's happening tonight since his Deathday is on Halloween.

Whoa, a Deathday party? I think I'm somewhat familiar with how it is celebrated by Ghosts, but you're pretty lucky to see it for yourself! Perhaps you can tell me about it after the party!

Sure will! See you later, Tom!

He closed his diary and began to head out. For a brief moment, Brooklyn felt a little weird in the head, but chose to ignore it and went on his way with his friends.

They passed the Great Hall, where Brooklyn peeked in at the Halloween feast just in time to see so much great food there, live bats flying around, and even living skeletons that were dancing.

He wanted to join them, but knew that Harry couldn't break his promise to go to Nick's party. And he was interested at how ghosts celebrated, so Brooklyn turned his head away from the welcoming feast and proceeded with the others to the dungeons, where the party was being held.

Brooklyn immediately noticed the temperature drop as he wrapped his wings around his shoulders and spotted the black candles that had a blue flame, and jet black tapers lining the walls.

His ears were also met with a strange noise, like fingernails scraping over a blackboard, and winced.

"That's supposed to be music?" Ron exclaimed, and Brooklyn shrugged in reply as they approached the entrance, where Nick greeted them with a sorrowful look on his face.

"Ah, my friends, welcome, do please come in, such an honor for Harry Potter and Brooklyn to be with me and all my friends!"

Brooklyn smiled, which felt more like a grimace, mostly from the cold and music.

As they entered, their eyes widened. Brooklyn's mouth was open in disbelief and amazement. For there were hundreds of ghosts, some dancing while others stood around talking.

He spotted the jolly Fat Friar who was having a conversation with a knight that had a lance sticking out of its forehead. Feeling his face turning green from that image, Brooklyn moved away, until he yelped out loud after accidentally walking right through a female ghost, who looked quite affronted.

Brooklyn recognized her as the Grey Lady from Ravenclaw, and felt really sheepish about walking through her. Which to him was like stepping through a cold shower.

"Eh, sorry," he apologized, grinning awkwardly, making her turn up her nose at him.

"The very idea, a gargoyle walking right through me!" She huffed, turning her back on Brooklyn who just quickly moved along, blushing furiously, hoping it will never happen again as he joined his friends standing near the food table.

Ron was smirking at him. "So, when's the 'big day'?" He asked teasingly. Brooklyn growled, still feeling hot in the face. He didn't want to talk about it.

Harry simply punched Brooklyn playfully in the arm.

"Let's just forget it. He was only teasing!"

They all then turned to look at the table.

He stared in amazement again at the food, which was all rotten.

Okay, this is something that Broadway would not approve of, Brooklyn mentally noted, looking over at the rotten salmon and putrid haggis.

The center of it all was a stone black cake with gray icing in the shape of a tombstone, which read:

Sir Nicholas De Mimsy Porpington

Died 31st October, 1492

Hmm, interesting. I will have to ask Tom Riddle if he knew Nick at all in his Hogwarts years, Brooklyn thought to himself as he stared at the death date. He wondered what Demona had been doing during that day, too.

A ghost came along and floated right through the stinking salmon with his mouth open.

"Can you almost taste it if you walk through it?" Harry asked. Brooklyn watched as the ghost sighed unhappily. "Almost," he murmured, floating away. The gargoyle almost felt sorry for him.

"They must have let it rot to give it a stronger flavor," Hermione observed, looking down at the putrid Haggis.

Brooklyn's senses started to get overwhelmed by the stink of the food making him feel nauseous.

"Eurgh, can we please move along? I think gonna puke," he mumbled, almost losing his lunch at the sight of moldy cheese that looked like something was moving in there.

"Yes, please!" Ron groaned, looking as sick as he was.

As they just turned around, Brooklyn nearly barfed as a bowl of moldy peanuts were thrusted at them by Peeves, who looked like he didn't have the proper dress code for a Deathday party.

"Nibbles?" He offered sweetly. Brooklyn shook his head at once.

"No thank you," Harry answered. But Peeves had a nasty glint in his eyes.

"Heard you talking about poor Myrtle! Rude you was about poor Myrtle!"

Brooklyn raised his brow. Did I miss something? Who's Myrtle?

Harry leaned in to him. "She haunts the girl's bathrooms, which is why they were out of order," he murmured, repeating what Hermione told him. The gargoyle nodded in understanding.

