Finding Clues and a Rogue Bludger

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A new day dawned as Brooklyn woke with a refreshed mind, heck not even thinking about what had happened yesterday.

It started out nice enough, being able to get outside in the pleasant weather for a little walk and enjoy the mid afternoon sun after his patrol, the singing of the birds soothing his thoughts.

Brooklyn ventured back inside to explore some more, until he came down the bathroom corridor, gasping silently as the horrible realities of last night struck his memories hard.

Those terrible words The Chamber of the Secrets Had Been Opened, Enemies of the Heir Beware were still there on the wall, glistening blood red. Brooklyn then eventually also remembered paint on his hands and passing out when leaving the Deathday party.

Could that be my handwriting? The gargoyle thought fearfully, taking a few nervous steps backward, deciding to make his leave, not wishing to see those words anymore. Why would he even write that in the first place? Where would he even find paint to write it, anyway?

Back in the common room, Brooklyn was sitting in one of the red chairs near the fire, looking downward, still thinking about the writing on the wall. Ron noted how weird he was behaving.

"Okay, Brook, you're seriously being so out of it right now, what's going on? You seemed fine this morning, anything you need to tell us?"

Brooklyn couldn't say, as he turned his head away. "Where's Mrs. Norris?" He then asked, remembering not seeing that skinny gray cat recently.

Ron's face looked incredulous. "Really? Don't you remember me telling you she had been bloody petrified?" He said with a raised voice.

Brooklyn shook his head, wondering too why he doesn't remember, while Harry made an attempt to cheer up his gargoyle brother.

"It will be alright, Professor's Sprout's Mandrakes have a special healing property for reviving Petrified victims, and they'll bring Mrs. Norris back," Harry assured. "Plus we got a Quidditch game coming up, you wouldn't want to miss that!"

Brooklyn grinned half heartedly, but his spirits lifted a little at the idea of Quidditch. "Sure, that might be fun," he said.


While Harry and the others were in History of Magic, Brooklyn took this opportunity to ask Tom what he knew about the Chamber of Secrets. What he got was quite an interesting story of the four legendary founders of Hogwarts. And how one of them, Slytherin to be precise, had gone rogue after wishing for the attendants of Hogwarts should only be pureblood, and built a hidden chamber that held a monster that attacked Muggleborn students.

Brooklyn himself was astonished that Slytherin had betrayed his own friends, but to him it reminded Brooklyn of how Demona betrayed them. The next info he had received was that only the Heir of Slytherin could open the Chamber of Secrets and once again set this monster on the prowl.

Brooklyn was close to asking Tom about this monster in the chamber and it's abilities to hurt others when the bell rang. Groaning a little at the interruption, he wrote his goodbye.

Gotta meet up with my friends. But I'll see you later!

Okay, I look forward to it!

Stowing his diary away safely, Brooklyn got up and made his way out to meet them at the girl's bathroom to try and figure things out behind the attack. He hoped that whoever this Heir of Slytherin was, they can stop him for good!

The foursome ventured into the corridor, Brooklyn shivering softly again at the sight of the terrible writing on the wall while his friends went ahead on in.

Come on! It's just a hallway! Suck it up and get in there! His inner thoughts snapped at him, making Brooklyn take a breath and step forward with Harry.

They investigated the corridor, finding scorch marks on the floor. Brooklyn spotted something else that was weird. Spiders that were scuttling in a straight line to the nearest window.

He nudged Harry in the arm. "Look," he pointed. Ron and Hermione noticed, as well. Ron then looked quite pale.

"Have you ever seen spiders act that way?" Harry asked. Hermione and Brooklyn shook their heads, but Ron just stood there.

"Ron?" Brooklyn asked, waving his hand across his face. He responded in a quiet voice:

"I... don't... like spiders," he mumbled, face looking rigid like he wanted to run.

Brooklyn was surprised. This was something he never knew about Ron. "Whoa, really?" He asked.

"Why? You used dead spiders many times in potions," Hermione put in, her brow raised.

"I don't mind them dead, I just don't like the way they move..."

"You faced living chess pieces, a Devil's Snare, and a three headed dog, Ron. How are you still afraid of spiders?" Brooklyn pointed out in confusion. Ron just glared.

"It's nothing like all that! If you must know, Fred turned my favorite teddy bear into a great filthy spider because I broke his toy broomstick. You wouldn't like it either if you were holding your bear and it suddenly had too many legs and..."

He broke off, shuddering. Brooklyn, while he would have laughed, could understand where it was coming from. And he just couldn't tease Ron about it.

Harry quickly changed the subject as their investigations led them into the girl's bathroom, still looking as bad as Brooklyn had seen it last time, water flooding the floor, and some of the stalls broken from the Troll last year.

Moaning Myrtle had spotted them and they asked her questions, resulting into her wailing and diving headfirst into the toilet when things got awkward.

Percy eventually caught them and shooed them out, even taking points away. Brooklyn had never felt more angry at one person before, they were just looking around, nothing serious about that! And wasn't it his job to be keeping his eyes out for anybody suspicious?

You haven't really been doing much of that, with your obsession with that diary.

Stop it! I'm not obsessed! Brooklyn argued with himself, clenching his hands tightly. But then, even he had to acknowledge it. He had been writing to Tom a lot more than he needed to, and these nightmares still haven't quit bothering him.

Brooklyn hated that he was unable to tell anybody about them, leaving the young gargoyle frustrated much too often. Sometimes he was out by the Black Lake for fresh air, skipping stones, and trying to get calm time for himself during Harry's classes after he writes to Tom.

Later that day, Brooklyn had facepalmed himself in the forehead as his friends came to the conclusion that it was possible that Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin. How could he be? It was crazy! Brooklyn didn't like the brat, but he couldn't see someone like Malfoy pulling this off! And to make it even crazier, Hermione of all people, suggested breaking into the Slytherin common room to interrogate Malfoy by using a crazy transformation potion called Polyjuice Potion.

Brooklyn had held up his hands again, he had never been a fan of drinking potions, unless it healed you, that is.

"There's no way in heaven or earth I'm gonna turn into a Slytherin! This has gone out of control! What if it doesn't work on gargoyles, anyway?" He had protested. But Hermione looked at him pleadingly, making him groan. Must he always fall for Bambi eyes? It happened to him three times already!

"Please, Brooklyn! Don't you want to know who the Heir of Slytherin is? You'd be doing your part as the Guardian of Hogwarts by doing this important task!"

Brooklyn gritted his teeth in aggravation before giving in. Guess she does have a point.

"Fine, I'll do it if it helps us get answers, but you'd better not see me drinking this strange stuff again for a long time!" He grumbled, folding his arms. Hermione gave him an assuring smile.

"It will be okay. We'll make sure to get the right ingredients, and I'll research if gargoyles can take Polyjuice potion."

Well, at least she will make sure that I won't get hurt or sick from this insane plan! He thought, feeling somewhat reassured now.

Eventually Brooklyn later on told Tom Riddle of their plans to use Polyjuice Potion.

Let's be sure that you don't get caught making it. It's supposed to be the riskiest of potions.

But can gargoyles take that stuff? I just don't want to risk having anything going wrong because of it!

I'm sure it's possible. You are as intelligent as humans, nearly having the same organs as humans, too. This could be a good experiment! Let's pray it all turns out well!

Brooklyn nodded as he closed his diary, covering his eyes with his hands. You and me both, pal. But deep down, he wondered why Tom had encouraged their reckless action instead of telling them it wasn't a good idea. He shrugged it off for now. Tom was a friend, encouraging and nice to chat with. and that was what mattered more.

They eventually got their hands on the book, Most Potente Potions from the Restricted Section, and Hermione ruffled through the pages, commenting on the effects. Brooklyn was still nervous about how the potion's effect would have on him, but he was willing to do anything with his friends to stop this threat.