"OY! MYRTLE!" Screamed Peeves. Hermione looked horrified. "No, Peeves! Please don't! She'll be dreadfully upset—."

Too late as a young ghost girl appeared, and Brooklyn had never seen a girl's face look so glum in his life. And he was somewhat sad too that she had died so young.

Brooklyn tried his best to smile. "Hi," he greeted. "I don't know if you've heard of me—." She interrupted him.

"Yeah, I know what you are. A gargoyle. Saw you in the bathroom last Halloween," she said in a gloomy tone. Brooklyn suddenly realized that he had been watched by a ghost girl while talking to Hermione.

Peeves leaned in near her. "Miss Granger was just talking about you," he whispered slyly. Brooklyn narrowed his eyes. He still had a deep hatred to the poltergeist for pestering him that day.

"Just saying-how nice you look tonight!" Hermione blurted out, also trying to smile. Myrtle's face fell, tears welling up in her see through eyes.

"You're making fun of me!" She moaned. Brooklyn shook his head. "No, she isn't! I-I think you look nice, too!" He could have punched himself.

She narrowed her eyes at Brooklyn. "Don't you start, too! Don't you know what people call me behind my back? Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Miserable moping Moaning Myrtle!"

A barrel of fun, isn't she? Brooklyn thought privately to himself, but he will never say that out loud. Peeves made his move again.

"You've forgotten Pimply!" He hissed, making Brooklyn glare at him again, as Myrtle wailed and fled the dungeon, the poltergeist throwing moldy peanuts after and teasing her.

"Oh dear," Hermione said sadly. Brooklyn simply shook his head. Maybe eventually he can try to talk to Myrtle and find her funny side.

Things got a little rough during the party as a large band of ghost horses suddenly appeared, interrupting Nick's speech. Brooklyn backed up, grimacing at the sight of the headless knight. He didn't think he could take anymore of this.

"Uh, guys, I think I need a break, I'll see you later," he said in a slightly nauseous voice as the headless knight's head sailed over their heads. Harry looked surprised, but he nodded. "Okay, stay safe." Brooklyn gave his brother a grateful hug and he left.

Brooklyn made his way out, sighing in relief as the cold air warmed up.

If that was a Deathday party, then I don't feel like attending another one, that's for sure!

He managed to make his way out into the hallway near the Great Hall when suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, that same weird lightheaded feeling coming back.

Must've been the rotten food making me feel like this still. I'm sure it will stop when I get further away. He decided for himself, picking up the pace.

But it didn't stop, it only got worse. Brooklyn felt it overpowering him, struggling to get himself together, panting, and he sunk to his knees, a hand on his forehead and groaning.

Uhh... my head, what's ha-happening? Brooklyn thought groggily, his surroundings growing dim and spinning nonstop, falling into unconsciousness in just five seconds from there.


Brooklyn was walking along a hallway in a new dream, everything was a misty red and green haze. He felt like a puppet, unable to stop himself moving. The diary strangely enough was clutched in his hands. Had he gone back to the dormitory, picked it up then decided to use his diary someplace else? It was all confusing to him and different from other dreams, feeling like he was in between being awake and asleep.

He entered a room where the only sounds were the trickling of water, and a girl's crying noises.

He approached a sink with a mirror. Gazing at the reflection of himself, Brooklyn's mouth opened, speaking in a voice that didn't sound like his own, ending in a weird hissing pattern.

"I, The Heir of Slytherin has returned. Come forth, mighty creature of the noble House! The time has come to rid the castle of the filth! Go and kill!"

Brooklyn was scared of what he had said, for all of this again was confusing and frightening. He tried snapping himself out of whatever this was, turning and running out of the room, a huge something slithering up from below the sink and following the gargoyle.

Out in the hallway, he spotted a skeletal gray cat that was mewling, fur bristling, and Brooklyn suddenly slipped on wet floor, landing on his stomach, winded. Whatever monster that was following him, was right behind now, rearing up, Brooklyn could see yellow eyes in the water, flinching and bracing himself for the creature to attack...


Brooklyn woke with a start, his head aching and lying down on wet stone floor in a completely different corridor not far from the common room. How did he get here? And how was it midnight already? For the sky outside was quite dark from what he could see.

He was rather shaken from his fainting spell, but physically was okay except rather sore, rubbing his shoulders and arms, hands feeling wet and sticky for some reason.