Quidditch day came: Gryffindor Vs Slytherin again. Brooklyn sat in between Ron and Hermione, watching the Slytherin Team appear on their Nimbus 2001s as green blurs. Malfoy was the worst, mocking Harry instead of looking for the Snitch which made Brooklyn want to knock the little devil off his broom even more.

Harry got into a rough spot with a Bludger that wouldn't leave him alone. Brooklyn wanted to pull him out, but Harry insisted that he'd deal with it on his own.

He sighed in relief when Harry spotted the Snitch, and prayed this rogue Bludger wouldn't ruin the game for them. The gargoyle smirked as he witnessed Malfoy falling off his broom and landing in a painful split. His father had been watching in the stands.

Anxiety grew as Brooklyn saw the Rogue Bludger finally hit it's mark by breaking Harry's arm. But he caught the Snitch in the end, Gryffindor winning.

Wasting no time, Brooklyn drew his wand as he ran down to his brother, the Bludger still trying to kill him.

"Finite Incantatem!" Brooklyn bellowed, pointing his wand at the Bludger which exploded.

Harry looked up at him gratefully, wincing in pain from his broken arm. But when Brooklyn tried to help, a particular brainless Professor cut in.

"Don't you dare try anything!" Brooklyn hissed, eyes glowing. Lockhart stepped back, but grinned again.

"Not to worry, my friend! I've used this spell to fix many a broken arm! Trust me!"

Brooklyn reluctantly stood back, but not too far back as the Professor pulled out his wand, pointing it at Harry's arm. There was a blue light that covered it, then faded away.

It was the opposite of healing far as Brooklyn was concerned, because the doofus hadn't healed Harry's bones, but removed them instead! And he was beyond furious.

Standing in front of him in between his brother, Brooklyn growled dangerously. "You'd better scram before I remove your bones!" Getting the message, Lockhart scuttled far away from him.

Brooklyn, Ron, and Hermione helped Harry to the hospital wing, trying not to move his hurt arm so much.

Madam Pomfrey was as furious as Brooklyn was.

"Should've gone straight to me! I can mend bones in a heartbeat, but growing them back—."

Hermione interrupted. "You will be able to mend it, won't you?"

"Of course I'll be able to, but it will be painful," Pomfrey huffed, handing Harry a glass of liquid called Skelegrow. When Harry drank it, he spat it out immediately, making the group all jump back.

Brooklyn gave Harry a glass of water to wash it down.

"Sorry you have to stay here overnight," he winced. Harry shrugged as best he can. "It'll be okay. I only have 30 bones to regrow."

Chuckling, Brooklyn squeezed Harry's good hand as he left with the others.

Brooklyn wrote to Tom later that evening after dinner about the Rogue Bludger and Lockhart deboning Harry incident.

Whoa, 30 bones to regrow doesn't sound fun at all. My best wishes go out for your brother to recover so you can do your Polyjuice potion mission!

Brooklyn smiled, glad that Tom seemed to care for his little brother's health.

Thank you, Tom. It's great to talk to you. But now I feel kinda tired, today was pretty hectic. he wrote, feeling himself growing sleepy.

That means a lot coming from someone like you, Brook! Sleep well okay?

With that, Brooklyn put down the quill he used, stowing away the diary, and pulled the blankets over his tired body, eyes instantly shutting, the comfortable warmth of sleep enveloping him.


Brooklyn gasped a little when he was suddenly in a new dream, seeing a destroyed Castle Wyvern before him. He ran inside the gateways.

"Goliath? Anybody?" He called out timidly, carefully looking around, his stomach feeling sick seeing the destroyed gargoyle statues in the courtyard. His heart thumped as that terrible voice rang in his ears again.

Must kill this time! Let me rip...tear!

Brooklyn felt a fresh cold wave of fear striking him, looking about for the voice that haunted him.