Brooklyn gazed down at his side and to his surprise, his diary was right there. Huh? My diary? What is it doing here with me? Brooklyn thought to himself in confusion, picking it up. He didn't recall going to the dormitory, for he couldn't recall anything at all!

Standing up as best as he could, Brooklyn made his slow way to the bathroom so he can make sure his other parts of his body weren't damaged before heading back.

Right as he looked into a mirror, his eyes rounded at the sight of glistening bright red partially dried paint all over himself, on his face and hands. "Paint? Where did this come from?" Brooklyn gasped, looking over his paint covered hand, that looked suspiciously and scarily like blood.

Guess I'd better clean myself up, He decided, turning on the sink, scrubbing as hard as he can to wash it off with warm water and soap after putting his diary where it wouldn't get wet, but it wouldn't wash away, the paint still glistened on his face.

His next solution was to try the cleaning spell, that could clean almost anything. It helped him before with the blood and rooster feathers.

"Scourgify," he murmured, pointing the wand at himself, the cleaning spell taking effect until all the strange paint was gone.

Giving a small sigh of relief, Brooklyn walked out, tucking the diary under his arm, hoping to catch up with his brother and friends.

Returning to the common room, he found his brother sitting with Ron and Hermione, all looking worried. What had happened?

Harry suddenly spotted him. "Brooklyn! We tried to find you! Where did you go?" He asked.

"I-I don't really remember. But what happened after the Deathday party?" Brooklyn questioned.

"Well, Filch's cat was petrified, and he blames Harry for it. Oh, and writing appeared on the wall saying The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened, Enemies of the Heir Beware," Ron announced in a bland tone. "So yeah, nothing much you've missed."

Brooklyn's eyes shone white with shock and anger. "What?" He growled. He couldn't believe it. Harry wouldn't attack anyone just like that!

"Don't worry, though. Professor Sprout's mandrakes have healing properties and they will be able to create a draft to revive her," Hermione assured him. He nodded, feeling somewhat relieved that there was an antidote for this.

But still, something nagged in the back of his mind. Could he have something to do with Mrs. Norris's attack? No, there's no way he would hurt anybody out of spite! Unless it is Demona, he thought quietly.

"Just gonna try and get some rest," he muttered. And before Harry could call him back, he ran to the dormitory, his heart racing.

Breathing heavily, he opened up the diary he still carried.

Tom, something happened after the Deathday party. As I was leaving, I suddenly passed out. And when I woke again, Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris was attacked and petrified. Plus strange words appeared on the wall saying that the Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. And they think my brother had something to do with it!

You're saying Filch's cat was attacked? How had Mrs. Norris been petrified? That has to be really dark magic. But maybe with how you described her to me, perhaps she got what she deserved.

Was he serious about that? Yeah, Brooklyn didn't fancy Norris too much, but this felt a little too extreme for the cat.

I really don't think she deserved this fate, Tom. But all of this, my nightmares and this attack, it's all becoming too weird and confusing!

Don't panic, I'm sure the teachers and Dumbledore will work all this out in no time. I don't want you to lose yourself to this stress. Perhaps you had brushed up against a wall with wet paint.

Maybe. But what if whoever this attacker was is still on the loose? I'm supposed to be protecting everybody here! I can't let anybody else get hurt from this!

Everything will turn out fine, Brooklyn, just take it easy for tonight, and you'll feel better in the morning.

A-alright. I'm glad I can talk to you whenever stuff like this happens when I can't say it to my brother, Tom.

Me too, Brooklyn. We will always be friends.

Brooklyn sighed, closing his diary, now realizing how exhausted he was as his eyes drooped, sinking into his cot, falling into a welcoming state of sleep, wishing to forget about tonight.

Harry went upstairs to find Brooklyn, feeling worried about him. Why hadn't he been around when Mrs. Norris was attacked and with him when Filch blamed him for it?

He knocked on the door. "Brooklyn?" He called gently, opening it to find the gargoyle already asleep, he didn't even hear Harry coming in.

Well, at least my brother is asleep. I have to sleep too come to think of it, it's 1:00 am already!

Harry placed a gentle hand on Brooklyn's shoulder. Brooklyn shifted softly in his sleep. "Please rest well, I'll see you tomorrow," Harry whispered, climbing into his bed, watching over Brooklyn a little more before his own eyes closed as well.

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