That's when he spotted in the middle of the courtyard was a huge poisonous green serpent, encircling some destroyed gargoyle pieces, eyes shimmering menacingly. Brooklyn felt his blood boil as the serpent eyed a small child with evil hunger. Brooklyn recognized the child because of his camera, Colin Creevey. He was looking terrified. His hands clenched tightly. Nobody harmed hatchlings under his watch!

"Stop! You won't kill anybody! I won't let you!" Brooklyn roared, his voice ending in that strange hissing pattern not like his own.

The serpent turned its head sharply, its deadly yellow eyes staring at him. Brooklyn stood his ground, ready to fight.

Master... let me have blood... must have blood... the serpent hissed. Brooklyn growled intensely, hands clenched. He would stop this thing before it feasted on the child's blood!

"Enough! Go back to the hole from where you came, monster!" He bellowed again, his wings out to their full length, stomping his foot onto the ground.

The serpent lowered its head, almost as though it were going to listen to Brooklyn, but that wasn't the case as it quickly turned, and attacked the boy, killing him instantly.

Brooklyn gave a strangled cry of grief and rage, seeing Colin's body lying there, the serpent hissing triumphantly, hot guilt making everything spin around, sinking to his knees, feeling like he failed his new family. Demona's cruel chuckle sounded, as she mocked his misery.

"Oh, Brooklyn, your just so weak. It is a vain quest to protect the humans, just let them all perish...they deserve it..."

I'm not weak, and I don't want to let them die! Brooklyn thought in denial, growling as he tried to block her out of his mind, holding his head tightly.

"If you hadn't picked up that wretched diary, you needn't have to worry about all this..." Demona's harsh voice said.

Brooklyn froze, shock pulsing though him. What did she mean?

But then the ground cracked, Brooklyn stumbled, falling down a slimy endless tunnel, falling and falling...


Brooklyn woke near the hospital wing in the darkness of midnight, the diary lying open beside him. The terrifying image of the serpent somewhat vague in his memory, though Brooklyn still couldn't recall exactly how his dream went, always forgetting about it the moment his eyes open, growling silently at his sleepwalking again. Then he heard voices coming from the hospital wing entrance.

He stood, trembling, slowly moving towards the door entrance, peeking inside.

He could see Dumbledore and McGonagall there with Pomfrey, looking over another frozen body. Brooklyn felt ice and bile forming in his stomach, recognizing the petrification of another attack.

"Do you think he managed to take a picture of his attacker?" McGonagall suddenly asked. Brooklyn froze, his eyes widening in horror, for the new victim turned out to be that excitable first year, Colin Creevey.

Brooklyn pulled himself away from the door, cold sweat coming down, the ice inside him beginning to build, his stomach clenched up tightly as he turned to run away back to the safety of the dormitory.

I'm supposed to be the Guardian of Hogwarts for gods sake! How can I protect everyone if I keep sleep-wandering like a stupid idiot all the time?! Brooklyn thought in pain, shutting his eyes and trying to block out the image of Colin as frozen as a statue, not able to enjoy a good first year at this magic school.

Brooklyn continued to run until he finally reached the Gryffindor Common Room. The Fat Lady spotted him.

"Oh my stars!" She gasped, seeing him looking quite pale and stressed. "Are you okay, dear?"

Brooklyn didn't look at her as he said the password, and she let him in. He slowly made his way to his bed and sat there for a while after throwing the diary into his bag, his stomach still feeling nauseous and cold, hugging it tightly, hoping to warm it up and not barf.

The gargoyle didn't feel like writing to Tom this time, new nagging feelings of doubt starting to creep up on him. Is Tom really my friend? He hadn't helped much in figuring out how to stop the attacker. Was all of that concern for my little brother false? He wondered, eyes drifting over to the peacefully sleeping students, despite Harry's bed looking empty, because he was still in the hospital wing. At least these students didn't have to worry about this kind of stuff like him.

He collapsed onto his cot in exhaustion, but staying awake in case he wandered/sleepwalked again, deciding now that whenever Brooklyn got the chance, he was gonna demand some explanation from Tom about who the Heir of Slytherin really was if Malfoy wasn't the one.

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